Dedicated to the master wordsmith and often overlooked creator of many a fine punk moment. The following links are the lyrical content of some very fine tunes that deserve more appreciation and acknowledgement.
Bullet Kings - Drunken Lullaby
Bullet Kings - Riot
Bullet Kings - Skrew The World
Bullet Kings - Terror Holiday
Citizen Keyne - Punk Not Fashion
Flat Back Four - Psalm 23
Most Likely To Fail - Innocent Eyes
Most Likely To Fail - Weekend Rebel
One Man Stand - Break Down
Phil Aychio - Northumberland Blues
Phil Aychio - Adult Swim
Scabs, The - Bully Boys
Scabs, The - This Is England
Suicide By Cop - Deadlines
Suicide By Cop - Too Many Chiefs
Wild Trash - Cellophane
Wild Trash - This Town