OUTLAW - GET IN THE VAN Young punky dudes Outlaw have worked their asses off so far and despite the 'Awwww ain't it cute' factor are worthy of a place on most punk gigs. Talented and well rehearsed this lot have produced a CD here that belies their youthful years. A lot of covers and some original stuff this is a good debut album and kicks off with the catchy 'Get In The Van'. quickly followed by 'Be Yourself' and the excellent 999 cover 'Black Flowers'. 'Strych9' and 'I don't Want To Grow Up' are the pick for me with 'If The Kids Are United' being the token shit song. In all honesty this is a good CD and I'm sure kick starts a long lasting career in the world of punk. As the lads grow it seems obvious that so will their music and provided they don't run out of gas these could be tomorrows forerunners. |
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DYING FOR TOTO - NEXT VICTIM A mish mash CD here from a band who are still in their embryonic stage and are still trying to find their feet. The seven tracks are too busy, lack direction and fail to make any individual mark. There are some great moments here and some catchy little riffs but too much tweaking and twanging ruins the flow and breaks up an already too fussy sound. This is a Punk/Metal cross-over which always sounds dubious and DFT need to decide which way they are destined before disappointing too many people with a waste of talent. Overall not as bad as it sounds and I'm sure this lot can come up trumps and produced better stuff. |
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MOST LIKELY TO FAIL - DEMO A very clever CD this with obvious patience and thought gone into the overall mix. The 1st track sets the flavour for a good blend of moderate paced melodies that place emphasis on rhythm rather than riot. Far from hardcore this demo still packs an adequate punch and the catchy guitar riffs are subtle and effective. Track 2 'Innocent Eyes' has a ska/reggae touch but still remains punk and to me is the pick of a solid octet of sounds. The lyrics are sharp and streetwise and back up an overall well thought out package. The CD is good and only lacks a final humph to give it that much sought after finishing touch. 'Faith Before Reason' and 'Most Likely To Fail' are other noteworthy highs. With various musical angles incorporated into this steady mix this seems to be a product of a band that has planned. A great demo and worthy of a listen from anyone. |
THE GUILTY PLEASURES - THINK OF ENGLAND A very raw recording indeed but promises much in the way of a punky future. The guitar riffs and main rhythm are there and with more focus and attention to detail with production these lot should progress into a very good band who may carry the hopes of punks future on their youthful shoulders. There isn't a bad track here and the 2 that stick out as immediately catchy and reflect the Guilty Pleasures talent are 'Think of England' and 'Riot in Hell'. For the lowly price of 3 nuggets this is a must and here we have a band that needs careful attention in future. Ones to watch for sure. |
THE GUILTY PLEASURES - FREEDOM OF FREE SPEECH The second installment from the Guilty Pleasures and oh what great strides this lot have made in such a short time. Live they are improving all the time as a recent viewing and the tracks here prove. On CD the same advancement is being made with an excellent offering here. 'Ghosts', 'Braindead Politician' and 'Freedom of Free Speech' reflect a maturing of the band as well as a knowledge of punk rock in all its forms. Better recorded and more deliberate in its approach than the GP's previous CD this quality offering will go some way to establishing these young upstarts as leaders of the next generation of 'erbert. An album now seems forthcoming and on this evidence should be a much awaited classic. |
TV SMITH AND PUNK LUREX OK - THE FUTURE USED TO BE BETTER A five track gem here from the accoustic master but this time with backing band Punk Lurex OK. From start to finish this has a vitality and optimism that contrasts with the sobering lyrical content. For old school die-hards the re-vamped 'Gary Gilmore's Eyes' is vital ear candy. 'The Future Used To Be Better' & 'The World Just Got Smaller Again' are the pick for me with TV's song writing skills on blatant show. Catchy and sharp they are the outpourings of a thoughtful mind and talented musician and start and finish an excellent CD. The punk poem in the middle is a piece of nostalgia we can all really relate to and breaks up the EP perfectly. A minor classic. |
TV SMITH - GENERATION Y For me TV Smith's finest CD to date and one which just so happens to have his best ever song. Well thats my opinion anyway! The opening 'Expensive Being Poor' sets a very high standard to a classic CD that does indeed 'Roll Like A River' (track 4). Its a lazy and yet incisive album that has many facets and simplistic touches that are easily overlooked on a first hearing. A whole array of oppositions lie here being laid back but angry, pessimistic and optimistic as well as questioning and answering. 'Strong Horse', 'This Year, Next Year' and 'Last True Thing' are equalled highs but for me 'Generation Y' is simply fuckin' superb. Its just a damn good tune that is perfect in every way. It gives a good feeling when I hear it and makes me appreciate things in a brighter way. A bit vague really but its like that when something is just so good you can't nail the thing that makes it so. Anyway yet another great production from Mr Smith and one to savour. |
TV SMITH - IMMORTAL RICH The opening track namely 'Immortal Rich' is a classic song and sets such a massively high standard here that basically the CD could go severly wrong and you can't help wondering that this is a minor faux pas in the albums arrangement. For TV fans like myself this is overlooked as we deliberate over the forthcoming gems in another jewellery box of precious offerings. True I feel the ensuing tracks don't reach the openers high but thats a personal thing and should be taken with a pinch of salt. This again is class and strengthens the TV Smith collection no end. 'Living World, Walk The Plank' and 'We Want The Road' are the pick of an imbalanced CD for me because all my faves are at the front. Even so you'd be hard pushed to find a bad un' and thats good enough for me. |
TV SMITH - MARCH OF THE GIANTS It gets to a stage when dealing with CD's from a perfomer who constantly hits classic highs that you judge things too harshly. Here we have a point in case where we have a good solid album that leaves you expecting and wanting more. If this was the first TV Smith album you bought then you'd be fuckin' screaming 'what a classic' but for me it wasn't and after listening to several others first it isn't my pick of the bunch. Bugger ain't it? Struggling to stay objective I still feel this is a beauty with 'Lion And The Lamb' being the main winner. Personally I would give this 8 out of 10 but I still can't escape the feeling it deserves more but when the yardstick has been moved so high it is always going to be underrated. Basically buy the bloody thing, listen, appreciate and enjoy because its great - there said it! |
TV SMITH - NOT A BAD DAY Always enthusiastic for new stuff by the artiste in question I bought this after watching TV headline at The Star and Garter in Manchester. Hey - and what a show it was. On the first 2 hearings I was a little disappointed as nothing really grabbed me but how many CD's does that happen with. Several more listenings and the true talent and musicianship won me over and I was the owner of yet another top notch TV Smith CD. I needn't mention lyrics here (oops) as it goes without saying that this chap never fails to deliver the goods. Every track is an enjoyable melodic rant in its own way except for the last one which is in all honesty 'bilge'. Sorry Tim - got to be honest. The pick of a ripened crop are 'Soon As I Found It I Lost It', 'For Every Hit Theres A Miss' and 'Sugar Crash'. The re-working of 'The Future Used To Be Better' is a must for all TV afficionados and is maybe not as upbeat as previous recordings but is still a winner. Not a bad CD. |