2nd March 2025 -  Reddish Vale, Stockport, G. Manchester - A week to the day after the hernia op, they did the open and cut method rather than the simple option, I am struggling. A few hundred steps were carried out at a minimal pace, a few slugs even overtook us as we pottered along with a coffee in hand. We lasted 30 mins, we only saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker; a couple of Blackbirds, a brace of Goldfinches, a Magpie, a Robin and a pair of Long Tailed Tits building their nest. I was glad to get home and rest.
22nd February 2025 -  Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The second moth of the year was seen, a Dotted Border - it was a nice little thing for sure.

21st February 2025 -  River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A day off work, kitchen tidied, some decorating done and then out to do some local seed-bombing. I found a mass of Wild Garlic and relocated a few bulbs to a new area, I hope they take as the area chosen was a veritable dead zone. 3 * Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina) and 4 * Hawthorn Shieldbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale) were the only insects seen on a dull and windy day. Under few stones I noted a few Shiny Woodlouse (Oniscus asellus) and Rough Woodlouse (Porcellio scaber) as well as 1 * Variegated Centipede (Lithobius variegatus); 5 * Flatworm (Kontikia ventrolineata); 1 * White Legged Snake Millipede (Tachypodoiulus niger); 3 * Budapest Slug (Tandonia budapestensis); 1 * Tramp Slug (Deroceras invadens) and 1 * Netted Slug (Deroceras reticulatum).

Sweet Violet was now in flower and I did see a lovely pair of Goosander.

19th February 2025 -  River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Cycling home and it was going dark, I did manage to spy a few birds to keep my mind distracted:- Blue Tit (*3); Great Tit (*1); Great Spotted Woodpecker (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*4); Wood Pigeon (*1); Robin (*2); Little Grebe (*1); Blackbird (*1) and Goldcrest (*1).
18th February 2025 -  Heaton Mersey Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - Cycling home and a look beneath an Ash Tree. A Blackbird; 2 Blue Tits; a Robin and 2 Goldfinches were noted whilst I looked under some twigs and stones were I saw:- 1 * Australian Flatworms (Australoplana sanguinea); 53 * Flatworm (Kontikia ventrolineata); 7 * Budapest Slug (Tandonia budapestensis); 1 * Tramp Slug (Deroceras invadens); 3 * Girdled Snail (Hygromia cinctella) and 4 * Netted Slug (Deroceras reticulatum).
17th February 2025 - Fletcher Moss, Didsbury, G. Manchester - A coffee, a walk and a cut through this frequently visited area. A couple of Goldfinch chased a Sparrowhawk and a Little Egret was in the trees near a newly dug pond.
17th February 2025 - Longford Park, Stretford, G. Manchester - A bike ride with somewhat stiff legs. The walk today was short, too much disturbance as it was half-term. I did see Treecreeper; Nuthatch; Mistle Thrush; Goldfinch; Carrion Crow; Wood Pigeon; Blue Tit; Ring Necked Parakeet; Magpie and Redwing before scarpering for a coffee.

16th Februray 2025 - Denzell Gardens and The Devisdale, Altrincham, Cheshire - A short walk before heading home to catch up with chores. We had been busy of late and the weather was still lacking any positivity. The few bird species recorded were:- Carrion Crow; Jay; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Blue Tit; Greenfinch; Magpie; Blackbird; Song Thrush and 20 Redwing.

2 * Leopard Slug (Limax maximus); 3 Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus); 35 * Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum); 2 * White Legged Snake Millipede (Tachypodoiulus niger) and a Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) were the only other species added as well as the Galls:- Andricus kollari and Andricus lignicola and the Liverwort (Lunularia cruciata).

I also found the first Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) of the year.


15th Februray 2025 - Ball Grove CP, Colne, Lancashire - Today we were visiting our 150th football ground, that was a target set and now achieved. Prior to the game we did some shopping, had a good breakfaast and a walk at an area we have visited a couple of times before. Birds were represented by:- Mallard (*43); Black Headed Gull (*27); Magpie (*1); Blackbird (*2); Moorhen (*4); Coot (*1): Dipper (*2); Blue Tit (*1); Goldcrest (*1); Great Tit (*6); Dunnock (*1); Carrion Crow (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*6); Pheasant (*2); Robin (*2); Redwing (*20); Goldfinch (*1); Nuthatch (*1); Starling (*1); Jackdaw (*2) and Great Spotted Woodpecker (*1).

Also added to the small list were:- Wall Rue; the Mosses:- Bryum capillare; Grimmia pulvinata and Orthotrichum pulchellum plus the Lichens:- Ramalina fastigata; Cladonia pyxidata; and Ramalina farinacea.


14th February 2025 - Fog Lane Park, Benchill, G. Manchester - A day off work, after a chat with the doctor I decided I am back on the head pills and am going for counselling. The recent chest x-ray was clear which is good news and I need to get the noggin sorted. A cycle in the sun was perishing, I enjoyed a coffee and ham and cheese butty and counted the following birds:- Starling (*1); Black Headed Gull (*18); Common Gull (*8); Greenfinch (*1); Siskin (*1); Goldfinch (*4); Coal Tit (*1); Great Tit (*3); Jay (*1); Robin (*4); Carrion Crow (*3); Blue Tit (*1); Mistle Thrush (*1); Blackbird (*1); Jackdaw (*14); Redwing (*20) plus fair numbers of Magpie; Feral Pigeon; Mallard and Ring Necked Parakeet as well as a few Mandarin Duck; Moorhen; Coot and Canada Goose as well as a drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker

I spied 1 * Orange Ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata) and life under a few logs included 8 * Netted Slug (Deroceras reticulatum); 5 * Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus); 3 * Budapest Slug (Tandonia budapestensis); 2 * Tramp Slug (Deroceras invadens); 1 * Garlic Snail (Oxychilus alliarius); 2 * Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum); 2 * Ground Beetle (Pterostichus madidus); 1 * Ground Beetle (Anchomenus dorsalis); 1 * Rove Beetle (Othius punctulatus); 1 * Rove Beetle (Quedius fuliginosus) and 1 * Great Blackclock Beetle (Pterostichus niger).

Hazel was in flower and there were plenty of Snowdrops and Crocus waiting to tempt many flies on a warmer day.

13th February 2025 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - ICatching up on household chores, I fed the birds and saw a Grey Heron fly over and the following feeding flutterers:- Blue Tit (*2); House Sparrow (*5); Robin (*1); Wood Pigeon (*1); Blackbird (*1); Starling (*1) and Collared Dove (*1).

10th February 2025 - Stretford Marina, Stretford, G. Manchester - A final stop before the cycle home. At this small area I recorded:- Canada Goose (*10); Mallard (*9); Magpie (*6); Wood Pigeon (*4); Blue Tit (*1); House Sparrow (*5); Wren (*1); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*1); Starling (*2); Jackdaw (*1) and Black Headed Gull (*3).

Shepherd's Purse was in flower.

10th February 2025 - Bridgewater Canal, Stretford, G. Manchester - A stop near a tip and the canal towpath, the birds lurking about were:- Goldfinch (*1); Mallard (*5); Carrion Crow (*40); Canada Goose (*2); Black Headed Gull (*1); Wood Pigeon (*1); Magpie (*1) and Lesser Black Backed Gull (*1).

10th February 2025 - Salford Quays, G. Manchester - A 22 mile round trip, the halfway point was at Pret-a-Manger where I had a coffee and a ham and cheese butty. The bird species on the quays were:- Mute Swan; Pied Wagtail; Cprmorant; Coot; Mallard; Canada Goose; Goosander; Moorhen; Wood Pigeon; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Black Headed Gull; Magpie; Feral Pigeon and Jackdaw.

Groundsel; Red Dead Nettle; Gorse and Common Field Speedwell were in flower.


8th February 2025 - Skippool Creek, Thornton Cleveleys, Lancashire - A nice pootle around an indoor market, a cafe visit and a walk before football. The bird species seen were:- Blackbird; Goldfinch; Curlew; Redshank; Carrion Crow; Herring Gull; Mallard; Teal; Great Black Backed Gull; Black Headed Gull; Lapwing; Wood Pigeon; Shelduck; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Magpie; Robin; Wren; Cormorant; Great Tit; Oystercatcher; Starling; Meadow Pipit; Black Tailed Godwit; Dunlin; Jackdaw; Feral Pigeon and Canada Goose.

Gorse was in flower and the regaular wall mosses added were:- Grimmia pulvinata; Tortula muralis and Bryum capillare.


6th February 2025 - Bramhall Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk with my mate Ant, we were too eager it seems, the buglife was almost absent due to a frost. We did see:- 1 * 10 Spot Ladybird (Adalia decempunctata); 9 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera); 7 * Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) and 1 * Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax). 1 * Walnut Orb Weaver Spider (Nuctenea umbratica) and the Galls (Andricus kollari) and (Andricus lignicola) and that was it.

Birds recorded were:- Goldcrest (*4); Treecreeper (*2); Mute Swan (*1); Stock Dove (*1); Robin (*3); Great Tit (*2); Blackbird (*1); Buzzard (*1); Carrion Crow (*1); Grey Wagtail (*1) plus plenty of Mallard; Moorhen and Magpie and a few Canada Goose; Coot; Wood Pigeon and Mandarin Duck. Also heard were 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers hammering away and Wren; Ring Necked Parakeet; Raven and Nuthatch on call.

3rd February 2025 - Fletcher Moss, Didsbury, G. Manchester - A coffee grabbed, a chat with a nice lady I know, and then I finished my brew at the bird feeders. I decided to count the birds I saw just here and along a short path, the list was:- Dunnock (*1); Stock Dove (*4); Ring Necked Parakeet (*2); Great Spotted Woodpecker (*1); Robin (*2); Great Tit (*2); Feral Pigeon (*2); Blue Tit (*2); Blackbird (*1); Treecreeper (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*1); Magpie (*1) and Wood Pigeon (*1). I was soon on the bike and heading home.
3rd February 2025 - Marie Louise Gardens, Didsbury, G. Manchester - A call off to see if I could see some hoverflies due to the sun peeping out. I found 3 * Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) - that was enough. Wood Pigeon; Magpie; Robin and Wren were also added before I cycled on and went for a coffee.

3rd February 2025 - Wythenshawe CP, G. Manchester - 14.5 miles on the bike today, starting a good push and then a walk around this park. I didn't see much as I just wanted to keep moving. The only bird species spotted on this terse jaunt were:- Magpie; Carrion Crow; Goldcrest; Robin; Ring Necked Parakeet; Dunnock; Song Thrush; Nuthatch and Great Tit.

I also saw 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) and 1 * Walnut Orb Weaver Spider (Nuctenea umbratica) plus a handful of fungi.


2nd February 2025 - Elton Reservoir, Bury, G. Manchester - A birding wander to keep the legs moving. The species seen were:- Kestrel (*1); Reed Bunting (*1); Goosander (*2): Pheasant (*3); Wren (*1); Goldfinch (*10); Greenfinch (*3); Blue Tit (*5); Blackbird (*2); Great Tit (*4); Coal Tit (*2); Carrion Crow (*2); Common Gull (*3); Goldeneye (*12); Tufted Duck (*12): Great Crested Grebe (*3); Scaup (*1); Mute Swan (*3); Canada Goose (*63); Teal (*12); Cormorant (*2); Jay (*1); Robin (*3); Long Tailed Tit (*3); Jackdaw (*18); Moorhen (*8); Grey Heron (*2) and a handful of Feral Pigeon; House Sparrow; Redwing; Fieldfare; Starling and Magpie plus plenty of Mallard; Coot; Black Headed Gull and Wood Pigeon.

We also saw 4 * Roe Deer.


1st February 2025 - Manor Park, Glossop, Derbyshire - Prior to another footy match and a new ground we had a short walk at this public park and did some shopping. Bird species seen were:- Blackbird (*2); Long Tailed Tit (*1); Jackdaw (*6); Mallard (*100+); Robin (*2) plus good numbers of Canada Goose; Wood Pigeon and Magpie.

Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus); Shiny Woodlouse (Oniscus asellus); Rough Woodlouse (Porcellio scaber); Hawthorn Shieldbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale); the gall (Taxomyia taxi) and the Lichen (Ramalina farinacea) were the few other bits added as well as a few fungi.



31st January 2025 - Alexander Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - A chest X-Ray and then a good walk home from the hospital. In this local park I recorded a few birds:- Pied Wagtail (*2); Goosander (*11); Herring Gull (*2) plus Robin; Feral Pigeon; Wren; Black Headed Gull; Canada Goose; Collared Dove; Coot; Moorhen; Mallard; Blackbird; Magpie and Wood Pigeon.

30th January 2025 - Chorlton WP, G. Manchester - I am rough at the mo (what's new), I still managed to have a cycle and record a few birds:- Great Tit; Blue Tit; Long Tailed Tit; Wood Pigeon; Feral Pigeon; Collared Dove; Magpie; Carrion Crow; Canada Goose; Gadwall; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Goosander; Moorhen; Coot; Mute Swan; Great Crested Grebe; Black Headed Gull; Common Gull; Robin; Pochard; Ring Necked Parakeet; Cormorant; Grey Heron; House Sparrow; Blackbird and Starling with Goldcrest; Jackdaw and Redwing on call.

Bryum capillare; Grimmia pulvinata and Tortula muralis were mosses all growing on a fence as was the Lichen (Physcia aipolia). The only species added were two galls:- Andricus lignicola and Andricus kollari.

29th January 2025 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - The first two Common Green Shieldbugs (Palomena prasina) were seen, they brought me untold joy.

29th January 2025 - Fog Lane Park, Benchill, G. Manchester - I finished work early, cycled to this park and had some victuals, a chat with a lovely group of folk and a walk in the sun. I didn't see much but the bird species recorded were:- Redwing; Goldfinch; Chaffinch; Bullfinch; Great Tit; Mallard; Feral Pigeon; Black Headed Gull; Mandarin Duck; Moorhen; Coot; Canada Goose; Ring Necked Parakeet; Wood Pigeon; Carrion Crow; Robin; Long Tailed Tit and Magpie.

I had a look at life under logs and recorded:- 6 * Netted Slug (Deroceras reticulatum); 22 * Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus) and 4 * Budapest Slug (Tandonia budapestensis); 4 * Garlic Snail (Oxychilus alliarius); 1 * Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum); 4 * Ground Beetle (Pterostichus madidus) and 1 * Great Blackclock Beetle (Pterostichus niger).

I also spied today the Lichen (Ramalina farinacea) and the Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum agg).


27th January 2025 - Reddish Vale CP, Stockport, Cheshire - A catch up with my mate Ant and a chance to have a wander and wag the jaw. I fed the birds, spotted a few fungi and recorded a few bird species along the way. The avian interest was provided by:- Canada Goose; Mandarin Duck; Magpie; Blue Tit; Tufted Duck; Coot; Moorhen; Nuthatch; Carrion Crow; Jackdaw; Blackbird; Dunnock; Cormorant; Gadwall; Goosander; Black Headed Gull; Little Grebe; Mute Swan; Wood Pigeon; Feral Pigeon; Ring Necked Parakeet; Goldfinch; Great Tit; Buzzard; Sparrowhawk and Long Tailed Tit.

Hazel was in flower; we saw Variegated Centipede (Lithobius variegatus); 1 * Garlic Snail (Oxychilus alliarius); 2 * Tramp Slug (Deroceras invadens); 1 * Leopard Slug (Limax maximus) and several Shiny Woodlouse (Oniscus asellus). Elegant Bristle Moss (Orthotrichum pulchellum) was doing well along many broadleaved branches.

2 Galls added were:- Cecidophyes nudus and Andricus kollari.


26th January 2025 - Poynton Coppice/Middlewood Way, Stockport, Cheshire - A good circular walk in whipping wind. A coffee downed, a cake shared and despite a nagging cough we ploughed away and covered nearly 14, 000 steps. The birds were hunkering down but we did see the following species:- Mallard; Canada Goose; Wren; Great Tit; Carrion Crow; Bullfinch; Raven; Jackdaw; Blackbird; Buzzard; Redwing; Redpoll; House Sparrow; Goldfinch; Long Tailed Tit; Blue Tit and Goldcrest.

A few fungi were added and Elegant Bristle Moss (Orthotrichum pulchellum) and the Lichens (Peltigera polydactylon) and (Parmelia subrudecta).

25th January 2025 - Maine Road FC, Chorlton, G. Manchester - A coffee and just prior to kick-off I checked the nearby sports fields. Blackbird (*1); Redwing (*15); Mistle Thrush (*3); Magpie (*1); Starling (*2); Wood Pigeon (*1) and Common Gull (*9) were the few birds recorded - it matters.

25th January 2025 - Chorlton Park, G. Manchester - A shopping trip, a fine Tibetan lunch from the cafe that never fails and then a short walk in the sun before footy and my next gig. The only birds recorded were:- Great Tit (*1); Redwing (*2); Wood Pigeon (*2); Magpie (*2); Robin (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*2) and Carrion Crow (*2).

I also spied 4 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis).

20th January 2025 - Abney Hall, Stockport, G. Manchester - Heading home after a coffee, I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker; an Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni) and a Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis).

20th January 2025 - Gatley Carrs, Stockport, G. Manchester - A short trip today, the rain began to fall and I didn't hang about. Ramson leaves were just coming through and already someone was foraging them - no thought for the wildlife needs and no need whatsover to strip leafage when so young. Lesser Celandine was in flower and the only birds seen were:- Blue Tit (*2); Ring Necked Parakeet (*9); Magpie (*2); Wood Pigeon (*4): Blackbird (*3); Robin (*2); Carrion Crow (*1); Greenfinch (*1): Great Tit (*1); Dunnock (*1) and Wren (*2).

2 * White Legged Snake Millipede (Tachypodoiulus niger); 6 * Netted Slug (Deroceras reticulatum); 1 * Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus) and 2 * Budapest Slug (Tandonia budapestensis) were othere additions to a very terse trip.


19th January 2025 - Debdale Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - I am in the midst of gigging and so, the nature realm goes on the back foot somewhat. Late nights and ringing ears, with a virus playing silly buggers, getting out is not priority. We are still enjoying the odd jaunt though, bird species recorded today were:- Black Headed Gull; Blackbird; Magpie; Wood Pigeon; Robin; Common Gull; Mallard; Coot; Moorhen; Herring Gull; Feral Pigeon; Mute Swan; Great Crested Grebe; Ring Necked Parakeet; Carrion Crow; Little Grebe; Tufted Duck; Kingfisher; Redwing; Cormorant; Wren and Blue Tit.

We also noted a Variegated Centipede (Lithobius variegatus) and 80 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) and 1 * 2 Spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata).

16th January 2025 - Abney Hall, Stockport, G. Manchester - After a coffee, a sit and a good read I cracked on home. Nipping through this local area it was no surprise to see the freshly dug ponds and a recently accessible field invaded by dogs - and again, this is an area designated as a Nature Reserve - are people really so detached. I didn't hang around, but I did note a Kestrel; Long Tailed Tit; Great Tit; 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax) and the Lichen (Physcia aipolia).

16th January 2025 - Hollyhedge Park, Wythenshawe, G. Manchester - After stuffing a brace of chicken breasts on a shopping precinct I headed onwards and nipped through yet another green area. I was getting a thirst on so didn't dawdle, the avian life noted was:- Redwing (*5); Magpie (*3); Blue Tit (*2); Wood Pigeon (*4); Great Tit (*2); Robin (*1); Blackbird (*4); Goldfinch (*1) and Chaffinch (*1).

16 * Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus); 1 * White Lipped Banded Snail (Cepaea hortensis) and 1 * Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum) were the only other additions.

16th January 2025 - Kirkup Gardens, Wythenshawe, G. Manchester - Heading homewards and a pootle through another small but new area where I could add a few records. Birds seen were:- Wood Pigeon (*2); Collared Dove (*3); Great Tit (*1); Goldfinch (*2); Robin (*1); Blackbird (*1); Carrion Crow (*2); Starling (*4); Wren (*1); Magpie (*4) and Black Headed Gull (*3).

16th January 2025 - Painswick Park, Wythenshawe, G. Manchester - Out on the bike, the sun was out and so I had a pootle at a park I hadn't visited before. A small area, the birds recorded were:- Goldcrest (*2); Carrion Crow (*2); Magpie (*5); Goldfinch (*2); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*1); Mallard (*9); Canada Goose (*72); Moorhen (*13); Coot (*4); Blackbird (*2); Robin (*2); Black Headed Gull (*29); Wood Pigeon (*5); Great Tit (*1); Redwing (*6); Wren (*1); Starling (*4); Blue Tit (*2); Nuthatch (*1); Feral Pigeon (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*5); Coal Tit (*1) and a Song Thrush on call.

9 * Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus); 1 * Tramp Slug (Deroceras invadens); 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis); a few Shiny Woodlouse (Oniscus asellus) and the lichens:- Xanthoria parietina and Physcia aipolia made for a decent trip in the sun.

13th January 2025 - Sale WP, Stockport, G. Manchester - The cycling was hard work today, the wind chill was biting, I cracked on and recorded a few birds:- Blue Tit (*2); Great Tit (*7); Jackdaw (*3); Redwing (*5); Carrion Crow (*4); Robin (*5); Dunnock (*2); Nuthatch (*4); Magpie (*5); Willow Tit (*1); Coal Tit (*2); Blackbird (*2); Goldcrest (*1); Moorhen (*1); Teal (*8); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*4); Common Gull (*2); Goosander (*5); Goldeneye (*1); Mute Swan (*28); Canada Goose (*45); Great Crested Grebe (*2); Herring Gull (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*10); Cormorant (*6); Grey Heron (*4); Muscovy Duck hybrid (*1); Tufted Duck (*5); Gadwall (*19); Little Grebe (*4); Siskin (*1); Goldfinch (*2); Ring Necked Parakeet (*2) plus plenty of Black Headed Gulls; Coots and Mallards.

12th January 2025 - Etherow CP, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk with the missus at a very old haunt. Bird species seen today were:- Robin; Canada Goose; Mallard; Moorhen; Jackdaw; Feral Pigeon; Dunnock; Wren; Tufted Duck; Starling; Wood Pigeon; Feral Greylag Goose; Blackbird; Blue Tit; Long Tailed Tit; Nuthatch; Cormorant; Grey Wagtail; Carrion Crow; Buzzard; Coot; Mute Swan; Jay; Great Tit; Coal Tit; Goosander; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Magpie; plus Fieldfare (*1); Redwing (*50+) and Mandarin Duck (*54).

We also added:- 1 * Hawthorn Shieldbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale); Rough and Shiny Woodlouse; Elegant Bristle Moss (Orthotrichum pulchellum); Hazel in flower and the Lichens:- Ramalina farinacea and Xanthoria parietina.

9th January 2025 - Brookfields Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk to the shops, then a long route back. THis small area was covered in snow, the mist was dropping and it was very quiet. I put a bit of bird food out, I saw:- Jay (*1); Great Tit (*2); Song Thrush (*1); Magpie (*2); Ring Necked Parakeet (*3); Blue Tit (*1); Wood Pigeon (*4); Blackbird (*1); Redwing (*10) and Wren (*2).
8th January 2025 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - I returned home after work via a differenmt route. It was mighty frozen and a pair of Mallards and 1 female Goosander were all that were seen on a very turgid river. Physcia aipolia was seen growing on a fence and that was that.
7th January 2025 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Identifying ferns in the kitchen and as I looked through the window I noted the following bird species:- Lesser Black Backed Gull; Dunnock; Robin; Magpie; Starling; Wood Pigeon; Collared Dove; Blue Tit and House Sparrow.

7th January 2025 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - Walking home and the snow was everywhere, in the small area I noted:- Blackbird (*10); Carrion Crow (*4); Wood pigeon (*2); Blue Tit (*5); Coal Tit (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*1); Great Tit (*1); House Sparrow (*1) and Song Thrush (*1).

I also added the Harvestman (Dicranopalpus ramosus agg).

7th January 2025 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - After an early finish I waltzed home in the snow and on a wall noted:- Black Spleenwort; Maidenhair Spleenwort and Wall Rue. Further along was a Male Fern, I just couldn't nail it to the exact species but I expected it to be the common form.
6th January 2025 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Sparrowhawk floated around whilst a few Wood Pigeons scattered - I couldn't blame them.

6th January 2025 - Abney Hall, Stockport, G. Manchester - At the docs again, hernia on one side, inflamed duct on the other, back and chest playing up, Achilles tendon twanging, guts a bit off. A short stroll to a coffee shop, on the way there and back I saw a few fungi (104 species recorded for the year) and noted:- Yarrow in flower, the Galls (Andricus aries and Andricus lignicola); the Moss (Grimmia pulvinata); an Orange Ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata); 3 * Netted Slug (Deroceras reticulatum); 2 * Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus); 1 * Variegated Centipede (Lithobius variegatus) and the following birds:- Blackbird (*2); Blue Tit (*3); Long Tailed Tit (*1); Carrion Crow (*1); Ring Necked Parakeet (*1); Wood Pigeon (*5); Robin (*1); Magpie (*3); Great Tit (*2); Mallard (*11); Black Headed Gull (*12); Coot (*4); Moorhen (*7) and Redwing (*8).

A Ground Beetle I named was duly confirmed as Leistus fulvibarbis.

5th January 2025 - Abney Hall, Stockport, G. Manchester - Taxomyia taxi was a new gall for the year and the only birds we saw as we darted through were Coot; Blue Tit; Blackbird and Mallard - it was too wet to dawdle.
5th January 2025 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - On the way to meet up with the daughter and in a flooded field there was plenty of Black Headed Gulls, a Common Gull; a few Mallards; a Grey Wagtail and a Pied Wagtail. A Cormorant was sat up on high nearby.

4th January 2025 - Poise Brook, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few more fungi recorded and the following bird species:- Song Thrush (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*3); Nuthatch (*1); Goldcrest (*1); Blackbird (*4); Great Tit (*2); Blue Tit (*3); Magpie (*3); House Sparrow (*1); Wood Pigeon (*47); Carrion Crow (*1); Mallard (*14); Black Headed Gull (*79); Jackdaw (*2) and Canada Goose (*159).

Lesser Celandine was in flower, we saw the Galls:- Agathomyia wankowiczii and Andricus kollari. and the Lichens:- Xanthoria parietina and Cladonia coniocraea.


3rd January 2025 - Fletcher Moss, Didsbury, G. Manchester - To work, freezing, home early - a coffee and a circular walk with 8 miles covered for the day. The river was turgid, it gives people something to photograph and talk about - I would much rather they fed the birds, recorded some wildlife and considered what the long term neglect is doing. Birds seen today were:- Goldcrest (*1); Wren (*1); Great Tit (*2); Magpie (*7); Blackbird (*6); Ring Necked Parakeet (*1); Pied Wagtail (*1); Wood Pigeon (*5); Grey Wagtail (*2); Long Tailed Tit (*4); Feral Pigeon (*6); Robin (*3); Common Gull (*1); Cormorant (*3); Grey Heron (*2); Moorhen (*1); Dunnock (*1); Mallard (*8); Goosander (*3); Song Thrush (*1) and hundreds of Black Headed Gulls and quite a few Carrion Crows.

I also added 6 * Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus); 1 * Tramp Slug (Deroceras invadens); 1 * Walnut Orb Weaver Spider (Nuctenea umbratica) plus Lesser Celandine in flower.


2nd January 2025 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A dinnertime stroll away from the desk.  Birds seen were:- Robin (*1); Magpie (*4); Ring Necked Parakeet (*5); Moorhen (*3); Canada Goose (*7)  and Carrion Crow (*2). The Moss (Grimmia pulvinata) was looking grand on a frost-kissed on a wall, a Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus) was tucked up behind bark and a Grey Squirrel pinged about in the treetops.  A few fungi were extras and I soon scooted back to the office for a brew.

The Ground Beetle (Dromius quadrimaculatus) was later added.

1st January 2025 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A pair of Great Tits were on the feeders in the garden along with a Starling. A Wood Pigeon looked on and the first moth of the year was recorded:- White Shouldered House Moth (Endrosis sarcitrella). 
1st January 2025 - Amberswood NR, Wigan, Lancashire - An attempted continuation of the mornings walk aborted after noting the paths were flooded and the good lady took a tumble in the mud. We did record:- Kestrel (*1); Magpie (*1); Mallard (*17); Mute Swan (*1); Black Headed Gull (*21); Moorhen (*2); Kingfisher (*1) and Buzzard (*1).


1st January 2025 - Low Hall NR, Wigan, Lancashire - A morning walk with the missus and my brother. There had been flooding everywhere and this area had waters risen. We pootled on and recorded the following bird species:- Jackdaw (*10); Willow Tit (*1); Great Tit (*1); Coal Tit (*1); Nuthatch (*1); Wren (*1); Carrion Crow (*1); Mallard (*2); Coot (*2); Robin (*2); Wood Pigeon (*1); Black Headed Gull (*2); Mute Swan (*2) and Magpie (*1).

Lichens named were:- Physcia tenella; Xanthoria parietina; Evernia prunastri; Ramalina fastigata; Ramalina farinacea; Cladonia fimbriata and Graphis scripta.

Mosses listed were:- Schistidium crassipilum; Grimmia pulvinata; Orthotrichum pulchellum and Tortula muralis. I also added the liverwort (Metzgeria furcata) and Hart's Tongue Fern (Asplenium scolopendrium).

The only flower sporting blooms was Wood Avens.

Oddments added were:- White Legged Snake Millipede (Tachypodoiulus niger); Shiny Woodlouse (Oniscus asellus); Striped Woodlouse (Philoscia muscorum); Rough Woodlouse (Porcellio scaber); 31 * Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus); 1 * Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum); 1 * Budapest Slug (Tandonia budapestensis) and an old Ram's-Horn Gall (Andricus aries).

Also added were 2 * Walnut Orb Weaver Spider (Nuctenea umbratica) and singles of 10 Spot Ladybird (Adalia decempunctata) and Orange Ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata).

The Ground Beetle (Ocys harpaloides/tachysoides agg) was added after the event as it fell from a sample of moss and also added was (Plagiodera versicolora) after Michael Geiser provided an ID.