Marshside RSPB Reserve, Beechwood, Cat Tail Lane, Scarisbrick, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 5LW
Tel No: 01704 536378
2 comfortable bird hides and a chemical toilet.
Opening and Closing Times:
The car park is open at all times. The hides are open every day 8.30am until The entrance charge is Free, but donations to help the great work done there are welcome.
Area Description:
A mixture of saltmarsh, estuary, swamp and lagoons this reserve has an abundance of species that will please the beginner and expert alike.
Open areas of water and saltmarsh provide excellent birding opportunities. |
Best times to visit:
Each season has its own charm with the changeover of birds being delightful to see. Early mornings in winter, spring and summer can be very rewarding with loads of bird activity. Key Flora:The wildflowers at Marshside can be interesting with white dead nettle, green alkanet and ribwort plantain providing early interest. Marsh orchids and yellow rattle are summer favourites with white clover and red bartsia adding to the interest.
Key Fauna:
Butterflies such as brimstone, red admiral, small totoiseshell and painted lady are always possible with various day flying moths on the wing.Various coastal insects can be found with short winged conehead a possibilty. Brown Hares can be seen all year round.