Fig 1

DESCRIPTION: Body length 3.5 to 6mm. A black bee with the males having a mainly pale yellow face covered in sparse hairs and females having two small easily noted patches instead. There are also pale yellow rings on the legs. Females also have bands of silvery hairs on the abdomen.  BEHAVIOUR: Feeds on a variety of flowers included Silverweed, Wild Parsnip, Autumn Squill, Creeping Thistle, Greater Knapweed, Hogweed and Goldenrod amongst others. The bees will nest in any suitable areas such as plant stems, masonry or damaged rocks. The female lays a single egg per cell and the larva eats the stored food before pupating within the cell.  DISTRIBUTION: The species is found throughout much of England and Wales, though scarce in northern England and south-west Scotland. HABITAT: A quite ubiquitous bee found in various places including gardens, cliffs, parks, shores, quarries, hedgerows and meadows. PERIOD: On the wing from May right through to September.

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