31st December 2021 - Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk to ease an aching carcass saw me fall foul to the lurgy. Along the way though 2 hoverflies (Eristalis tenax) were enjoying some outrageous warmth as was a Common Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina) and a Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis). A Kingfisher whizzed over a Horse's field too. |
30th December 2021 - Sale Water Park, G. Manchester - A walk to stretch the legs. We added one final fungus to the annual tally and saw a few birds, these being:- Coot; Moorhen; Gadwall; Mute Swan; Canada Goose; Great Crested Grebe; Goosander; Mallard; Cormorant; Grey Wagtail; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Robin; Wren; Black Headed Gull; Common Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Nuthatch and Magpie. |
25th December 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Christmas Day Moth was in the bathroom, namely a Brown House Moth - bonus. |
25th December 2021 - Poynton Pool, Stockport, Cheshire - The birds were fed and a species list kept, there wasn't much about but we enjoyed the stroll. Species listed were:- Black Headed Gull; Herring Gull; Goosander; Wigeon; Tufted Duck; Carrion Crow; Jackdaw; Wood Pigeon; Magpie; Blue Tit; House Sparrow; Dunnock; Mute Swan; Coot; Moorhen; Mallard and Canada Goose. Hazel was now in flower. |
19th December 2020 - Ainsdale Sands, Lancashire - We found a few good fungi today and despite the heavy mist compiled a small bird list, the species seen were:- Magpie; Stonechat; Feral Pigeon; Shoveler; Black Headed Gull; Herring Gull; Mallard; Mute Swan; Tufted Duck; Coot; Moorhen; Goldfinch; Blackbird; Lesser Black Backed Gull and Robin. |
19th December 2020 - Marshside RSPB, Lancashire - We intended on doing some birding, the mist was heavy so had a walk instead and looked for a couple of rare fungi. We found the fungi plus Common Cordgrassl White Dead Nettle and Red Dead Nettle in flower. The few birds seen were:- Robin; Pink Footed Goose; Little Egret; Redshank; Skylark; Starling; Black Headed Gull; Shelduck; Mallard; Little Grebe; Wood Pigeon; Coot; Tufted Duck; Pintail; Teal; Wigeon; Lapwing; Black Tailed Godwit; Sparrowhawk; Mute Swan; Curlew and Magpie. |
15th December 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A stroll in my dinnerbreak, the sun was lovely and I saw:- The list - 2 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera); 1 * Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus); 1 * Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax); 21 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Pine Ladybird (Exochomus quadripustulatus); 1 * Hawthorn Shieldbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale); 6 * Rosemary Beetle (Chrysolina americana); 1 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) and 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum). |
13th December 2021 - Ladybrook Valley Cycleway, Stockport, G. Manchester - A cycle and a walk to stretch a knackered back. An Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); several Large Yellow Slugs (Limax flavus agg) and a Variegated Centipede (Lithobius variegatus) were joined by the following birds:- Blue Tit (*2); Blackbird (*4); Wood Pigeon (*6); Magpie (*2); Wren (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*1); Nuthatch (*2); Carrion Crow (*2); Great Tit (*1); Robin (*2); Siskin (*20) and Ring Necked Parakeet (*1). |
12th December 2021 - Walton Park, Sefton, Merseyside - A few birds were recorded prior to watching some FA Vase, the few seen were:- Common Gull (*1); Mistle Thrush (*2); Mallard (*6); Moorhen (*4); Little Grebe (*1); Feral Pigeon (*30+); Coot (*61); Canada Goose (*18); Cormorant (*1); Mute Swan (*13); Blue Tit (*1); Starling (*1); Chaffinch (*12); Blackbird (*8); Magpie (*9); Carrion Crow (*5); Wood Pigeon (*2) and Long Tailed Tit (*1). We also saw 4 Harlequin Ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis). |
5th December 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A good non-stop walk with the missus with a few bird species recorded, these being:- Redwing; Cormorant; Blackbird; Goosander; Moorhen; Carrion Crow; Mallard; Grey Heron; Long Tailed Tit; Pied Wagtail and Magpie. |
3rd December 2021 - Inlellan, Argyll and Bute - A few Eider fed on the water alongside some scattered Cormorants. The resident Oystercatchers had moved on with only one blighter left behind. |
2nd December 2021 - Inellan to Toward Lighthouse, Argyll and Bute - A good walk to finish the day after a warming dinner at Sheila's Diner. The birds seen were:- Pied Wagtail; Meadow Pipit; Hooded Crow; Grey Heron; Siskin; Great Tit; Chaffinch; Wood Pigeon; Long Tailed Tit; Robin; Starling; Song Thrush; Teal; Rock Pipit; Jack Snipe; Wigeon; Greenfinch; Rook; Magpie; Goldfinch; Blue Tit; Blackbird; Collared Dove; Jackdaw; Red Breasted Merganser; Curlew; Herring Gull; Common Gull; Cormorant; Rook; Oystercatcher; Black Headed Gull; House Sparrow; Great Black Backed Gull and Eider. We also saw:- 2 Red Squirrels; 2 Beadlet Anemones; 2 Shore Crabs plus Ivy Leaved Toadflax; Hogweed; Fox and Cubs and Greater Periwinkle in flower. |
2nd December 2021 - Glenbranter, Argyll and Bute - Heads down and a circular walk was had by we three moochers. We marched on and made sure the blood was coursing through the veins, 2 Ravens gronked and flew by, a Wren squawked with ill temper and 2 Goldcrests flitted around in some low branches. This was a walk on the 24th anniversary of our wedding, our fine daughter took a picture to celebrate the occasion. |
1st December 2021 - Loch Riddon, Argyll and Bute - A second birding wander before the sun plummeted behind the surrounding hills. The few species seen were:- Common Gull (*7); Blackbird (*1); Grey Heron (*3); Guillemot (*1); Red Breasted Merganser (*2); Meadow Pipit (*1); Blue Tit (*1); Chaffinch (30+); House Sparrow (*5); Great Tit (*2); Coal Tit (*2); Cormorant (*2); Wood Pigeon (*1); Greenfinch (*6); Carrion Crow (*2); Hooded Crow (*1); Redshank (*1) plus several Oystercatchers; Black Headed Gulls and Herring Gulls. |
1st December 2021 - Otter Ferry, Argyll and Bute - A nice walk in the sun with a few bird's noted:- Teal (*10); Grey Heron (*1); Great Black Backed Gull (*1); Hooded Crow (*1); Carrion Crow (*2); Song Thrush (*1); Raven (*1); Cormorant (*1); Blackbird (*4); Treecreeper (*1); Little Grebe (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*8); Wood Pigeon (*1); Common Buzzard (*1); Curlew (*11); Nuthatch (*1); Jackdaw (*1); Wren (*1); Chaffinch (*27); Great Tit (*4); Blue Tit (*3); Goldeneye (*2); Red Breasted Merganser (*5); Robin (*3); Redshank (*1); Herring Gull (*1); Common Gull (*1) plus tons of Eiders and Oystercatchers. A few lichens were identified, these being:- Peltigera spuria; Peltigera canina; Ramalina calicaris and Lobaria pulmonaria. |
30th November 2021 - Bishop's Glen, Argyll and Bute - A good yomp in the rain. The Polypody Fern (P. vulgare * P. interjectum) was keyed out, a Cormorant defied the downpour and a few fungi were seen. 2 Hours was enough and we duly went to the chippy. Broom Fork Moss (Dicranum scoparium) was later keyed out and the Lichen (Mycoblastus sanguinarius) was nailed after some kind on-line help by Mark Powell. |
29th November 2021 - Inlellan, Argyll and Bute - Just prior to the day drawing to a close I had a short wander with the good lady and then did a bit of scoping from the bedroom window, the few birds seen were:- Common Gull (*1); Rock Pipit (*2); Eider (*5); Shag (*1); Guillemot (*1); Rook (*2); Hooded Crow (*1); Carrion Crow (*3); Jackdaw (*1); Wigeon (*2); Mallard (*1); Oystercatcher (*1); Redshank (*1) and Curlew (*1). Several Beadlet Anemones were also seen. |
29th November 2021 - Holy Loch Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute - A brief pootle at a small nature reserve with a few birds noted, these were:- Goldfinch; Robin; Coal Tit; Dunnock; Pheasant; Chaffinch; Robin; Oystercatcher; Curlew; Hooded Crow; Mallard; Jackdaw; Redshank and Little Egret. |
29th November 2021 - Puck's Glen, Argyll and Bute - The walking trip continued with a good uphill stretch had, Soft Fern was looking in fine condition and a flock of Long Tailed Tits said 'hello'. Tunbridge Filmy Fern (Hymenophyllum tunbrigense) was a new one for us and was a lovely liiking species. |
28th November 2021 - Ardnadam Bay, Dunoon, Argyll and Bute - After tea and mince pies at our friends house we finished the day with a quick mooch over this nearby bay whilst supping a warm beverage. The few birds seen were:- Jackaw (*5); Feral Pigeon (*5); Redshank (*1); Oystercatcher (*10); Curlew (*3); Herring Gull (*1); Mallard (*2); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*1); Ringed Plover (*3) and Eider (*4). |
28th November 2021 - Benmore Botanical Gardens, Dunoon, Argyll and Bute - A walk with some lovely friends. Beside a few fungi several bird species were listed, these were:- Dunnock (*1); Treecreeper (*1); Great Tit (*1); Blackbird (*2); Magpie (*1); Dipper (*1); Sparrowhawk (*1); Goldfinch (*3); Chaffinch (*22); Carrion Crow (*1); Hooded Crow (*1); Coal Tit (*1) and Robin (*5). Red Campion was still bearing flowers despite the snow. |
27th November 2020 - Dunoon to Inlellan Coastal Walk, Argyll and Bute - A late afternoon walk along the coast, 7.7km done in just over an hour before the darkness came. Bird species seen were:- Herring Gull; Common Gull; Black Headed Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Carrion Crow; Hooded Crow; Rook; Curlew; Eider; Mallard; Feral Greylag Goose; Turnstone; Cormorant; Rock Pipit; Blackbird; Wood Pigeon; Chaffinch; Goldfinch; Magpie; Guillemot and Red Breasted Merganser. |
26th November 2020 - Fletcher Moss, Didsbury, G. Manchester - A quick bike ride, I checked a few Birch branches for fungi and saw a Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae) - and that was that for today. |
21st November 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - A spot of nature work and Eristalis tenax was found my a friend, it may be the last one we see this year. |
20th November 2021 - Woodbank Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - I led the last fungus walk of the year, I also noted a Mistle Thrush, a Wren, Herb Robert and Dandelion agg in flower plus a Shiny Woodlouse, Variegated Centipede and a Garlic Snail. |
19th November 2021 - Etherow CP, Stockport, G. Manchester - A fungal walk with the carers, a few Harlequin Ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis), a Cormorant, 2 Nuthatches and a Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea) on the wing were the best things seen. Hogweed; Meadowsweet; Herb Robert and Red Campion were still bearing flowers. |
18th November 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A single Hawthorn Shiedlbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale) looked fed up balancing on a dead grass head - it is that time of year. |
15th November 2020 - Brookfields Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - Looking for fungi but I did note the gall (Mikiola fagi) and a lone Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni). |
13th November 2021 - Woodbank Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - Whilst leading a couple of fungi walks a Common Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina); a 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 5 * Rosemary Beetles (Chrysolina americana) and a good gathering of Harlequin Ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis) were noted. |
11th November 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A fresh display of Thyme Leaved Speedwell was nice to see along with Groundsel in flower as per. |
11th November 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - The misted river was looking splendid, 3 Goosanders enjoyed the ripples and a rasping Mistle Thrush flew overhead as I pondered a few mosses. |
10th November 2021 - Alexandra Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - After dropping the bike off at the local repair shop I walked back home through a local park. Besides 20 species of fungi I saw a few birdies, these were:- Nuthatch; Magpie; Ring Necked Parakeet; Mallard; Goosander; Wood Pigeon; House Sparrow; Coot; Moorhen; Canada Goose; Blackbird; Feral Pigeon and Black Headed Gull. Hogweed was still in flower and Shiny Woodlice were plentiful. |
7th November 2021 - Ainsdale NE, Lancashire - Due to not being a member of a fungus group and being able to share the load my time is taken up with microscopy for many a day after a shroom hunt. Today I gathered but did note a Moorhen; a few Mallards; Common Centuary and Large Flowered Evening Primrose agg in flower plus 2 Common Frogs and an Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni). |
31st October 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk in fine sunshine with 3 * Common Shieldbug (Palomena prasina); 1 * 2 Spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata); 5 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 2 * Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) and 1 * Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax) seen. A female Goosander was back on the water. |
30th October 2021 - Coombes Valley RSPB, Staffordshire - A fungus walk was led today but I also noted a few birds, these were:- Great Spotted Woodpecker; Nuthatch; Coal Tit; Great Tit; Blue Tit; Jay; House Sparrow; Chaffinch; Goldfinch; Magpie and Common Buzzard. 3 * Noon Fly (Mesembrina meridiana) were enjoy the sun-kissed cow pats. |
26th October 2021 - Tatton Park, Cheshire - A walk with the carers from work, plenty of fungi seen plus 2 Cormorants; 2 Egyptian Geese and a couple of Frogs. |
24th October 2021 - Crosby Marina, Merseyside - Prior to some football we had tea and cake and a walk around the main lake, in the dunes and over some grassland. Fungi was our focus but we did see a few flowers in bloom:- Sea Aster; Red Clover; White Clover; Creeping Thistle; Meadow Buttercup; Large Flowered Evening Primrose agg; Common Stork's-Bill; Groundsel; Hedge Mustard; Shepherd's Purse; Daisy; Dandelion agg; Black Medick; Oxford Ragwort; Sea Rocket; Kidney Vetch; Sea Holly; Viper's Bugloss; Chickweed; Common Toadflax; Dove's Foot Crane's-Bill; Common Centaury and Scarlet Pimpernel. Birds noted were:- Goldfinch; Magpie; Herring Gull; Mute Swan; Carrion Crow; Wood Pigeon; Mallard; Black Headed Gull; Canada Goose; Coot; Common Gull; Feral Pigeon; Meadow Pipit; Skylark; Greenfinch; Pink Footed Goose; Redshank; Cormorant; Great Black Backed Gull; Shelduck; Curlew and Pied Wagtail. Harlequin Ladybird and Shore Crab were added to the tally. |
23rd October 2021 - Arley Hall, Cheshire - A couple more fungal walks led, along the way I swq a Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); a Rhododendron Leafhopper (Graphocephala fennahi) and 2 Jackdaws. |
22nd October 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Small White was fluttering around and I spied an Alder Spittle Bug (Aphrophora alni). |
11th October 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - More digging at this local ground, this time trying to prepare an area for some apple trees. Whilst pottering I noted Borage and Nipplewort in flower plus 17* Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Speckled Wood (Parage aegeria); 1 * Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax); 1 * Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) and 1 * Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabricana). 7 * Jackdaw; 2 * Magpie; 2 * Ring Necked Parakeet were the only birds seen. |
10th October 2021 - Rimrose Valley CP, Sefton, Merseyside - Leading a fungis walk but I did note 4 species of butterfly, these were:- Brimstone; Speckled Wood; Small White and Comma. A Spiked Shieldbug (Picromerus bidens); a Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax) and several Alder Leaf Beetles (Agelastica alni) and one lone Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis). Red Clover; Pineappleweed; Bush Vetch; Large Bindweed; White Dead Nettle; Yarrow; Daisy; Dandelion agg; White Clover; Red Clover and Sea Aster were a few flowers enjoyed. A Common Buzzard circled overhead; 50+ Pink Footed Geese graced the skies just prior to the walk and Neuroterus numismalis; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum and Dasineura urticae were a few galls discussed. |
9th October 2021 - Arley Hall, Cheshire - Whilst leading 2 fungus walks today I saw a few Pied Wagtails, a Raven and a Short Tailed Vole. Andricus gemmeus was a nice gall seen. |
8th October 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport. G. Manchester - A few moths were caught overnight, these being:- Red Green Carpet (*2); Blair's Shoulder Knot (*1); Red Line Quaker (*1); Box Tree Moth (*2); Tachystola acroxantha (*7) and Light Brown Apple Moth (*1). |
7th October 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk in the dinner break, bugs seen were:- 6 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) and 42 * Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae) plus singles of the Hoverflies:- Eristalis tenax; Syrphus ribesii and Eristalis pertinax. |
6th October 2021 - Bewsey Woods, Warrington, Cheshire - Whilst leading a fungus walk I noted a Pied Wagtail; Magpie; Mistle Thrush; Blackbird; Wood Pigeon; Goldfinch; Jay and Black Headed Gull. |
4th October 2021 - Woolston Park, Warrington, Cheshire - Another fungus walk where I noted the galls:- Neuroterus quercusbaccarum and Neuroterus numismalis and the birds:- Mallard; Common Buzzard; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Mistle Thrush; Magpie; Raven and a flying flock of Pink Footed Geese. |
1st October 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A couple of moths in the bathroom, these being:- Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Angle Shades (*2) and Light Brown Apple Moth (*1).
1st October 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A dinnertime walk in the sunshine. Little pockets were warm enough to encourage a few bugs to say 'hello'. The Hoverflies out and about were:- Eristalis pertinax (*5); Eristalis tenax (*3); Myathropa florea (*2); Helophilus pendulus (*3) and Syrphus ribesii (*1). 10 * Hawthorn Shieldbug (Acanthasoma haemorroidale); 2 * Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina); 16 * Birch Catkin Bugs (Kleidocerys resedae) and 54 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) were also seen. A fly was picked out and with some online help proved to be Subclytia rotundiventris. A Jay flew by and the gall (Aceria macrochela) was noted. |
30th September 2021 - Reddish Vale CP, Stockport, G. Manchester - Whilst poking about looking for a few fungi we I saw 2 galls - Dasineura urticae and Aceria macrochela plus a few birds:- Great Tit; Goldcrest; Long Tailed Tit; Mute Swan; Cormorant; Mallard; Coot; Moorhen; Robin; Chinese Domestic Goose; Cormorant; Collared Dove; Wood Pigeon; Feral Pigeon and Ring Necked Parakeet. |
26th September 2021 - Dunham Massey, G. Manchester - Whilst looking for fungi I compiled a small bird list, this included:- Buzzard; Little Grebe; Carrion Crow; Tufted Duck; Robin; Coal Tit; Wren; Magpie; Pied Wagtail; Grey Wagtail; Canada Goose; Moorhen; Ring Necked Parakeet; Black Headed Gull; Coot; Mute Swan; Jackdaw; Mallard and Mandarin. Also added were a Southern Hawker and two Speckled Woods. |
24th September 2021 - Levenshulme, G. Manchester - Popping in to the Mother-In-Laws for a chat and to collect her shopping list we saw a Red Admiral and the Hoverfly (Eupeodes luniger). |
24th September 2021 - Sale Water Park, G. Manchester - I should have stopped in today to catch up on a few outstanding areas, I went out with the good lady instead, had a walk and and ice cream, saw a few fungi and a several other things. Birds recorded were:- Ring Necked Parakeet; Magpie; Teal; Common Gull; Black Headed Gull; Moorhen; Grey Heron; Mute Swan; Canada Goose; Jackdaw; Cormorant; Mallard and Wren. Flowers in bloom were:- Himalayan Balsam; Herb Robert; Wood Avens; Hogweed; Ribwort Plantain; Water Mint; Gypsywort; Sea Aster and Fox and Cubs. A Green Veined White and 5 * Drone Fly (Eristalis pertinax) were also added. |
23rd September 2021 - Otterspool, Liverpool, Merseyside - A stretch of the legs to add a few more steps to the day's tally. We cracked on but did manage to see:- 39 Turnstones within a few feet plus Wood Pigeon; Black Headed Gull; Magpie and Cormorant. Field Scabious and Lady's Bedstraw were still in flower. |
23rd September 2021 - Speke Hall, Liverpool, Merseyside - A catch up with the staff to organise some walks for next year. Prior to gas-bagging we saw a few things. Birds listed were:- Mallard; Coot; Carrion Crow; Blackbird; House Martin; Jackdaw; Moorhen; Wood Pigeon; Swallow; Buzzard; Shelduck; Bar Tailed Godwit (*14); Little Egret; Curlew; Black Headed Gull and Oystercatcher. Flowers noted were:- Dandelion agg; White Clover; Common Ragwort; Ribwort Plantain; Herb Robert; Red Campion; Yarrow; Pineappleweed; Greater Plantain; Himalyan Balsam; Common Knotgrass; Wavy Bittercress; Hogweed; Bramble agg; Red Clover; Ox-Eye Daisy; Common Mouse Ear; Common Fleabane; Rosebay Willowherb; Tall Melilot; Daisy; Thale Cress; Chickweed; Redshank; Dove's Foot Crane's-Bill; Black Medick; Bird's-Foot Trefoil; Common Vetch; Common Knapweed; Greater Willowherb; Wild Carrot and Large Bindweed. A few insects were spotted, these were:- 2 * Birch Catkin Bug nymph (Kleidocerys resedae); 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 3 * Hoverfly (Syrphus ribesii) and 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum). Galls seen included:- Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Aceria pseudoplatani; Hartigiola annulipes; Dasineura urticae; Neuroterus numismalis; Eriophyes laevis; Iteomyia capreae; Protomyces macrosporus; Cystiphora sonchi and Andricus foecundatrix. Added to the day's listings were a Garden Snail; White Lipped Banded Snail and a Sweet Chestnut tree. |
22nd September 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few moths were seen, these were:- Svensson's Copper Underwing (*1); Red Underwing (*1); Garden Rose Tortrix (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*1); Lesser Yellow Underwing (*3) and Large Yellow Underwing (*2). 2 Common Wasps (Vespula vulgaris) were also in the mix. The Hoverfly (Syrphus ribesii) was in the garden later in the day as was a fresh Speckled Wood. |
21st September 2021 - St Aidans RSPB, West Yorkshire - A cuppa and another birding mooch in overly warm weather - by heck the sun was on form. Birds listed were:- Hobby (*1); Spoonbill (*3); Kestrel (*1); Red Kite (*1); Ruff (*2) Dunlin (*6) plus Starling; Wood Pigeon; Black Headed Gull; Coot; Great Crested Grebe; Magpie; Moorhen; Reed Bunting; Canada Goose; Lapwing; Cormorant; Gadwall; Blue Tit; Shoveler; Bullfinch; Carrion Crow; Wigeon; Tufted Duck; Common Gull' Goldfinch; Blackbird; Robin and Greenfinch. Common Darters (Sympetrum striolatum) and Migrant Hawkers (Aeshna mixta) were frequent. Flowers still blooming were:- Triffid Bur Marigold; Common Knapweed; Creeping Thistle; Chicory; Himalayan Balsam; Greater Willowherb; Tufted Vetch; Yarrow; Ox-Eye Daisy; Fox and Cubs; White Clover; Black Medick; Ribwort Plantain; Sea Aster; Common Ragwort; Red Clover; Wild Carrot; Bird's Foot Trefoil and Scentless Mayweed. Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); Drone-Fly (Eristalis tenax); Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni) and Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) were the only insects noted. |
21st September 2021 - Blacktoft Sands, East Riding, Yorkshire - A day out birding, the first for a goodliy while due to the head being frazzled with bugs, blooms and all nature of marvellous things. The list today was small but the sun was gorgeous and the trip enjoyed. Species seen were:- Marsh Harrier (*3); Bearded Tit (*10); Little Egret (*15); Pied Wagtail (*2); Meadow Pipit (*6); Water Rail (*1); Green Sandpiper (*2); White Winged Lapwing (*1); Spotted Redshank (*3) plus Mallard; Teal; Shoveler; Gadwall; Carrion Crow; Goldfinch; Little Grebe; Grey Heron; Black Tailed Godwit; Ruff; Redshank; Lapwing; Common Snipe; Wigeon; Wood Pigeon; Linnet and Magpie. Insects seen were:- Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus); Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta); Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax); 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana) and Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius). Flowers noted in bloom were:- Water Mint; Large Bindweed; Teasel; White Clover; Corn Sow Thistle; Dandelion agg; White Dead Nettle and Common Mouse Ear. A couple of galls were added, these were:- Dasineura urticae and Cystiphora sonchi. |
19th September 2021 - Thacka Beck, Penrith, Cumbria - A final walk of the trip 'oop North' and a short jaunt to walk off a recently devoured lunch at the delightful Daffodil Cafe. Birds noted were:- Mallard; Goldfinch; Teal; Moorhen; Starling; Wood Pigeon and 10 * Meadow Pipit. Flowers seen were:- Hogweed; Red Clover; Dandelion agg; Rosebay Willowherb; Common Poppy; Pineappleweed; Hedge Mustard; Creeping Thistle; Yarrow; Water Mint; Purple Loosestrife; Ribwort Plantain; White Clover; Common Mouse Ear; Common Ragwort; Groundsel; Greater Willowherb; Meadowsweet; Hedge Woundwort; Meadow Buttercup; Great Burnet; Red Bartsia; Crosswort; Broad Leaved Dock; Common Nettle; Water Forget-Me-Not and Red Dead Nettle. Water-Cress (Nasturtium officianale) was later confirmed after checking arrangement of seeds in pods. There were a few Nettle Tap Moths on the wing and the gall, Dasineura urticae, was plentiful. A Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus) hung on to it's web as the rain started to fall. Greater Reedmace was looking tall and impressive. |
19th September 2021 - Loweswater, Cumbria - A circular walk early in the day. The bird list comprised of:- Jay (*5); Blue Tit (*2); Great Tit (*1); Nuthatch (*1); Bullfinch (*2); Raven (*2); Cormorant (*3); Long Tailed Tit (*1) and numerous Carrion Crow and noisy Jackdaw. Wild Strawberry; Red Campion; Meadowsweet; Yarrow; White Clover; Creeping Thistle; Red Clover; Garlic Mustard; Foxglove; Tormentil; Ivy Leaved Toadflax; Soapwort; Himalayan Balsam and Angelica were the few flowers noted still blooming. My good lady spied a Red Squirrel too - I missed it - bah. The lichen (Rhizocarpon geographicum) was adding a gratifying lime-green splash of colour to many stone walls and Peltigera canina was keyed out with great care as was Cladonia coccifera and Cladonia cervicornis. Dasineura urticae; Eriophyes leiosoma; Eriophyes similis and Dasineura ulmaria were the only galls seen. |
18th September 2021 - Harris Park, Cockermouth, Cumbria - After watching Cockermouth FC lose 4-5 to Wigton Harriers we had a walk at a local park and saw a few fungi. We also saw Daisy; Yarrow; Common Knapweed; Dandelion agg; Himalayan Balsam; Greater Plantain; Hedge Woundwort; Herb Robert; Ox-Eye Daisy; Nipplewort; Common Nettle; Rosebay Willowherb and Goldenrod were in flower. Maidenhair Spleenwort and a Common Earwing were added too. Galls added were:- Hartigiola annulipes; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Neuroterus albipes; Neuroterus anthracinus; Neuroterus numismalis and Psyllopsis fraxini. 5 bird species were seen:- Coal Tit; Grey Wagtail; Blue Tit; Dunnock and Jackdaw. |
17th September 2021 - Silloth, Cumbria - A quite way to end the day at this seaside haven with tea an chips had, £10 won on the fruit machines and a gentle stroll along the sea front with my best buddy. A few birds spied were:- Wood Pigeon; Redshank; Turnstone; Swallow; Carrion Crow; Herring Gull; Black Headed Gull; Blackbird; Cormorant and Jackdaw. Greater Plantain; Dandelion agg; White Dead Nettle; Sea Mayweed; Red Clover; Harebell; Common Heather; Ribwort Plantain; Redshank and Spear Thistle. A lovely little garden area for wildlife was a real joy. Small Tortoiseshell (*4); Red Admiral (*2); Painted Lady (*1); Nettle Tap Moth (*5); Silver Y (*1); a Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Common Flower Big (Anthocoris nemorum) and the Hoverflies:- Eristalis tenax; Helophilus pendulus and Eristalis arbustorum were all in residence. |
17th September 2021 - Crosscanonby area, Cumbria - A fine circular walk, birds seen were:- Jackdaw; Robin; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Herring Gull; Black Headed Gull; Curlew; Oystercatcher; Greenfinch; Dunlin; Great Black Backed Gull; Common Gull; Carrion Crow; Great Tit and Kestrel. Hoverflies seen were:- Helophilus pendulus (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*1) and Eristalis tenax (*1). Other insects seen were:- 3 * Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus); 53 * 22 Spot Ladybird (Psyllobora 22-punctata) and 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) plus the lepidopterans:- Speckled Wood (*10); Small White (*6); Nettle Tap Moth (*18) and Silver Y (*1). Flowers in bloom were:- Daisy; Common Mouse Ear; Tansy; Hedge Mustard; Chickweed; Red Dead Nettle; Japanese Rose; Field Scabious; Wild Mignonette; Himalayan Balsam; Ivy Leaved Toadflax; Spotted Dead Nettle; Sea Rocket; Herb Robert; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Thrift; White Dead Nettle; Autumn Crocus; Common Ragwort; Montbretia; Groundsel; Salad Burnet; Common Nettle; Great Willowherb; Fox and Cubs; Redshank; Dandelion agg; Fennel; Red Clover; Meadow Buttercup; Black Medick; Ribwort Plantain; Brooklime; Meadow Vetchling; Silverweed; Harebell; Red Campion; Shepherd's Purse; Large Bindweed; Bush Vetch; Marsh Woundwort; Hogweed; Greater Plantain; White Clover; Pineappleweed; Common Field Speedwell; Common Knotgrass; Scentless Mayweed; Yarrow; Mugwort and Creeping Thistle. Dasineura ulmaria; Dasineura urticae and Jaapiella veronicae were the only galls seen. Shore Crabs were numerous. |
17th September 2021 - Siddick Ponds, Workington, Cumbria - More pootling and this time at a tucked away area one could easily overlook. The binoculars came out, the birds seen were:- Grey Heron; Lapwing; Mallard; Redshank; Teal; Chinese Domestic Goose; Chaffinch; Black Headed Gull; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Wood Pigeon; Bullfinch (*3); Common Snipe (*2); Greylag Goose; Coot and Little Egret (*2). Hoverflies noted were:- Eristalis tenax (*1); Episyrphus balteatus (*1) and Epistrophe grossulariae (*1) with Speckled Wood (*2); Nettle Tap Moth (*15) and a Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum) for company. Common Toadflax; Harebell; Foxglove and Marjoram were in flower abd the few galls added were:- Eriophyes leiosoma; Eriophyes inangulis; Eriophyes laevis and Diplolepis rosae. |
17th September 2021 - Harrington Meadows area, Workington, Cumbria - A lovely start to the day with a mooch at yet another new area. A few birds noted were:- Mallard; Mute Swan; Black Headed Gull; Carrion Crow; Collared Dove; Goldfinch; Robin; Wood Pigeon; Jackdaw; Herring Gull; Blackbird; Starling; Chaffinch; Great Spotted Woodpecker and Dunnock. The blloming flowers consisted of:- Creeping Thistle; Buddleia; White Dead Nettle; Marsh Woundwort; Water Mint; Pineappleweed; Purple Loosestrife; Common Ragwort; Meadowsweet; Lesser Stitchwort; Hogweed; Common Knapweed; Field Scabious; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Greater Plantain; Ribwort Plantain; Himalayan Balsam; Meadow Vetchling; Common Knotgrass; Meadow Crane's-Bill; Bramble agg; Large Bindweed; Yarrow; Sneezewort; Common Nettle and Japanese Rose. Hoverflies spied were:- Syrphus ribesii (*1); Epistrophe grossulariae (*1); Melanostoma scalare (*3) and Eristalis pertinax (*22). Great Reedmace was also added to the small tally. |
16th September 2021 - Bassenthwaite Lake, Cumbria - A walk to finish the day's yomping. Purple Loosestrife; Sneezewort and Red Campion were in flower, a Common Darter was on the water's edge; 2 Speckled Woods flutttered around and the gall (Hartigiola annulipes) was noted. |
16th September 2021 - Dubwath Silver Meadows, Cumbria - A serene stroll at a tucked away haven. A few birds spied were:- Robin; Wood Pigeon; Great Tit; Coal Tit; Blue Tit; Nuthatch; Chaffinch; Jackdaw; Reed Bunting and Carrion Crow. Flowers in bloom were:- Red Clover; Herb Robert; Meadowsweet; Common Valerian; Bush Vetch; Ribwort Plantain; Marsh Woundwort; Common Knapweed; Lesser Stitchwort; Meadow Buttercup; Yarrow; Meadow Vetchling; Himalyan Balsam; Great Burnet; Hogweed; Angelica; Greater Bird's Foot Trefoil and Goosegrass. 1 * Hawthorn Shieldbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale); 2 * Spiked Shieldbug (Picromerus bidens); 2 * Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina); 1 * Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria); 1 * Common Green Leafhopper (Cicadella viridis); 8 * Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana); 1 * Mirid Bug (Pantilius tunicatus) and 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum) were the insects seen and joined by the hoverflies:- 2 * Platycheirus granditarsus; 1 * Helophilus hybridus; 1 * Episyrphus balteatus and 1 * Platycheirus albimanus. A Garden Spider and Pendulous Sedge were also pondered as well as the galls:- Dasineura urticae; Eriophyes inangulis; Dasineura pustulans; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Dasineura ulmaria and Diplolepis rosae. |
16th September 2021 - Dodd Wood, Cumbria - A good early morning walk with a sweat built and tea and cake to finish. Flowers in bloom were:- Herb Robert; Wood Avens; Common Heather; Bell Heather; White Clover; Tormentil; Eyebright agg; Dandelion agg; Fox and Cubs; Creeping Buttercup; Enchanter's Nightshade; Daisy; Climbing Corydalis; Common Ragwort; Red Clover and Self-Heal. A Robin; 8 Ravens and a Cormorant were also seen as we marched on with the brow perspiring. A few galls added were:- Chirosia grossicauda; Dasineura urticae; Neuroterus numismalis and Andricus foecundatrix. 3 Speckled Woods were enjoying the sunshine. Peltigera didactyla was keyed out using the trusty Dobson tome and Catherine's Moss (Atrichum undulatum) was later ID's using the microscope. |
15th September 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk home in the sun and the Sea Aster was providing great delight to several Hoverflies, these being:- Myathropa florea (*1); Eristalis tenax (*11); Eristalis arbustorum (*2); Syrphus ribesii (*2); Helophilus pendulus (*1) and Epistrophe grossulariae (*1). A Red Admiral was on a Buddleia bush, Alder Leaf Beetles fed nearby and 2 Nettle Tap Moths whizzed about. |
12th September 2021 - Calderstones Park, Merseyside - A short pootle looking for fungi was had after watching more Non-League Football. Branched Bur Reed; Purple Loosestrife and Small Balsam were noted along with a few galls that included:- Hartigiola annulipes; Obolodiplosis robiniae; Andricus foecundatrix; Neuroterus numismalis and Andricus gemmeus. |
6th September 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few moths were seen after coming to overnight light, these were:- Common Marbled Carpet (*1); Single Dotted Wave (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*5); Large Yellow Underwing (*14); Square Spot Rustic (*2); Flame Shoulder (*1); Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*1); Garden Carpet (*1); Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (*1); Double Striped Pug (*1); Svensson's Copper Underwing (*2); Lesser Yellow Underwing (*1); Blastobasis adustella (*1); Copper Underwing (*1); Argyresthia goedartella (*2); Agonopterix nervosa (*1); Phyllonorycter geniculella (*1); Spectacle (*1) and Pyrausta aurata (*1). |
5th September 2021 - Bonc Yr Hafod Wood, Wrexham - A stroll in rising temperatures - we were now a little fagged. Flowers still in bloom were:- Meadow Buttercup; Common Comfrey; Hogweed; White Dead Nettle; Large Bindweed; Himalayan Balsam; Red Clover; Common Ragwort; Ribwort Plantain; Herb Robert; Pineappleweed; Common Centaury; Wood Avens; Greater Bird's Foot Trefoil; Rosebay Willowherb; Creeping Cinquefoil; Greater Willowherb; Common Fleabane; Traveller's Joy; Greater Plantain; Greater Reedmace; Meadowsweet; Square Stalked St John's Wort; Figwort; Mugwort; Yarrow and Red Bartsia. Insects included the Hoverflies:- Syritta pipiens and Eristalis arbustorum plus 5 * Tachnid Fly (Tachina fera ); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 4 * Speckled Wood (Parage aegeria); 1 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 2 * Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum); 1 * Emerald Damselfly (Lestes sponsa); 2 * Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula paludosa) and 1 * Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea). Common Galls added were:- Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Neurotreus numismalis; Psyllopsis fraxini; Andricus quercuscalicis and Iteomyia capreae. Great Tit and Wood Pigeon were the only added extras. |
5th September 2021 - Oswestry Old Racecourse area, Oswestry, Shropshire - Today we were sidetracked by fungi but saw Harebell; Yarrow; Tormentil and Foxglove in flower as well as a Nettle Tap Moth, 1 * Large White; 4 * Speckled Wood; 2 * Box Bug nymphs (Coreus marginatus); 4 * Common Green Shieldbugs (Palomena prasina); 2 * 7 Spot Ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata) as well as 2 Ravens and a Common Frog. |
4th September 2021 - Webster Park, Kirkby, Merseyside - Prior to some Non-League Football we roamed a local park slurping a wam drink. 5 * Speckled Wood and 1 * Small White were on the wing with 20* Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae); 3 * Birch Shieldbug (Elasmostethus interstinctus); 1 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni) and 1 * Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) also seen. Scarlet Pimpernel; Dandelion agg; Wild Carrot; Curled Dock; Shaggy Soldier; Creeping Buttercup; Meadow Buttercup; Creeping Thistle; Common Poppy; Ribwort Plantain; Daisy; Shepherd's Purse; Groundsel; White Clover and Greater Plantain were all in flower. 3 Carrion Crows pottered on the grass and 4 Galls were named:- Obolodiplosis robiniae; Andricus foecundatrix; Iteomyia major and Andricus quercuscalicis. Another gall was found after the match in a field by the pitch, it was Wachtiella persicariae and seen on the leaves of Redshank. |
4th September 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few moths caught overnight, emphasis on a few:- Light Brown Apple Moth (*5); Angle Shades (*1); Lesser Yellow Underwing (*13); Large Yellow Underwing (*9); Anania coronata (*1); Square Spot Rustic (*1); Svensson's Copper Underwing (*1) and Epinotia nisella. A Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) was also in the mix. |
2nd September 2021 - Bruntwood Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - 2 Birch Catkin Bugs (Kleidocerys resedae); 10 Speckled Woods (Parage aegeria) and Sneezewort in flower were a few things noted whilst looking for fungi. |
2nd September 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A day off work just chillin'. I spent a short while sowing grass seeds in the back garden and noted the Hogweed had sent up several flowery brollies. In attendance of the blooms were:- Myathropa florea (*4); Syrphus ribesii (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*1) and Syritta pipiens (*1). The Lavender Bush was now being seen to by a Rosemary Leaf Beetle (Chrysolina americana) and the Soldier Fly (Sarge bipunctatus) was hanging around. |
1st September 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A new month and a few moths needed removing from the bathroom wall, these were:- Light Brown Apple Moth; Brown House Moth; Large Yellow Underwing; Svensson's Copper Underwing; Square Spot Rustic and a Snout. |
31st August 2021 - Etherow CP, Stockport, G. Manchester - A fungus walk with some carers from work on a dull and dry day. 14 examples of the Hoverfly (Leucozona glaucia) were noted on Angelica flowers as well as Large Flowered Evening Primrose; Common Ragwort; Hogweed; Purple Loosestrife and Tansy in flower. |
29th August 2021 - Viridor Woods, Wigan, G. Manchester - A wander with the good lady and my brother, fungi were the main focus but we had eyes here, there and everywhere. Hoverflies noted were:- Episyrphus balteatus (*1); Eristalis tenax (*1) and Helophilus pendulus (*3). Butterflies and moths seen were:- Green Veined White (*1); Small Copper (*1); Meadow Brown (*3); Speckled Wood (*11); Mother of Pearl (*1); Agriphila tristella (*1); Yellow-Shell (*1) and Straw Dot (*2). We also found a quite impressive Poplar Grey larva. A Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum); a Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea); numerous Alder Leaf Beetles (Agelastica alni) and a Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus) were the only other critters seen. Flowers noted in bloom were:- Marsh Woundwort; Teasel; Herb Robert; Purple Loosestrife; Common Fleabane; Tall Melilot; Lesser Trefoil; Sea Aster; Eyebright agg; Red Bartsia; White Clover; Sneezewort; Dandelion agg; Redshank; Common Field Speedwell; Meadow Vetchling; Bush Vetch; Angelica; Himalayan Balsam; Greater Bird's Foot Trefoil; Hemp Agrimony; Wild Parsnip; Common Ragwort; Creeping Thistle; Buddleia; Tufted Vetch; Greater Willowherb; Spear Thistle; Common Nettle; Claridge Druce Crane's-Bill and Marsh Thistle. Galls added were:- Andricus foecundatrix; Neuroterus numismalis and Andricus quercuscalicis; Eriophyes inangulis. |
25th August 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - As per, once or twice a year, the Old Lady Moth came and paid a visit to our bathroom - very kind I must say. |
25th August 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A urban mooch with the kids from work, the aim being to name 50 species as quickly as possible and then have a chippy dinner. A kind young lass kept the list and this is what we saw:- We started matters with an Old Lady Moth I had brought from home and also added a few local fungi. The 23 flowers in bloom were:- Cow Parsley; Hedge Mustard; Redshank; Groundsel; Meadow Buttercup; Rosebay Willowherb; Daisy; Ribwort Plantain; Chickweed; Common Knotgrass; Japanese Rose; Small Balsam; Greater Plantain; Herb Robert; Wood Avens; Bramble agg; Pineappleweed; Common Nettle; Greater Willowherb; Feverfew; Lesser Trefoil; Broad Leaved Willowherb and Dandelion agg. The 9 trees added were:- Hawthorn; Ash; Horse Chestnut; Turkey Oak; Black Locust; Walnut; Beech; Holly and Rowan. We also added 5 galls:- Obolodiplosis robiniae; Andricus quercuscalicis; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Aceria pseudoplatani and Myzus ligustri. And to finish we threw into the mix 10 other species:- a Wood Pigeon; Robin; Garden Snail; a Large White; Shiny Woodlouse; White Legged Millipede; Strawberry Snail; a couple of Magpies, 10 * Common Green Shieldbug nymphs and Garden Privet. 53 species in 90 minutes - the chips went down well and we even had time for a play on the park. |
24th August 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A bit of moth out of the blue, species caught were:- Fan-Foot (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*1); Small Phoenix (*1); Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*1); Square Spot Rustic (*7); Pyrausta aurata (*1); Lesser Yellow Underwing (*13); Light Brown Apple Moth (*5); Agriphila tristella (*1); Bryotropha affinis (*2); Common Wave (*1); Brown House Moth (*2); Grey Chi (*1) and Anania coronata (*1). |
23rd August 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - More work on the nature area and a Silver Y was seen along with 4 Straw Dots; a Mother of Pearl and the sweet micro (Udea lutealis). I later identified the Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea). |
22nd August 2021 - Prees Heath, Shropshire - The final wander of the day and with a few fungi in the mix we had a fair jaunt clocking up 108 species in just over 2 hours. Butterflies and moths seen were:- Small Tortoiseshell (*23); Small Copper (*7); Gatekeeper (*7); Speckled Wood (*2); Peacock (*1); Green Veined White (*1); Large White (*1); Meadow Brown (*10); Small Heath (*10); Nettle Tap Moth (*1); Yellow-Shell (*2); Crambus hamella (*1); Treble Bar (*3); Common Carpet (*1); Straw Dot (*1); Silver Y (*1); and Aristotelia ericinella (*1). Hoverflies seen were:- Myathropa florea (*1); Eristalis tenax (*1); Eristalis arbustorum (*2); Eristalis pertinax (*2); Helophilus trivittatus (*1); Helophilus pendulus (*2); Other insects spied were:- 1 * Sexton Beetle (Nicrophorus vespillo); 5 * Hairy Shieldbug (Dolycoris baccarum); 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus); 1 * Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus paralellus); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 10 * Gorse Shieldbug (Piezodorus lituratus); 3 * Mottled Grasshopper (Myrmeleotettix maculatus); 3 * Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum); 1 * Dock Bug nymph (Coreus marginatus); 1 * Crane-Fly (Nephrotoma scurra) and 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria). Flowers in bloom included:- White Campion; Self-Heal; Musk Mallow; Ox-Eye Daisy; Bramble agg; Mullein; Common Field Speedwell; Scarlet Pimpernel; Weld; Large Flowered Evening Primrose agg; Common Nettle; Mugwort; Dove's Foot Crane's-Bill; Creeping Thistle; Common Heather; Bell Heather; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Common Ragwort; Rosebay Willowherb; Common Knot-Grass; Yarrow; Common Mouse Ear; Field Pansy; Thyme Leaved Speedwell; Spear Thistle; White Clover; Ribwort Plantain; Sheep's Sorrel; Common Centaury; Herb Robert; Wood Sage; Hedge Woundwort; Hogweed; Meadow Vetchling; Musk Thistle; Harebell; Germander Speedwell and Creeping Cinquefoil. We also added:- Four Spotted Orb Weaver (Araneus quadratus); Rough Woodlouse; Rabbit; 3 * Buzzard; 1 * Magpie and the Galls:- Andricus foecundatrix; Neuroterus numismalis; Andricus quercuscalicis and Neuroterus quercusbaccarum |
22nd August 2021 - Moreton Corbet Castle; Shropshire - A short pootle around the grounds of this ruin and the nearby area. Hoverflies seen were:- Syritta pipiens (*16) and Xylota segnis (*1). 3 * Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana); 2 * Tachnid Fly (Eriothrix rufomaculata); a Green Veined White (Pieris napi); a Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus) and 3 Swallows were also added to the short list of sightings. Pellitory of the Wall; Daisy; Yarrow; Cow Parsley; Creeping Thistle and Common Nettle were still in flower. |
22nd August 2021 - Garden Centre, Prees, Shropshire - A cuppa and some cake and a few plants puchased for the footy projects. 2 * Mint Moth (Pyarusta aurata); a Large White and a Small Tortoiseshell joined us whilst mooching at the plants. |
22nd August 2021 - Grinshill Nature Reserve, Shropshire - Another new place, fungi were seen and a few other things. Flowers listed were:- Nipplewort; Pineappleweed; Herb Robert; Red Campion; Enchanter's Nightshade; Wood Avens; Wood Sage; Foxglove; Spear Thistle; Common Heather and Hogweed. Birds seen were:- Blue Tit; Robin and Great Tit - that is what fungi mooching does to one, eyes cannot be everywhere. Insects seen were:- Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); Field Digger Wasp (Mellinus arvensis); Tachnid Fly (Tachina fera); Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus); Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); plus the Hoverflies:- Episyrphus balteatus; Eristalis tenax; Myathropa florea; Eristalis arbustorum; Syritta pipiens; Helophilus pendulus and Platycheirus albimanus. We also added a few galls:- Neuroterus numismalis; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum and Andricus kollari. |
20th August 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - With one eye on fungi during the dinnertime stroll I did still see 2 * Speckled Wood; 1 * Common Green Shieldbug nymph (Palomena prasina); 3 * Harlequin Ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis) and Small Balsam in flower. |
20th August 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - I have had little time to moth trap of late but it was nice to see 3 * Large Yellow Underwing; 2 * Beautiful Plume Moth and 1 * Square Spot Rustic in the bathroom along with the Crane-Fly (Tipula rufina). |
15th August 2021 - Sherdley Park, St Helens, Merseyside - A wander and a few fungi plus the following Hoverflies:- Volucella inanis (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*2); Episyrphus balteatus (*2); Myathropa florea (*2); Helophilus pendulus (*1); Epistrophe grossulariae (*1); Chrysogaster solstitialis (*3); Eristalis nemorum (*1) and Sphaerophoria scripta (*1). Other insects seen were:- 3 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 20* Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum) and 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius). A Straw Dot and a Speckled Wood were on the wing under leaden skies. We also saw a Moorhen, Coot, a few Mallards, Black Headed Gulls and a pair of Little Grebes plus Common Fleabane; Hemp Agrimony and Mugwort in flower. |
15th August 2021 - Pex Hill Nature Reserve, Widnes, Cheshire - We are still visiting new areas and recording what we see. Today we had a quiet walk at a nice and quiet tucked area place. Flowers in bloom were:- Common Nettle; Nipplewort; Hedge Woundwort; Herb Robert; Hedge Mustard; Greater Plantain; Red Campion; Wood Avens; Rosebay Willowherb; Groundsel; Wood Sage; Heather; Marjoram; White Dead Nettle; Yarrow; Mugwort; Foxglove; Common Mouse Ear; Creeping Thistle; Spear Thistle; Creeping Buttercup; White Campion; Goosegrass; Common Field Speedwell; Chickweed; Redshank; Dandelion agg; Scarlet Pimpernel; Black Medick; White Clover; Lesser Swine Cress; Pineappleweed; Common Knotgrass; Black Horehound; Weld; Common Fleabane; Field Pansy; Shepherd's Purse; Himalayan Balsam; Fox and Cubs; Marsh Cudweed; Wavy Bittercress; Lesser Burdock; Small Flowered Crane's-Bill; Broad Leaved Willowherb and Glabrous Headed Hawkweed. The only butterflies seen were:- Holly Blue (*2); Speckled Wood (*2); Gatekeeper (*1) and Small White (*1). Hoverflies noted were:- Myathropa florea (*1); Episyrphus balteatus (*1) and Helophilus pendulus (*1). A few insects seen were:- 1 * Common Green Shieldbug nymph (Palomena prasina); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus); 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 2 * Birch Shieldbug nymphs (Elasmostethus interstinctus) and 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata). The few birds seen were:- House Martin; Blue Tit; Wren; Blackbird and Wood Pigeon. Galls added were:- Cecidophyes rouhollahi; Trioza remota and Neurotus numismalis; Andricus foecundatrix and Andricus quercuscalicis. |
14th August 2021 - Airlift Hill, Warrington, Cheshire - Leading another walk, this time for the Land Trust. This is a new grassy area being enclosed in by the concrete spilling destroyers - it is important we get out and record what we see. Despite the clouds lingering, a bit of rain falling and a gentle breeze, we found a few things to ponder. Hoverflies noted were:- Helophilus hybridus (*1); Eristalis tenax (*1); Platycheirus rosarum (*1) and Sphaerophoria scripta (*1). Butterflies and moths seen were:- Meadow Brown (*11); Common Blue (*5); Small Heath (*1); Small Tortoiseshell (*2); Blood-Vein (*1); Celypha lacunana (*1); Straw Dot (*2); Agriphila straminella (*2) and Common Rustic agg. We also found 1 * Cinnabar Moth larva. Other insects seen were:- 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 2 * Tachnid Fly (Eriothrix rufomaculata); 1 * Common Froghopper (Philaenus spumarius); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Mirid Bug (Adelphocoris lineolatus); 1 * 22 Spot Ladybird (Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata); 1 * Blue Tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans); 1 * Mirid Bug (Stenodema laevigata); 3 * Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); 1 * Hairy Shieldbug (Dolycoris baccarum); 1 * Pea Weevil (Sitona sp); 1 * Common Green Leafhopper (Cicadella viridis); 1 * Dagger Fly (Empis livida); Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum); 1 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Marsh Damselbug (Nabis limbatus); 1 * Mirid Bug (Dicyphus epilobii) and 1 * Dock Bug nymph (Coreus marginatus). The few birds seen were:- 1 * Skylark; 20 + Goldfinch; 1 * Linnet; 1 * Magpie; 1 * Wood Pigeon; 2 * Jackdaw; 4 * Mallard; 3 * House Martin and 2 * Coot. Flowers in bloom were:- Common Field Speedwell; Hairy Bittercress; Creeping Thistle; Black Medick; Common Ragwort; Ribwort Plantain; Self-Heal; Creeping Buttercup; Meadow Buttercup; White Clover; Ox-Eye Daisy; Prickly Sow Thistle; Great Willowherb; Meadow Vetchling; Common Fleabane; Yarrow; Silverweed; Tufted Vetch; Common Comfrey; Common Knapweed; Red Bartsia; Tormentil; Common Nettle; Red Clover; Cut Leaved Crane's-Bill; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Weld; Hogweed; Canadian Fleabane; Scarlet Pimpernel; Musk Mallow; Tall Melilot; Groundsel; Common Mouse Ear; Greater Bird's Foot Trefoil; Chicory; Purple Loosestrife; Marsh Woundwort; Scentless Mayweed; Wild Carrot and Spear Thistle. The Gall Alder Tongue (Taphrina alni) was a nice extra and late additions that I had overlooked were:- Shiny Woodlouse; White Lipped Banded Snail; |
13th August 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - Epistrophe grossulariae made an appearance as I did a bit more work on the nature area. |
11th August 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G.Manchester - A few moths needed hoofing out of the bathroom, these were:- Common Plume (*1); 20 Plume Moth (*1); Beautiful Plume (*2); Brown House Moth (*1); Blastobasis adustella (*1); Square Spot Rustic (*2); Yellow Barred Brindle (*1) and Double Square Spot (*1). |
11th August 2021 - West Kirby, The Wirral - A walk with the young carers from work and 8 Common Toads; 5 Frogs and a Smooth Newt were very much enjoyed as were a nest of baby Short Tailed Voles. Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus); Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus paralellus); several Common Earwings (Forficula auricularia); a Green Veined White (Pieris napi); a Grayling (Hipparchia semele) and oodles of Sandwich Terns all contributed to a nice day out. Flowers noted in bloom were:- Kidney Vetch; Soapwort; Lady's Bedstraw; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Wild Carrot; Yarrow; Fennel; Common Mallow; Sea Rocket; Sea Holly; Sea Plantain; Hare's Foot Clover; Strawberry Clover; Common Nettle; Tufted Vetch; Corn Sow Thistle; Harebell; Scentless Mayweed and the unexpected Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree (Lycium barbarum). |
10th August 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G.Manchester - A pre-match mooch around the dge of the ground revealed several moth species, these were:- Straw Dot; Common Carpet and Mother of Pearl. I also saw:- 3 * Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus); 3 * Common Green Shieldbug nymphs (Palomena prasina); 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); 1 * Leafhopper (Allygus mixtus) and 1 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus). Redshank was in flower and the galls:- Neuroterus numismalis and Neuroterus quercusbaccarum were frequent. |
10th August 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - 2 Holly Blues danced in the sunshine outside work and nearby the sunny urban thoroughfares revealed several hoverflies:- Episyrphus balteatus; Myathropa florea; Eristalis tenax and Chrysotoxum festivum. 2 Birch Shieldbug nymphs (Elasmostethus interstinctus) and 20+ Birch Catkin Bug Nymphs (Kleidocerys resedae) were also seen along with 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum) and 7 * Common Green Shieldbug nymphs (Palomena prasina). Aceria erinea was seen on its usual host. |
9th August 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Doing a spot of gardening and a Speckled Wood; Small White and Mother of Pearl Moth said 'hello'. |
9th August 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G.Manchester - A bit stressed of late so a short bike ride was had down the Mersey. Hoverflies seen were:- Dasysyrphus albostriatus (*1); Syrphus ribesii (*1); Episyrphus balteatus (*8); Volucella bombylans (*1); Sphaerophoria scripta (*2); Eristalis arbustorum (*1); Eristalinus sepulchralis (*1); Myathropa florea (*1); Ferdinandea cuprea (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*1); Syritta pipiens (*2); Helophilus pendulus (*1); Helophilus hybridus (*1); Baccha elongata (*1); Melanostoma scalare (*3); Chrysotoxum bicinctum (*2); Cheilosia pagana (*1) and Platycheirus granditarsus (*2). Butterflies and moths seen were:- Comma (*1); Gatekeeper (*2); Speckled Wood (*3); Small White (*1); Holly Blue (*1); Common Blue (*1); Meadow Brown (*1); Mother of Pearl (*1); Udea lutealis (*1); Ancylis badiana (*1); Common Heath (*1); Sallow (*1); Pyrausta aurata (*2) and Agriphila straminella plus 20+ Horse Chestnut Leaf Miners. Other insects seen were:- 2 * Hairy Shieldbug (Dolycoris baccarum); 2 * Blue Tailed Damselfly (Ischnura eligans); 1 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera); 20* Common Green Shieldbug nymphs (Palomena prasina); 3 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 3 * Tachnid Fly (Eriothrix rufomaculata); 1 * Common Froghopper (Philaenus spumarius); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 3 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 3 * 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata); 2 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Brown Hawker (Aeshna grandis); 1 * Parent Bug (Elasmucha grisea); 3 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva) A few blooms noted were:- Purple Loosestrife; Meadowsweet; White Water Lily; Canadian Goldenrod and Great Burnet. Contarinia loti was a nice gall to find, and one I had not seen for a few years. I also saw a Roach and a Moorhen. |
8th August 2021 - Lindow Common, Wilmslow, Cheshire - A walk in the wind and rain, it was lovely with tea and a snack had on top of a double decker London bus. Insects seen were obviously few with Hoverflies represented by:- Helophilus Pendulus (*2); Eristalis arbustorum (*1) and Helophilus hybridus (*1). The only butterflies seen were:- Gatekeeper (*4) and Green Veined White (*1). We also saw:- 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 9 * Common Green Shieldbug nymphs (Palomena prasina); 2 * Spiked Shieldbug (Picromerus bidens); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); 2 * Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus parallelus); 1 * Common Green Leafhopper (Cicadella viridis); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 3 * Tachnid Fly (Dexiosoma caninum) and 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum ). Flowers in bloom were:- Rosebay Willowherb; Pineappleweed; Red Bartsia; Greater Plantain; Hogweed; Common Ragwort; Redshank; Common Nettle; Gorse; Great Willowherb; Creeping Thistle; Herb Robert; White Clover; Meadow Buttercup; Tormentil and Greater Bird's-Foot Trefoil. The few galls noted were:- Iteomyia major; Andricus curvator; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Neurotus numismalis; Andricus foecundatrix and Andricus quercuscalicis. Mallard; Grey Heron and Magpie were the only birds noted. We also found a Common Frog. |
5th August 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few moths needed removing from the bathroom, these were:- Willow Beauty (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*2); Grey/Dark Dagger agg (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*1); Small Dusty Wave (*1); Mother of Pearl (*1) and Fan-Foot (*1). |
5th August 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Walking home after work and Mugwort; Sea Aster; Wood Sage and Broad Leaved Helleborine were a few flowers pondered. A Peacock butterfly; a Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus); a Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) and 2 Common Roller Moths (Ancylis badiana) were the few insects seen in rising winds. |
4th August 2021 - Talacre Beach, N. Wales - A trip out with the Young Carers - a dip in the sea, a picnic, a short play, a trip to get an ice cream and home - I was so tired later in the day I didn't bother with the football. Whilst on the beach Sandwich Terns passed by along with a couple of Oystercatchers and many Herring Gulls. A few flowers were noted in bloom, these were:- Yarrow; Large Flowered Evening Primrose agg; Canadian Goldenrod; Sea Rocket; Sea Plantain; Sea Holly and Purple Loosestrife. Butterflies seen were:- Small Heath; Meadow Brown; Common Blue and Gatekeeper. Several Barrel Jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo) and a couple of Compass Jellyfish (Chrysaora hysoscella) were also noted. |
2nd August 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - A 3 hour stint digging more stubborn grass and soil and planting a few insect friendly plants. Prior to power-walking 6.5 miles home I had a pootle around the edge of the pitch and recorded a few species. Hoverflies listed were:- Eristalis arbustorum (*1); Sphaerophoria scripta (*1); Helophilus hybridus (*3); Syritta pipiens (*1); Syrphus ribesii (*1); Platycheirus albimanus (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*5); Eristalis tenax (*5); Dasysyrphus albostriatus (*1); Episyrphus balteatus (*8); Platycheirus scutatus agg (*1); Eupeodes corollae (*1) and Volucella pellucens (*1). 4 moth species were seen, these were:- Udea lutealis (*2); Large Yellow Underwing (*1) and Agriphila straminella (*1). I also saw a Comma butterfly. Other insects seen were:- 1 * Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus); 3 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 2 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 1 * Common Green Leafhopper (Cicadella viridis); 5 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * Tachnid Fly (Eriothrix rufomaculata); 1 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); 1 * Common Green Shieldbug nymph (Palomena prasina) and 3 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus). 2 Jackdaws; 3 Swifts; a Starling; a Wood Pigeon; a Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus) and the Gall (Cecidophyes nudus) were also added. |
1st August 2021 - Bottom Moor, Matlock, Derbyshire - The final stretch of a lengthy wander. We continued to keep the peepers peeled and saw the following butterflies:- Gatekeeper (*3); Small Skipper (*5); Meadow Brown (*2); Green Veined White (*2); Small Heath (*1) and Ringlet (*1). Another Antler Moth was seen. 5 species of Hoverfly seen were:- Helophilus pendulus (*2); Eristalis tenax (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*2); Cheilosia illustrata (*1) and Leucozona glaucia (*5). Ox-Eye Daisy was in flower and we added a lone 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) to the small tally. Later, and after some kind on-line help, I added the Norwegian Wasp (Dolichovespula norwegica). |
1st August 2021 - Wirestone Lane, Matlock, Derbyshire - On we slogged and noted along this lofted stretch 2 Gatekeepers and a Hoverfly (Syritta pipiens). |
1st August 2021 - Chesterfield Road, Matlock, Derbyshire - Continuing a long walk and along a roadside stretch we saw:- 2 * Green Veined White; 1 * Small Copper; 1 * Meadow Brown; 1 * Large Skipper; 1 * Mother of Pearl and 2 * Antler Moth. The Tachnid Fly (Eriothrix rufomaculata) was in good numbers and a Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius) and Sun-Fly (Helophilus pendulus) were added to the sightings. Goat's-Beard and Field Scabious were in fine flower. |
1st August 2021 - Farley Moor, Derbyshire - A good yomp at a new area with the noggins kept ticking along the way. Butterflies and moths seen were:- Meadow Brown (*4); Green Veined White (*3); Buff Footman (*1) and Argyresthia goedartella (*1). Other insects noted whilst we marched along were:- 2 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 1 * Common Green Shieldbug nymph (Palomena prasina); 1 * Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); 1 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum) and 3 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata). Hoverflies picked out were:- Eristalis pertinax (*1); Helophilus pendulus (*1); Melanostoma scalare (*3); Leucozonia glaucia (*19); Meliscaeva cinctella (*2) and Episyrphus balteatus (*3). Flowers in bloom were:- Great Willowherb; Figwort; Ribwort Plantain; Yellow-Rattle; Bird's-Foot Trefoil; Bush Vetch; Field Bindweed; Pineappleweed; Large Bindweed; Creeping Thistle; White Dead Nettle; Harebell; Greater Planatin; Goosegrass; Wood Avens; Herb Robert; Hedge Woundwort; Bramble agg; Heather; Rosebay Willowherb; Eyebright agg; Self-Heal; Common Ragwort; Marsh Thistle; White Clover; Daisy; Hemp Agrimony; Fairy Flax; Angelica; Common Knapweed; Upright Hedge Parsley; Red Clover; Tufted Vetch; Broad Leaved Helleborine; Tormentil; Foxglove; Dandelion agg; Meadow Vetchling; Sheep's Sorrel; Perforate St John's Wort and Yellow Pimpernel. Galls added were:- Iteomyia capreae; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Phyllocoptes goniothorax and Hartigiola annulipes. We also saw a Blackbird; Goldfinch; Wren and a Robin and 2 specimens of the Harvestman (Leiobunum rotundum). |
1st August 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Vapourer Moth was seen on the outside of the kitchen window - a nice early morning bonus. |
29th July 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Robin's Pincushion was noted, Common Toadflkax was in flower as was hemp Agrimony and a single Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) was defying the cloud. 18 Parent Bugs (Elasmucha grisea) were in residence on Silver Birch leaves. |
28th July 2021 - Corbar Woods, Buxton, Derbyshire - A day off work so a breakfast at a bookshop, a few purchases made, a visit to this tucked away area and a Full-English breakfast to finish. A few flowers seen on our strollings were:- Sheep's Sorrel; Eyebright agg; White Clover; Spear Thistle; Broad Leaved Dock; Bramble agg; Great Willowherb; Wood Avens; Enchanter's Nightshade and Tormentil. A Swift flew over whilst we lounged in the breeze and sun and in the woods we spied 2 Blackbirds and a Dunnock. 2 Hoverflies seen were:- Episyrphus balteatus and Eristalis tenax. 2 Meadow Browns and a Large White were the only butterflies seen. A Meadow Grasshopper and a few fungi completed the day's sightings. |
27th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The weather was set to change so I squeezed in another moth-trapping session, the species caught were:- Euzophera pinguis (*1); Scalloped Oak (*2); Dark Arches (*4); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*4); Riband Wave f. remutata (*3); Mother of Pearl (*1); Flame (*1); Shuttle Shaped Dart (*2); Blastobasis adustella (*7); Acrobasis advenella (*1); Straw Underwing (*1); Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*2); Single Dotted Wave (*1); Poplar Hawk-Moth (*1); Pale Prominent (*1); Common Rustic agg (*2); Eudonia lacustrata (*2); Cabbage Moth (*2); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*5); Light Brown Apple Moth (*1); Azalea Leaf Miner (*1); Marbled Beauty (*1); Fan-Foot (*1); Bird Cherry Ermine (*2); Canary Shoulder Thorn (*1); Red Barred Tortrix (*1); Garden Carpet (*1); Anania coronata (*1); Willow Beauty (*1); Burnished Brass (*1); Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner (*1); Argyresthia goedartella (*1); Agriphila straminella (*1); Dun-Bar (*1) and Rustic (*1). In the garden I saw a Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) and a Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus). |
26th July 2021 - Marbury CP, Cheshire - Another meet-up with the home-schooled kids and theor families - what a joyous bunch and such good company. We pootled here and there, kept a loose list of things seen and cobbled together the sightings:- Galls noted were:- Eriophyes laevis; Eriophyes inangulis; Dasineura urticae; Andricus curvator; Andricus kollari; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Neurotus numismalis; Hartigiola annulipes; Euura proxima; Andricus foecundatrix and Taxomyia taxi. Plants in bloom discussed were:- Skullcap; Garlic Mustard; Agrimony; Lesser Burdock; Common Field Speedwell; Bittersweet; Self-Heal; Meadow Buttercup; Creeping Buttercup; Common Ragwort; Red Campion; Rosebay Willowherb; Great Willowherb; Musk Mallow; Goosegrass; Creeping Thistle; Dandelion agg; Common Knotgrass; Wood Avens; Herb Robert; Bramble agg; Hedge Bindweed; Daisy; Enchanter's Nightshade; Meadowsweet; Greater Plantain; Ribwort Plantain; Curl Leaved Dock; White Clover; Tormentil; Silverweed; Red Clover; Teasel; Wild Carrot; Shepherd's Purse and Common Nettle. Insects seen were:- 1 * Roesel's Bush Cricket (Roeseliana roeselii); 3 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata); 2 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 2 * Brown Hawker (Aeshna grandis); 1 * Darkling Beetle (Lagria hirta); 1 * Ground Beetle (Pterostichus madidus); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 1 * Blue Tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans); 4 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognatus arbustorum); 1 * Leaf Hopper (Cicadella viridis); 1 * Alder Spittle Bug (Aphrophora alni); 1 * Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus paralellus); 1 * Tortoise Beetle (Cassida vibex) 3 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); 1 * Dock Bug nymph (Coreus marginatus); 1 * Mirid Bug (Grypocoris stysi); 1 * Mirid Bug (Capsus ater); 1 * Mirid Bug (Heterotoma plannicornis); 1 * Common Green Shield Bug nymph (Palomena prasina); 1 * Water Measurer (Hydrometra stagnorum); 2 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 2 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) and 1 * Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus). A few Alder Leaf Beetle larvae (Agelastica alni) were added as well. Hoverflies seen were:- 1 * Chrysogaster solstitialis; 1 * Volucella pellucens; 1 * Helophilus pendulus; 1 * Eristalis pertinax and 1 * Melanostoma scalare. Butterflies noted were:- 5 * Gatekeeper and 2 * Meadow Brown plus the moths:- 1 * Agriphila straminella and 1 * Nettle Tap Moth. We saw a couple of Peacock larvae too. We also saw a Swan Mussel; a Song Thrush; Pendulous Sedge; the Variegated Centipede; Shiny Woodlouse; White Lipped Banded Snail and Garden Snail. The Harvestman (Opilio canestrinii) was identified later. We also nattered about a Beech tree, Bracken and before the walk Gill and myself pondered a Balsam Poplar and a Black Locust Tree. The end totals was 108 species - not bad at all. |
25th July 2021 - Rishton Reservoir area/Leeds/Liverpool Canal, Lancashire - A walk to catch up with 2 friends. It was a pleasant stroll and along the way I noted a few things. Hoverflies listed were:- Volucella pellucens (*1); Eristalis tenax (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*1); Episyrphus balteatus (*6); Helophilus hybridus (*1); Sericomyia silentis (*1) and Helophilus pendulus (*1). Butterflies noted were:- Ringlet (*1); Green Veined White (*2); Small White (*1); Gatekeeper (*10) and Meadow Brown (*2). Common Blue Damselfly; Brown Hawker and Emperor Dragonfly were enjoying the sun and we saw 1 Potato Capsid (Closterotomus norvegicus). A few birds were picked up, these being:- Goldfinch; Mute Swan; Great Crested Grebe; Moorhen; Canada Goose; Swift and Swallow. Flowers in bloom were:- Yellow Water Lily; Meadowsweet; Great Willowherb; Hemp Agrimony; Meadow Vetchling; Rosebay Willowherb; Marsh Woundwort; Sneezewort; Common Fleabane; English Stonecrop; Tufted Vetch; Bush Vetch; Yarrow; Common Knapweed; Upright Hedge Parsley; Creeping Thistle; Spear Thistle; Skullcap; Himalayan Balsam; Water Mint; Gypsywort; Canadian Goldenrod and Amphibious Bistort. Not the greatest list today but it wasn't the priorty. Even so, things were seen and recorded, it all helps. |
24th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few moths needed removing from the bathroom, these were:- Herald (*1); Blastobasis adustella (*2); Garden Carpet (*1); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*1); Common Emerald (*1) and Riband Wave f. remutata (*2). An Orange Ladybird was also given its marching orders. 2 Small Whites copulated in the late afternoon sun with the female laying a few eggs here and there. |
23rd July 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - A good bash at the nature area, very slow going with some tough grassy soil to deal with. I was dripping with sweat and needed two baths when I got home but it is all positive stuff. Butterflies seen were:- Green Veined White (*1); Ringlet (*3); Gatekeeper (*1); Large Skipper (*1); Small White (*1); Comma (*1) plus the moths:- Nettle Tap (*1); Agriphila straminella (*2) and Straw Dot (*1). After leaving a Nettle patch to go mad it was a delight to see it was being used by 57 Small Tortoiseshell larvae. Win, win, win! Other insects seen were:- 1 * Notch Horned Cleg Fly (Haematopota pluvialis); 2 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus); 9 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); 4 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Meadow Plant Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata); 1 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera); 2 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); 1 * Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) and 3 * Green Leafhopper (Cicadella viridis). We also saw the following hoverflies:- Eristalis pertinax (*1); Scaeva pyrastri (*1); Eristalis tenax (*6) and Episyrphus balteatus (*20). A few flowers noted in bloom were:- Lesser Swine Cress; Great Willowherb; Large Flowered Evening Primrose agg; Common Ragwort and Redshank. Black Headed Gull (*6); Swift (*6); Jackdaw (*9); Wood Pigeon (*1); Goldfinch (*1); Magpie (*3); Swallow (*1) and Carrion Crow (*1) were the few birds seen. I also saw a Graden Spider (Araneus diadematus). |
22nd July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A stinkingly hot night so up early to check the moths. Species seen were:- Clepsis consimilana (*1); Silver Y (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*5); Straw Dot (*1); Double Square Spot (*1); Scalloped Oak (*4); Pyrausta aurata (*1); Black-Neck Moth (*1); Pebble Hook Tip (*1); Bird Cherry Ermine (*17); Crambus pascuella (*2); Mother of Pearl (*1); Agriphilla straminella (*2); Carcina quercana (*2); Bryotropha affinis (*4); Brimstone (*1); Clay (*1); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*1); Blastobasis adustella (*7); Flame Shoulder (*1); Dark Arches (*3); Cabbage Moth (*1); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*2); Dun-Bar (*1); Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner (*1); Common Rustic agg (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*2); Buff Arches (*1); Blastodacna hellerella (*1); Marbled Minor agg (*1); Brown House Moth (*1) and Eudonia lacustrata (*1). Also making an appearance were singles of:- Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris); Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) and Green Lacewing (Chrysopa perla) plus a couple of Black Tipped Soldier Beetles (Rhagonycha fulva). |
21st July 2021 - Wythenshawe Park, G. Manchester - A walk with a small group of carers, by heck we didn't last out in the field, way too hot. We had an hour outside the cafe, an hour in the field and then finished with another hour having a drink and chatting. It was still a pleasant jaunt. In the 60 minutes pottering we saw:- Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea); Brown Hawker (Aeshna grandis); Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); Meadow Grasshopper (Pseudochorthippus parallelus); Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris); Green Veined White (Pieris napi); Mirid Bug (Heterotoma planicornis); Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum) plus a couple of Holly Blues (Celastrina argiolus) and 5 * Marmalade Flies (Episyrphus balteatus). Galls seen were:- Andricus foecundatrix; Trioza remota; Neuroterus numismalis and Dasineura urticae. |
20th July 2021 - Heaton Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A lone hoverfly was seen on the way to work, Melanostoma scalare - these days are way too hot for these little blighters. |
20th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - As the days are busy I continue to catch a few moths overnight to get my wildlife fix, the morning blessed me with the following nocturnal miracles:- Straw Underwing (*3); White Satin (*1); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*9); Dun-Bar (*3); Brimstone (*2); Riband Wave f. remutata (*4); Willow Beauty (*1); (*2); Common Emerald (*1); Double Square Spot (*1); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*4); Bird Cherry Ermine (*19); Peppered Moth (*1); Scalloped Oak (*1); Riband Wave (*1); Mother of Pearl (*1); Heart and Dart (*2); Grey/Dark Dagger agg (*2); Marbled Beauty (*5); Brown House Moth (*4); Crambus pascuella (*3); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Timothy Tortrix (*1); Cabbage Moth (*1); Anania coronata (*1); Dark Arches (*1); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Agriphila straminella (*1); Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner (*2); Clay (*1); Blastobasis adustella (*3); Acrobasis advenella (*1); (*1); Spectacle (*1); Red Barred Tortrix (*1); Acleris forsskaleana (*1); Spilonota ocellana (*1); Eudonia lacustrata (*1) and Clepsis consimilana (*1). Also in the mix were 2 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) and 2 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva). |
19th July 2021 - Heaton Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Speckled Wood and a Brimstone Moth hung about down a short-cut I take to and from work. |
19th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - More moths, the list was:- Common Wave (*1); Common White Wave (*1); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*9); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*5); Brimstone (*3); Common Emerald (*1); Marbled Beauty (*2); Willow Beauty (*1); Bird Cherry Ermine (*13); Blastobasis adustella (*4); Grey/Dark Dagger (*2); Water Veneer (*61); Mother of Pearl (*4); Common Footman (*3); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*3); Dark Arches (*3); Common Rustic agg (*3); Brown House Moth (*5); Codling Moth (*1); Pammene fasciana (*2); Crambus pascuella (*1); Peppered Moth (*1); Argyresthia goedartella (*1); Apple Leaf Miner (*1); Swammerdamia caesiella (*1); Double Square Spot (*1); Anania coronata (*3); Burnished Brass (*1); Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner (*1); Clepsis consimilana (*1); Scalloped Oak (*1); Red Barred Tortrix (*2); Straw Underwing (*2); Tachystola acroxantha (*2) and Carcina quercana (*1) . Also in the mix was the Caddis Fly (Athripsodes albifrons). |
18th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Swallow-Tailed Moth and a Herald were in the bathroom, a Common Green Shieldbug nymph (Palomena prasina) and a Ruby Tailed Wasp (Chrysis agg) were in the garden along with a Comma who was checking out the Nettles. |
18th July 2021 - Wheata Woods, Sheffield, South Yorkshire - A second walk of the day after a cool down and some lunch. A few flowers noted in bloom were:- Harebell; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Shepherd's Purse; Tormentil; Common Poppy and Pineappleweed. Speckled Wood (*3); Meadow Brown (*8); Small Skipper (*3); Green Veined White (*1); Ringlet (*1) were the butterflies seen and were joined by 2 Light Emerald Moths. 1 * Spotted Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela maculata); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 1 * Common Froghopper (Philaenus spumarius); 1* Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva) and Meadow, Common Green and Common Field Grasshoppers were the only insects seen along with 1 Hoverfly (Volucella pellucens). 3 Swallows whizzed over the open fields |
18th July 2021 - Greno Wood, Sheffield, South Yorkshire - An early morning walk, by heck it was a sizzler. Hoverflies were staying out of the way, the tally consisted of:- Melanostoma scalare (*1); Helophilus pendulus (*1); Cheilosia illustrata (*1); Volucella pellucens (*5); Epistrophe grossulariae (*1); Xylota segnis (*3) and Episyrphus balteatus (*7). Lepidoptera were represented by:- Ringlet (*12); Meadow Brown (*5); Speckled Wood (*8); Large Skipper (*2); Green Veined White (*2) and the moths Celypha lacunana (*1) and Brown China Mark (*1). Other insects seen were:- 5 * Spotted Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela maculata); 1 * Mirid Bug (Dicyphus epilobii); 1 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); 1 * Potato Capsid (Closterotomus norvegicus); 1 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata); 1 * Mirid Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata); 1 * Mirid Bug (Megaloceroea recticornis); 1 * Net Winged Beetle (Pyropterus nigroruber); 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum) and 1 * Green Tiger Beetle (Cicindela campestris). Only 4 galls were seen today, these were:- Hartigiola annulipes; Dasineura urticae; Iteomyia capreae; and Dasineura kiefferiana. Common Nettle; Sweet Chestnut; Pineappleweed; Broad Leaved Dock; Dandelion agg; White Clover; Large Bindweed; Goosegrass; Herb Robert; Bramble agg; Creeping Buttercup; Common Ragwort; Nipplewort; Self-Heal; Rosebay Willowherb; Foxglove; Black Medick; Hop Trefoil; Meadow Vetchling; Creeping Cinquefoil; Red Clover; Greater Plantain; Ribwort Plantain; Hedge Woundwort; Greater Willowherb; Creeping Thistle; Tufted Vetch; Meadow Buttercup; Lesser Spearwort; Marsh Woundwort; Hogweed; Wavy Bittercress; Wood Sage; Enchanter's Nightshade; Wood Avens; Spear Thistle; Honeysuckle; Yarrow and Cow Wheat were the blooms picked out . |
17th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Yet more lepidopteran action via the moths, the list today was:- White Satin (*1); Eudonia lacustrata (*1); Water Veneer (*37); Dark Arches (*1); Fan-Foot (*2); Scalloped Oak (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*3); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*1); Brown House Moth (*2); Apple Leaf Miner (*1); Heart and Dart (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*3); Anania coronata (*2); Blastobasis adustella (*1); Common Emerald (*1); 20 Plume Moth (*1); Red Barred Tortrix (*2); Peach Blossom (*1); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*3); Grey/Dark Dagger agg (*1); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*9); Bird Cherry Ermine (*15); Crassa unitella (*1); Lobesia abscisana (*1); Argyresthia goedartella (*1); Scalloped Hook Tip (*1); Crambus pascuella (*1); Poplar Grey (*1) and Riband Wave (*4). A Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) was in the garden after I checked the moth trap. |
16th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - More moths from overnight, the list was:- Swallow-Tailed Moth (*7); Riband Wave (*1); Blastobasis adustella (*2); Pammene fasciana (*1); Small Fan Footed Wave (*1); Clepsis consimilana (*1); Dark Arches (*2); Elephant Hawk-Moth (*1); Fan-Foot (*1); Red Barred Tortrix (*2); Gothic (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*5); Scalloped Oak (*3); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*3); Light Brown Apple Moth (*1); Marbled Beauty (*1); Anania coronata (*1); Lozotaenia forsterana (*1); Light Emerald (*1); Flame (*1); Dot Moth (*1); Flame Shoulder (*1); Heart and Dart (*1); Small Fan-Foot (*1); Grey/Dark Dagger agg (*3); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*2); Herald (*1); Early Thorn (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Eudonia lacustrata (*2); Dun-Bar (*1); Willow Beauty (*1): Bird Cherry Ermine (*4) and Brimstone (*1). |
14th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Several moths were caught overnight, these were:- Common Rustic agg (*1); Small Angle Shades (*1); Heart and Dart (*2); Scalloped Hook Tip (*1); Acrobasis advenella (*2); Hypsopygia glaucinalis (*1); Single Dotted Wave (*1); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*2); Teleiodes vulgella (*1); Clay (*2); Double Striped Pug (*1); Willow Beauty (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*5); Scalloped Oak (*1); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*3); Water Veneer (*5); Red Barred Tortrix (*1); Ancylis achatana (*1) Marbled Beauty (*1); Bird Cherry Ermine (*2); Spilonota ocellana (*1); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*1); Brown House Moth (*2); Crambus pascuella (*1) and Garden Carpet (*1). |
13th July 2021 - Heaton Mersey/River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Walking home from work, Yellow Oxalis was in flower, a Red Admiral fed on a Buddleia Bush, a Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) buzzed about and Grypocoris stysi and Plagiognathus arbustorum were 2 bugs noted. |
12th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few moths needed removing from the bathroom, these were:- Double Striped Pug (*1); Crambus pascuella (*1); Early Thorn (*1); Bee Moth (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*1); Anania coronata (*1); Eudonia lacustrata (*1); Common Rustic agg (*1); Mother of Pearl (*1) and Udea prunalis (*1). |
11th July 2021 - Langsett Barn, South Yorkshire - A last wander of the day, we got a gallop on but saw 3 8 Oystercatcher; 1 * Song Thush; 1 * Blackbird and 1 * Robin plus a Common Toad; Yellow Pimpernel and Common Valerian in flower. Wood Horsetail was a joy to behold in healthy swathes and 6 * Ringlets kept our peepers roving. Other insects seen were:- 1 * Tachnid Fly (Tachina grossa); 1 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Common Earwing (Forficula auricularia); 1 * Eyed Ladybird (Anatis ocellata); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis cryptica); 1 * Green Lacewing (Chrysopa perla); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis rustica); 1 * Mirid Bug (Cyllecoris histrionius); 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha lignosa); 1 * 10 Spot Ladybird (Adalia decempunctata f. bimaculata); 1 * Gorse Shieldbug (Piezodorus lituratus); 1 * Weevil (Otiorhynchus singularis); 2 * Mirid Bug (Phylus melanocephalus); 2 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva) and singles of the Hoverflies:- Episyrphus balteatus and Eristalis pertinax. Andricus kollari was the only gall spied - we were a bit hot and clammy by now. The Harvestman (Mitopus morio) is always nice to add to any list. |
11th July 2021 - Rocher Plantation, South Yorkshire - A second walk of the day, up a steep incline and a potter in a grassy glade. Hoverflies seen were:- Leucozona glaucia (*1); Chrysogaster solstitialis (*2); Epistrophe grossulariae (*1); Episyrphus balteatus (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*1) and Helophilus pendulus (*1). Butterflies noted were:- Small Skipper (*2); Ringlet (*6); Meadow Brown (*2) and Small Heath (*3). Moths added were:- Straw Dot (*1); and Celypha lacunana (*1). Other insects seen were:- 1 * Mirid Bug (Grypocoris stysi); 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 2 * Mirid Bug (Pithanus maerkelii); 3 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); 1 * Potato Capsid (Closterotomus norwegicus); 1 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); 1 * Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus); 1 * Mirid Bug (Trigonotylus ruficornis); 1 * Striped Slender Robberfly (Leptogaster cylindrica); 1 * Lacebug (Tingis ampliata); 1 * Common Earwig (Forficula auricularia); 1 * Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus paralellus); 1 * Crane-Fly (Nephrotoma flavipalpis) and many Common Green Grasshoppers (Omocestus viridulus). Harebell; Mouse Ear Hawkweed and Tormentil were a few flowers pondered. Also added to the small list was a Coal Tit; Nuthatch; the Four Spotted Orb Weaber (Araneus quadratus) and the Gall (Jaapiella veronicae). |
11th July 2021 - Agden Bog/Reservoir area, South Yorkshire - A trip out and the first site of the day was broken up by an Ice Cream break and a sit in the village of Bradfield. The circular walk produced the following flowers in bloom:- Marsh Bedstraw; Corn Sow Thistle; Broad Leaved Willowherb; Marsh Willowherb; Curl Leaved Dock; Knotgrass; Red Clover; Self-Heal; Daisy; Feverfew; Claridge Druce Crane's-Bill; Rosebay Willowherb; Dandelion agg; Hairy Tare; Meadow Vetchling; Honeysuckle; Comfrey agg; Yarrow; Common Ragwort; Bell Heather; Heath Spotted Orchid; Ox-Eye Daisy; Common Mallow; Ribwort Plantain; Silverweed; Creeping Thistle; Enchanter;s Nightshade; Upright Hedge Parsley; Spear Thistle; Garlic Mustard; Wood Avens; Lady's Mantle agg; Marsh Thistle; Greater Bird's-Foot Trefoil; Tormentil; Lesser Spearwort; Common Cow Wheat; Bush Vetch; Bramble agg; Hedge Woundwort; Creeping Buttercup; Broad Leaved Dock; Nipplewort; Greater Plantain; White Clover; Herb Robert; Pineappleweed; Foxglove; Elder; Goosegrass and Common Nettle. Galls spied were:- Iteomyia capraea; Eriophyes sorbi; Dasineura urticae; Eriophyes inangulis; Chirosia betuleti; Psyllopsis fraxini; Eriophyes leiosoma; Contarinia tiliarum and Didymomyia tiliacea. A few birds were noted, these were:- Siskin; Blackbird; Chiffchaff; Mallard; Wood Pigeon; Chaffinch; Goldfinch; Blue Tit; Coal Tit and Robin. Hoverflies seen were:- Cheilosia illustrata (*1); Episyrphus balteatus (*5); Epistrophe grossulariae (*3); Eristalis pertinax (*24) and Chrysogaster solstitialis (*11). Other insects seen were:- 2 * Mirid Bug (Deraeocoris ruber); 3 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera); 1 * Lime Aphid (Eucallipterus tiliae); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); 5 * Bracken Bug (Monalocoris filicis); 1 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva) and 3 * Mirid Bug (Grypocoris stysi). 8 * Ringlet, 1 * Nettle Tap Moth, 1 * Catoptria margaritella and 1 * Celypha lacunana were the only lepidoterans seen. Wall Rue; Hart's Tongue Fern and Bracken were the only other things pondered. |
10th July 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - Whilst doing more digging, lifting, planting and general clearing I noted 3 species of moth:- Chrysoteuchia culmella (*2); Nettle Tap (*2) and Small Magpie (*1). Singles of Meadow Brown; Ringlet and Small Tortoiseshell were also seen. A Frog and a Toad were disturbed and also added were:- 2 * Mamalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus); 3 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 6 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); 1 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) and 1 * Darkling Beetle (Lagria hirta). A healthy flock of Swifts played in the sky, a Blackbird fed on the pitch, a Collared Dove amde sure our work rate didn't slacken |
10th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Up at the crack and before gardening for nature at Denton Town I removed a few moths from the bathroom:- Eudonia lacustrata (*2); Riband Wave f. remutata (*1); Fan-Foot (*1); Bee Moth (*2); Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (*1); Common Emerald (*1); Anania coronata (*2); Riband Wave (*1); Dark Arches (*1) and Cabbage Moth (*1). A Darkling Beetle (Lagria hirta) was also escorted off the premises. |
9th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few moths caught overnight were:- Willow Beauty (*1); Scalloped Oak (*1); Clouded Border (*1); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*2); Crambus pascuella (*1); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*3); Brimstone (*1); Marbled Beauty (*2); Grey/Dark Dagger agg (*2); Heart and Dart (*2); Bee Moth (*3); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*2); Riband Wave f. remutata (*1); Dark Arches (*1); Fan-Foot (*1); Flame (*1); Riband Wave (*1); Acrobasis advenella (*1); Bird Cherry Ermine (*1); Blastobasis adustella (*1) and Water Veneer (*1). As I did some gardening later in the day a Small White said 'hello'and I spied the Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum) on our Nettle patch. A 2-Spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata) |
8th July 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Weaving about on my homeward trip after work and butterflies seen were:- Speckled Wood (*4); Ringlet (*1); Small Skipper (*1); Green Veined White (*1) and Meadow Brown (*1). I also saw the Common Marble Moth (Celypha lacunana). Volucella pellucens (*2) and Episyrphus balteatus (*3) were the only Hoverflies seen. The Rose Sawfly (Arge ochropus) was knocking about and Creeping Jenny; Lady's Bedstraw and Quaking Grass were plants that caught the eye. |
6th July 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - Leading another walk for the carers, we had a good pootle around the ground, saw many usual blooms and a Sparrowhawk which was a nice extra. |
4th July 2021 - Hic Bibi NR, Coppull, Lancashire - A gem of a tucked away area with a good morn spent pootling before the rain fell. 9 hoverflies noted were:- Volucella bombylans (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*6); Volucella pellucens (*1); Myathropa florea (*1); Helophilus pendulus (*4); Eristalis tenax (*1); Episyphus balteatus (*6); Chrysogaster solstitialis (*2) and Cheilosia illustrata (*4). 13 butterflies and moths seen were:- Crambus pascuella (*1); Common Wave (*1); 4 * Yarrow Plume Moth (*4); Common Carpet (*1); Brown China Mark (*1); Large Skipper (*3); Celypha lacunana (*10+); Nettle Tap Moth (*8); Mompha locupletella (*1); Small Tortoiseshell (*1); Meadow Brown (*9); Small Skipper (*4) and Black-Neck (*5). 31 insects listed were:- 1 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis flavilabris); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula lateralis); 1 * Notch-Horned Cleg (Haematopota pluvialis); 1 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea); 5 * Azure Damselfly (Coenagrion puella); 3 * Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula); 1 * Leafhopper (Eupteryx urticae); 2 * Potato Capsid (Closterotomus norwegicus); 1 * Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 3 * Blue Tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans); 1 * Scorpion Fly (Panorpa communis); 1 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); 10+ * Dance Fly (Empis livida); 1 * Soldier Fly (Chloromyia formosa); 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Semaphore Fly (Poecilobothrus nobilitatus); 2 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera); 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 3 * Mirid Bug (Grypocoris stysi); 1 * Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator); 2 * Green Lacewing (Chrysopa perla); 1 * Common Reed Beetle (Donacia aquatica ); 2 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 10* Black Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus cristatus); 1 * Common Froghopper (Philaenus spumarius); 1 * Mirid Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula fulvipennis) and 3 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius). 46 blooms seen included:- Bittersweet; Tutsan; Black Medick; Square Stalked St John's Wort; Hairy Tare; Broad Leaved Willowherb; Scented Mayweed; Marsh Bedstraw; Rosebay Willowherb; Creeping Thistle; Common Knotgrass; Foxglove; Bramble agg; Herb Robert; Honeysuckle; Elder; Red Clover; White Clover; Meadow Buttercup; Meadow Vetchling; Common Spotted Orchid; Self-Heal; Marsh Thistle; Hogweed; Silverweed; Bird's-Foot Trefoil; Meadowsweet; Fairy Flax; Yellow Flag Iris; Bush Vetch; Common Ragwort; Dandelion agg; Nipplewort; Daisy; Broad Leaved Dock; Common Comfrey agg; Spear Thistle; Redshank; Hedge Woundwort; Creeping Jenny; Goosegrass; Curled Dock; Common Nettle; Pineappleweed; Ragged Robin and Goat's-Beard in seed. 7 birds added were:- Yellowhammer (*2); Skylark (*1); Magpie (*1); Wood Pigeon (*3); Carrion Crow (*2); Blackbird (*2) and Swallow (*1). 6 Galls were seen, these being:- Iteomyia capraea; Dasineura urticae; Euura proxima; Eupontania pendunculi; Dasineura ulmariae and Eriophyes similis. We also noted Wall Rue and of course Quaking Grass - it is a lovely thing. Along with 2 fungi seen the end total was 116 species - one can't complain. |
3rd July 2021 - Parrs Wood, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk with the carers and a mate from Denton Town FC and his daughter and mate, one of whom was doing her Duke of Edinburgh award and so was photographer and list keeper for the day. Thank you Isabella and Chloe. It was a grey and rainy day but the hour we found between the showers allowed us to discuss the following flowers:- Ivy Broomrape; Feverfew; Foxglove; Perforated St John's Wort; Common Mallow; Large Flowered Evening Primrose; Black Medick; Green Alkanet; Ivy Leaved Toad Flax; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Self-Heal; Common Knapweed; Red Clover; White Clover; Yarrow; White Campion; Red Campion; Honeysuckle; Goosegrass; White Water Lily; Branched Bur Reed; Meadowsweet; Herb Robert; Wood Avens; Comfrey agg; Yellow-Flag Iris; Wild Carrot; Borage; Hogweed; and Large Bindweed. A Fox wandered by seemingly unperturbed by we humans. I also saw a Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus); 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); a Ground Beetle (Pterostichus madidus); a Leopard Slug and Rough; Shiny and Striped Woodlice. Andricus kollari and Dasineura urticae were the only 2 galls seen before the rain started to fall again. We also pondered an impressive Silver Birch and a multi-stemmed Hazel tree - lovely beauties. |
3rd July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A really rainy morn but a few moths in the bathroom brightened matters, these were:- Swallow-Tailed Moth (*1); Bee Moth (*1); Fan-Foot (*2); Bramble Shoot Moth (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*2); Single Dotted Wave (*1); Small Dusty Wave (*1); Willow Beauty (*1) and Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (*2). A Tiger Crane-Fly (Nephrotoma flavipalpis) was also in the bathroom as well as the Harvestman (Leiobunum rotundum). |
2nd July 2020 - Quarry Moor Nature Reserve, Ripon, N. Yorkshire - A second walk of the day, by heck it were a warm 'un. Blooms noted were:- Columbine; Lady's Mantle agg; Daisy; Pineappleweed; Large Bindweed; Comfrey agg; Garlic Mustard; Bugle; Creeping Buttercup; Tall Melilot; Twayblade; Red Clover; Ground Ivy; Germander Speedwell; Red Campion; Yellow-Wort; Fairy Flax; Eyebright agg; Lesser Trefoil; Bird's-Foot Trefoil; Common Centaury; Ox-Eye Daisy; Common Mouse Ear; Common Ragwort; Common Spotted Orchid; White Clover; Ribwort Plantain; Self-Heal; Meadow Buttercup; Creeping Thistle; Agrimony; Wood Avens; Enchanter's Nightshade; Crosswort; Creeping Cinquefoil; Elder; Goosegrass; Meadow Vetchling; Hogweed; Hedge Woundwort; White Dead Nettle; Common Mallow; Bramble agg; Dove's-Foot Crane's-Bill; Meadow Crane's-Bill; Hairy St John's Wort; Broad Leaved Willowherb; Common Nettle; Hedge Mustard; Dame's Violet and 294 spikes of Thistle Broomrape. We also added Maltese Cross, Red Campion (Lychnis x haageana) - a fiery red cluser of blooms that really stood out. Speckled Wood (*3); Ringlet (*1); Meadow Brown (*4); Small Tortoiseshell (*2); Red Admiral (*1); Large Skipper (*1); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*1); Celypha lacunana (*1); Nettle Tap Moth (*1) and Straw Dot (*1) were the few lepidopterans observed. The few other insects seens were:- Common Carder (Bombus pascuorum); Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); Hoverfly (Eristalis pertinax); Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); Semaphore Fly (Poecilobothrus nobilitatus); Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); Hoverfly (Volucella pellucens); Sun Fly (Helophilus pendulus) and Soldier Fly (Chloromyia formosa). The few birds seen were:- Magpie; Chiffchaff; Black Headed Gull and Wood Pigeon. The gall Aceria cephalonea was the last sighting of the day. |
2nd July 2020 - Staveley NR, N. Yorkshire - A return visit to this lovely area with eyes peeled and pen and paper at the ready. The 33 birds listed were:- Blackbird; Wood Pigeon; Grey Heron; Mallard; Common Tern; Moorhen; Lapwing; Carrion Crow; Swallow; Mute Swan; Reed Bunting; Reed Warbler; Starling; Chaffinch; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Blackcap; Linnet; Tree Sparrow; Common Whitethroat; Shoveler; Coot; Oystercatcher; Shelduck; Sedge Warbler; Cormorant; Tufted Duck; Dunnock; Chiffchaff; Buzzard + Song Thrush; Wren; Willow Warbler; Grasshopper Warbler; Greenfinch and Goldfinch on call. 11 hoverflies seen were:- 1 * Eristalis intricaria; 1 * Volucella bombylans; 1 * Cheilosia illustrata; 4 * Eristalis pertinax; 1 * Helophilus pendulus; 2 * Episyrphus balteatus; 1 * Leucozona laternaria; 1 * Parhelophilus frutetorum; 1 * Eristalis arbustorum; 1 * Riponnensia splendens and 2 * Volucella pellucens. 12 Butterflies and moths seen were:- Small Tortoiseshell (*7); Large Skipper (*2); Speckled Wood (*3); Meadow Brown (*8); Ringlet (*22); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*2); Nettle Tap Moth (*4); Black-Neck (*2); Blood-Vein (*1); Brown China Mark (*1); Eucosma cana (*1) and Yellow-Shell (*2); 57 other insects were seen, these being:- 1 * Beetle (Antherophagus pallens); 1 * Crane-Fly (Ellipteroides lateralis); 1 * Beetle (Curtonotus aulicus); 1 * Soldier Fly (Chloromyia formosa); 3 * Mirid Bug (Harpocera thoracica); 1 * Noon Fly (Mesembrina meridiana); 2 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Cream Spot Ladybird (Calvia quattuordecimguttata); 1 * Azure Damselfly (Coenagrion puella); 2 * Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis pallida); 1 * Face Fly (Musca autumnalis); 1 * Emerald Damselfly (Lestes sponsa); 3 * Mirid Bug (Capsus ater); 2 * Blue Tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans); 5 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 4 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera): 1 * Semaphore Fly (Poecilobothrus nobilitatus); 2 * Common Earwig (Forficula auricularia); 1 * Mirid Bug nymph (Heterotoma planicornis); 1 * Black Tailed Skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum); 1 * Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea); 1 * Scorpion Fly (Panorpa communis); 4 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 2 * Black Tipped Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva); 1 * Wasp Beetle (Clytus arietis); 5 * Welsh Chafer (Hoplia philanthus); 1 * Broad Bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa); 2 * Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator); 2 * Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens); 2 * Mirid Bug (Miris striatus); 4 * Spotted Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela maculata); 1 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); 1 * Mirid Bug (Plagiognathus arbustorum); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 1 * Fruit Fly (Urophora jaceana agg); 1 * Crane-Fly (Nigrotipula nigra); 1 * Meadow Plant Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata); 1 * Potato Capsid (Closterotomus norwegicus); 1 * Scorpion Fly (Panorpa germanica); 2 * Dance Fly (Empis livida); 8 * Mirid Bug (Grypocoris stysi); 1 * Mirid Bug (Amblytylus nasutus); 3 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis flavilabris); 1 * Potato Leafhopper (Eupteryx aurata); 1 * Timothy Grass Bug (Stenotus binotatus); 1 * Broad Damsel Bug (Nabis flavomarginatus); 1 * Tiger Crane-Fly (Nephrotoma analis); 1 Common Froghopper (Philaenus spumarius); 1 * Mirid Bug (Stenodema calcarata); 1 * Notch-Horned Cleg (Haematopota pluvialis); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha testacea); 1 * Ichneumon Fly (Amblyjoppa proteus) and finally 5 * Pied Shieldbug nymphs (Tritomegas bicolor). 90 blooms were in on show:- Wood Dock; Dog Rose; Hedge Bedstraw; Scented Mayweed; Square Stalked Willowherb; Common Ragwort; White Dead Nettle; Weld; Black Horehound; Wild Privet; Scarlet Pimpernel; Wall Speedwell; Dove's Foot Crane's-Bill; Musk Mallow; Lady's Bedstraw; Yarrow; Hawthorn; Creeping Buttercup; Groundsel; Common Poppy; Crosswort; Dandelion agg; Common Knotgrass; Marsh Helleborine; Betony; Fairy Flax; Eyebright agg; Twayblade; Honeysuckle; Greater Plantain; Curled Dock; White Campion; Meadow Buttercup; Broad Leaved Dock; Red Campion; Tufted Vetch; Pineappleweed; Ground Elder; White Clover; Meadow Vetchling; Hogweed; Elder; Lesser Stitchwort; Ox-Eye Daisy; Yellow Rattle; Hairy Tare; Red Clover; Ribwort Plantain; Common Spotted Orchid; Common Valerian; Meadowsweet; Creeping Thistle; Bittersweet; Herb Robert; Enchanter's Nightshade; Tutsan; Green Alkanet; Cow Parsley; Hedge Woundwort; Bramble agg; Common Nettle; Marsh Woundwort; Field Scabious; Goosegrass; Common Mouse Ear; Water Figwort; Lesser Trefoil; Common Knapweed; Self-Heal; Ragged Robin; Bush Vetch; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Germander Speedwell; Wild Carrot; Nipplewort; Creeping Cinquefoil; Spear Thistle; Black Bryony; Black Medick; Himalayan Balsam; Common Figwort; Yellow-Flag; Comfrey agg; Cut Leaved Crane's-Bill; Marsh Thistle; Goat's-Beard; Greater Bird's-Foot Trefoil; Meadow Crane's-Bill and Rosebay Willowherb. 18 Galls noted were:- Jaapiella veronicae; Cecidophyes rouhollahi; Diplolepis rosae; Dasineura urticae; Dasineura ulmaria; Iteomyia capreae; Iteomyia major; Euura proxima; Eriophyes laevis; Dasineura fraxini; Psyllopsis fraxini; Acalitus brevitarsus; Eriophyes inangulis; Eriophyes tiliae; Aceria macrochela; Aceria pseudoplatani; Protomyces macrosporus and Eriophyes similis. After requesting on-line help to ID a spider (I am hopeless with arachnids) the confident answer came back that we had found a Long Legged Wolf Spider (Pardosa pullata) - what a bonus. We also saw 15 more species - a Grey Squirrel; a baby Frog; White Lipped Banded Snail; Silver Birch; Beech; Common Gorse; Hazel; Lime; Ash; Field Maple; Sycamore; Field Horsetail and the grasses:- Crested Dog's-Tail; Cock's-Foot and Yorkshire Fog. With 6 species of fungi added the final tally of the walk was 242 species. |
1st July 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The first sightings of the month were in the form of moths, the species caught overnight were:- Grey/Dark Dagger agg (*2); Riband Wave f. remutata (*6); Brimstone (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Garden Carpet (*1); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*1) Riband Wave (*2); Marbled Minor agg (*2); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*5); Fan-Foot (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*1); Eudonia lacustrata (*1); Rustic (*1); Heart and Dart (*9); Cabbage Moth (*1); Dark Arches (*5); Light Emerald (*1); Willow Beauty (*2); Scalloped Oak (*1); Sycamore (*1); Smoky Wainscot (*1); Ash Bud Moth (*1); Epinotia bilunana (*1); Hedya nubiferana (*1); Crambus pascuella (*1); Peppered Moth (*1) and Marbled Beauty (*1). Also in the trap were a Darkling Beetle (Lagria hirta) and a Yellow Spotted Sedge Caddisfly (Philopotamus montanus). I had a clear out of moths in the bathroom and kitchen, in the mix were:- Gothic (*1) and Riband Wave f. remutata (*1). |
30th June 2021 - Heaton Mersey Orchard and area, Stockport, G. Manchester - A mooch on the way home, Comma (*1); Meadow Brown (*2) and Ringlet (*1) were joined by the moths Chrysoteuchia culmella (*1) and Celypha lacunana (*1). 1 * Soldier Fly (Chloromyia formosa); 1 * Hairy Shieldbug (Dolycoris baccarum); 2 * Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus) and 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) were a few other insects seen. Rosebay Willowherb; Wild Carrot and Lesser Stitchwort were in flower and a Wren and a Chiffchaff were seen dishing out their familiar songs. |
30th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - More mothing and tonight's guests were:- Freyer's Pug (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*1); Small Fan Foot (*1); Spectacle (*1); Bee Moth (*3); Snout (*1); Riband Wave (*2); Uncertain (*1); Common Emerald (*2); Riband Wave f. remutata (*1); Anania coronata (*5); Clouded Border (*1); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*2); Small Magpie (*1); Brown House Moth (*2); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Dark Arches (*1); Fan-Foot (*2); Green Pug (*1); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*7); Heart and Dart (*6); Ancylis achatana (*1) and Eudonia lacustrata (*1). A Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) was also in the mix. |
29th June 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A dinnertine stroll, 4 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 2 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 10 * Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae); 2 * Speckled Wood (Parage aegeria); 1 * Swollen Thigh Beetle (Oedemera nobilis) and 5 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) were the only insects seen. I also spotted a Greater Useless Goon (Beyondus hopeus) - pouring weedkiller in the cracks in her parking spot - in this day and age you would think people would know better and just use a bit of elbow grease. |
28th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - 2 * Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus); 2 * Mirid Bug (Harpocera thoracica); a Varied Carpet Beetle (Anthrenus verbasci) and the Wood Avens Gall (Cecidophyes nudus) were the only sightings today during a quick gardening stint. |
28th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few more moths from overnight, it keeps things ticking:- Lozotaenia forsterana (*1); Green Pug (*1); Crambus pascuella (*2); Fan-Foot (*1); Garden Carpet (*1); Eudonia lacustrata (*1); Heart and Dart (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Small Magpie (*1); Bee Moth (*2); Freyer's Pug (*1); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*2); Anchylis achatana (*1) and Swallow-Tailed Moth (*1). Enchanter's Nightshade was now in flower. |
27th June 2021 - Burtonwood Services, Warrington, Cheshire - Homeward bound after the footy. I needed a squirt and used some appropriate bushes. Whilst seeking a tucked away site I recorded a few flowers, these were:- Tormentil; Bird's-Foot Trefoil; Daisy; Bramble agg; Self-Heal; White Clover; Cut Leaved Crane's-Bill; Common Nettle; Creeping Buttercup; Curl Leaved Dock; Creeping Thistle; Cuckooflower; Tufted Vetch; Elder and Hogweed. A Red tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) and a Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus) were seen as well as a Blackcap; Wood Pigeon; Dunnock and 3 Magpies. Psyllopsis fraxini and Iteomyia capreae were the galls noted. |
27th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Up early prior to watching 2 football matches. Moths caught overnight were:- Dark Arches (*3); Snout (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*1); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*2); Bee Moth (*2); Marbled Minor agg (*1); Willow Beauty (*1); Eudonia lacustrata (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*1); Small Magpie (*1); Heart and Dart (*6); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*3); Anania coronata (*1); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Cabbage Moth (*1); Spectacle (*1); Lozotaenia forsterana (*2); Brown China Mark (*1); Rustic (*1) and Scythropia crataegella (*1). |
26th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - After a morn of digging and clearing waste I saw Large Bindweed in flower in the garden with the Drone-Fly (Eristalis tenax) nearby and a Small White Butterfly having a good feed. 2 * Garden Carpet; 1 * Snout and 1 * Brimstone were moths noted in the bathroom. |
26th June 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - More work at the footry club, whilst pottering me and the missus noted:- 1 * Small Tortoiseshell plus 3 larvae; 1 * Speckled Wood and 1 * Meadow Brown. Bramble agg was in flower as was Greater Plantain and a few insects were added, these were:- 1 * Mirid Bug (Notostira elongata); 1 * Mirid Bug (Stenodema laevigata); 1 * Meadow Plant Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata); 2 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 2 * Mirid Bug (Capsus ater); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha limbata) and 2 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius). The seeds sown have given rise to a nice patch of Blue Tansy (Phacelia tanacetifolia) and a few bees were loving it. |
25th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A day off work and the rain was falling and I was thankful. I caught up on some outstanding recording, it was great to watch a good flock of House Sparrows chitter-chatter and play in the drizzle. A Wood Pigeon looked a trifle fed up at not being the king of the feeding area and a Starling sat up on high and looked bemused by the spadgers antics. |
24th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Wrecked and fagged out, after today's work at the desk and the garden club was done I came home, did a bit more gardening and then sprawled in the garden reading a short P. G. Wodehouse story and only just made it before dozing off. Whilst in the open air I saw a 2-Spot Ladybird, a Red Tailed Bumblebee and the Mirid Bug (Harpocera thoracica). Small Fan Foot; Azalea Leaf Miner and 2 * Bee Moth were in the bathroom. |
23rd June 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Wallking homeward, from Didsbury Road to the river itself, and I noted:- 5 * Mirid Bug (Harpocera thoracica); 2 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens); 1 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 1 * Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana); 1 * Ruby Tailed Wasp (Chrysis agg); 38 * Mirid Bug (Grypocoris stysi); 4 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 4 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera); 1 * Muscid Fly (Graphomya maculata); 1 * Welsh Chafer (Hoplia philanthus); 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) plus the hoverflies:- Myathropa florea (*2); Episyrphus balteatus (*4); Helophilus pendulus (*1) and Eristalis tenax (*3). Ladies Mantle was in flower. |
23rd June 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - Redshank, Small Balsam and Enchanter's Nightshade were all in flower and a lone Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) was seen whilst having a quick dinnertime stroll. |
22nd June 2021 - Heaton Mersey/Heaton Mersey Orchard, Stockport, G. Manchester - Swanning along homeward and 2 Marmalade Flies (Episyrphus balteatus) and single specimens of Platycheirus albimanus and Xylota segnis were the only hoverflies seen. In the meadow by the orchard a lone Common Blue and a single Meadow Brown were the only butterflies seen among average numbers of Red Tailed Bumblebees (Bombus lapidarius). Nearby Rosebay Willowherb was now in flower and Greater Willowherb just up the road. |
21st June 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - 4 hours in good company doing more work for the club and nature. I saw whilst pottering:- 10 * Mirid Bug (Harpocera thoracica); 1 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly 2 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Hoverfly (Meliscaeva auricollis); 2 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Speckled Wood (Parage aegeria); 1 * Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta); 1 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius) and 1 * Common Marble Moth (Celypha lacunana). Self-Heal was now in flower. |
20th June 2021 - Liverpool Loop Line area, Knotty Ash, Liverpool - A pre football walk before the 11.30 kick off. Flowers noted in bloom on a cloudy morn were:- Wavy Bittercress; Ox-Eye Daisy; Hedge Woundwort; Red Campion; Ground Elder; Elder; Common Nettle; White Clover; Bramble agg; Nipplewort; Rhododenron agg; Wood Avens; Creeping Buttercup; Tutsan; Brooklime; Yellow Flag; Figwort; Large Bindweed; Herb Robert; Goosegrass; Hedge Mustard; Ivy Leaved Toadflax; Orange Hawkweed; Bush Vetch; Welsh Poppy; Ribwort Plantain; Broad Leaved Dock; Cow Parsley; Meadow Buttercup; Claridge Druce Crane's-Bill and Bittersweet. We also saw Remote Sedge; Pendulous Sedge; Silver Birch; Ash; Common Beech; Hart's Tongue Fern and Cock's-Foot Grass. Robin (*1); Magpie (*1) ; Blackcap (*1); Blackbird (*2); Dunnock (*1); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*1); Herring Gull (*1) and Wood Pigeon (*1) were the few birds seen. Psyllopsis fraxini; Aceria pseudoplatani and Aceria macrorhyncha were a few galls noted. Insects seen were:- Mirid Bug (Harpocera thoracica); Hoverfly (Syrphus ribesii); Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana) and a couple of 7 Spot Ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata). |
19th June 2021 - Edgeley, Stockport, G. Manchester - My daughter was walking home after a trip into Manchester. She saw a poorly Lime Hawk-Moth lying on a path, picked it up and brought it home - we had a check, it looked rough so put it near some flowers in the garden - good luck little lady. |
19th June 2021 - Failsworth, Tameside - A visit to some friends admiring their nature efforts:- 16 Rosemary Beetles; 2 House Sparrows and a Blackbird joined us for company. |
19th June 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - Doofing for another local club with some real good souls having a bash. A few birdies were noted:- Swift (*5); Goldfinch (*1); Starling (*2); Jackdaw (*6) and House Sparrow (*2). Bugs seen were:- 1 * Black Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus cristatus); 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae); 1 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) and 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius). 2 Frogs were found; a Large Yellow Slug and Nipplewort was in flower. |
18th June 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Perforate St John's Wort; Meadow Vetchling; Himalayan Balsam and Large Bindweed were now in flower. Eriophyes tiliae; Eriophyes leiosoma;; Aceria pseudoplatani; Aceria cephalonea; Psyllopsis fraxini; Dasineura fraxini; Iteomyia capreae; Pontania pendunculi; Phyllocoptes goniothorax; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum and Acalitus brevitarsus were a few galls seen. A Dipper was seen hanging about the river banking. |
18th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few more moths:- Freyer's Pug (*1); Small Magpie (*1); Heart and Dart (*3); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Spectacle (*1); Scalloped Hazel (*1); Anania coronata (*1); Cabbage Moth (*1); Flame Shoulder (*1); Lozotaenia forsterana (*1); Bee Moth (*1); Common Carpet (*1); Eudonia mercurella (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*2) and Bright Line, Brown Eye (*3). |
17th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Moths in the bathroom included:- Riband Wave (*1); Beautiful Plume Moth (*1); Common Carpet (*1); Willow Beauty (*1) and Anania coronata (*1). |
17th June 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - Riding home and I noted the following blooms:- Creeping Thistle; Rosa multiflora; Yarrow and Dame's Violet. A Common Marble Moth (Celypha lacunana) was also picked out. |
17th June 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - 5 examples of the Mirid Bug (Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus) were seen for the first time this year. |
17th June 2021 - Heaton Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - 20+ Nettle Tap Moth performed an aerial ballet; a Common Marble Moth (Celypha lacunana) was in the mix and the Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) seemed indifferent to the company. |
16th June 2021 - Bewsey Woods, Warrington - Another walk led, along the way I made note of a few species. Butterflies seen were:- Comma (*1); Speckled Wood (*1) and Small Tortoiseshell (*1). Moths added were:- Straw Dot (*2); Blood-Vein (*2); Nettle Tap Moth (*4); Micropterix aruncella (*1); Crambus lathoniellus (*1); Yarrow Plume (*1) and Brown China Mark (*3). Hoverflies were represented by:- Episyrphus balteatus (*2); Xylota sylvarum (*2); Meredon equestris (*1) and Helophilus pendulus (*1). General insects seen were:- 4 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera); 2 * Forest Shield Bug nymph (Pentatoma rufipes); 1 * Soldier Fly (Chloromyia formosa); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 2 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 3 * Pollen Nettle Beetle (Brachypterus urticae); 4 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 2 * Malachite Beetle (Malachius bipustulatus); 2 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 2 * Nettle Weevil (Nedyus quadrimaculatus); 5 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 3 * Swollen Thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis); 1 * Mirid Bug (Pithanus maerkelii); 2 * 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata); 1 * 2 Spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata); 1 * Pea Weevil (Sitona sp); 2 * Blue Tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans); 1 * Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum); 2 * Black Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus cristatus); 2 * Fruit Fly (Urophora jaceana agg); 3 * Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens); 8 * Welsh Chafer (Hoplia philanthus); 1 * Azure Blue Damselfly (Coenagrion puella); 20+ * Red Eyed Damselfly (Erythromma najas); 2 * Mirid Bug (Capsus ater); 5 Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Mirid Bug (Acetropis gimmerthalii); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis livida); 1 * Scorpion Fly (Panorpa germanica); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea); 1 * Potato Capsid (Closterotomus norwegicus); Great Blackcock Beetle (Pterostichus niger); 1 * Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela maculata) and 1 * Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator). Rosa multiflora; Hairy Tare; Brooklime; Skullcap and Figwort were in flower and the Galls:- Taphrina tosquinetii; Euura proxima; Andricus lignicola were noted. I also found a Mallard's nest with 6 eggs in it. |
16th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few moths visted the garden in the night, these were:- Teleiodes vulgella (*1); Riband Wave f. remuata (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*4); Anania coronata (*1); Spectacle (*1); Poplar Hawk-Moth (*1); Willow Beauty (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*3); Freyer's Pug (*1); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*2); Scalloped Hazel (*1); Brown House Moth (*2); Crambus pascuella (*1) and Heart and Dart (*3). |
15th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - After work I sprawled in the garden and read some Emile Zola - absorbing stuff. 2 hoverflies were noted:- Episyrphus balteatus and Meredon equestris as well as a Common Marbled Carpet Moth. I was delighted to hearing chattering young in the nest box and see a female House Sparrow nip back and forth. I topped up the feeders. |
14th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - 6 hours doing a bit for the club and nature. A good time was had in good company. During the time I noted the following few species:- Nipplewort; Smooth Sow Thistle; Broad Leaved Willowherb and Broad Leaved Dock were a few flowers amongst the mix. Hoverflies were represented by:- Myathropa florea; Episyrphus balteatus; Melanostoma scalare and Platycheirus albimanus. Other insects seen were:- 1 * Lacewing (Nineta flava); 1 * Forest Bug nymph (Pentatoma rufipes); 1 * Common Marble Moth (Celypha lacunana) 1 * Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana); 1 * Timothy Tortrix (Aphelia paleana); 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria); 1 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 4 * 2 Spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata); 2 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 2 * Leafhopper (Eupteryx urticae); 1 * Mirid Bug (Neolygus viridis); 1 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea) and numerous Yellow Dung Flies (Scathophaga stercoraria). The Gall (Andricus curvator) was frequent. |
14th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Up at the crack, moths to check before going doing some work for the local footy team, Species identified were:- Anania coronata (*1); Teleiodes vulgella (*1); Codling Moth (*2); Light Brown Apple Moth (*4); Freyer's Pug (*1); Brimstone (*1); Snout (*1); Straw Dot (*1); Miller (*1); Willow Beauty (*2); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Argyresthia trifasciata (*4); Brown China Mark (*1); Heart and Dart (*1); Brown House Moth (*4); Bee Moth (*1); Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Pyrausta aurata (*1); Mompha subbistrigella (*1); Argyresthia pruniella (*1); Elachista maculicerusella (*1); Red Barred Tortrix (*1); Argyresthia cupressella (*1) and Cedestis subfasciella (*1). 27 Caddis-Flies (Mystacides longocornis); 1 * Yellow Spotted Sedge Fly (Philopotamus montanus); 1 * Water Scavenger Beetle (Cercyon unipunctatus); 2 Harlequin Ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis) and 1 Orange Ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata) were also in the mix. |
13th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Up early prior to watching a Sunday game of football. A few moths needed removing from the bathroom and helping on their way, the characters nudged on were:- Light Brown Apple Moth (*2); Willow Beauty (*2); Bee Moth (*1); Bright Light, Brown Eye (*1) and a Garden Carpet (*1). I also found the Crane-Fly (Tipula lateralis). The Hoverflies (Myathropa florea) and (Syritta pipiens) were in the garden. Just round the corner from where we live a Lime Tree was sporting the Gall (Contarinia tiliarum). |
12th June 2021 - Bewsey Woods, Warrington - I led another walk with the good lady today. We arrived an hour early, spent an extra hour on site after the walk too. The total tally of things seen was as follows:- 10 bird species were seen, these being:- Carrion Crow (*2); Wood Pigeon (*4); Black Headed Gull (*2); Jay (*1); Coot (*1); Mallard (*2); Blackbird (*2); Magpie (*1); Buzzard (*1) and Goldfinch (*1). 52 plants in bloom were:- Ribwort Plantain; Creeping Buttercup; Germander Speedwell; Herb Robert; Daisy; Shining Crane's-Bill; Wood Avens; White Clover; Lesser Trefoil; Black Medick; Common Mouse Ear; Common Nettle; Goosegrass; Smooth Sow Thistle; Yellow Rattle; Red Clover; Cut Leaved Crane's-Bill; Rape; Bush Vetch; Elder; Horse Chestnut; Wall Speedwell; Groundsel; Common Vetch; Mouse Ear Hawkweed; Nipplewort; Red Campion; Bramble agg; Meadow Buttercup; Yellow Flag Iris; Common Sorrel; Ox-Eye Daisy; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Early Purple Orchid; Ragged Robin; Tufted Vetch; Dandelion agg; Hedge Mustard; Cuckooflower; Yellow Water Lily; Hemlock Water Dropwort; Ground Elder; Thyme Leaved Speedwell; Broad Leaved Willowherb; Curled Leaved Dock; Hedge Woundwort; Broad Leaved Dock; Cow Parsley; Rhododendron agg; Dog Rose; Orange Hawkweed and Stinking Mayweed. 20 Galls were listed : Dasineura ulmaria; Eriophyes laevis; Eriophyes inangulis; Eriophyes tiliae; Eriophyes leiosoma; Psyllopsis fraxini; Dasineura fraxini; Cecidophyes rouhollahi; Aceria cephalonea; Aceria pseudoplatani; Andricus curvator; Aceria macrochela; Aceria eriobia; Phyllocoptes goniothorax; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Aceria nervisequa; Acalitus stenaspis; Iteomyia capreae; Eupontania pendunculi and Biorhiza pallida. 7 Hoverflies noted were:- Eristalinus sepulchralis (*1); Syrphus ribesii (*1); Xylota segnis (*2); Helophilus pendulus (*1); Melanostoma scalare (*1); Chrysotoxum festivum (*1) and Episyrphus balteatus (*1). 36 insects seen were:- 1 * Mirid Bug (Stenodema laevigata); 5 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Rose Sawfly (Arge ochropus); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis nigricans); 4 * Malachite Beetle (Malachius bipustulatus); 3 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * Nettle Weevil (Nedyus quadrimaculatus); 1 * Forest Bug Nymph (Pentatoma rufipes); 1 * Little Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus asiliformis); 5 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 5 * Blue Tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans); 1 * Azure Blue Damselfly (Coenagrion puella); 1 * Black Tailed Skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum); 1 * Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle (Gastrophysa viridula); 2 * Mirid Bug (Capsus ater); 2 * Nettle Pollen Beetle (Brachypterus urticae); 2 * Fruit Fly (Urophora jaceana agg); 1 * Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae); 3 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus): 2 * Soldier Fly (Chloromyia formosa); 2 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 1 * Tortoise Bug (Cassida rubiginosa); 2 * Black Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus cristatus); 2 * Dock Bug (Coreus marginatus): 2 * Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens); 1 * Common Earwig (Forficula auricularia); 1 * Mirid Bug (Phylus melanocephalus); 1 * Common Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus); 20+ * Red Eyed Damselfly (Erythromma najas); 2 * Dance Fly (Empis tessellata); 2 * 2 Spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata); 1 * 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata); 1* Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Leafhopper (Eupteryx urticae); 1 * Mirid Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata); 2 * Swollen Thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis) and 1 * Satellite Moth larva (Eupsilia transversa). 6 Moths seen were:- 1 * Silver Ground Carpet; 1 * Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner; 3 * Common Marbled Moth; 2 * Nettle Tap; 1 * Micropterix aruncella and 3 * Straw Dot. Also added to the day's sightings were 14 other species:- White Lipped Banded Snail; Remote Sedge; Xanthoria parietiana; Sycamore; Common Ash; Common Beech; Pendulous Sedge; Common Frog; White Legged Millipede; Shiny Woodlouse; Crested Dog's Tail; Cock's-Foot; Quaking Grass and the Harvestman (Rilaena triangularis). Along with 9 fungi the final total was 154 species. |
11th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Cutting the lawn and a Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria) was hanging around and I saw the Gall (Trioza alacris). |
11th June 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A small meadow and a riverside path were used to get home whereupon I saw Common Figwort; Cut Leaved Crane's-Bill; Meadow Crane's-Bill and Common Vetch in flower. Quaking Grass was looking good too. Black Snipe-fly (Chrysopilus cristatus) and the Tachnid Fly (Tachina fera) were noted along with the Gall (Iteomyia capreae). |
11th June 2021 - Heaton Mersey Orchard, Stockport, G. Manchester - Episyrphus balteatus (*1); Myathropa florea (*1) and Syrphus ribesii (*1) were hoverflies noted alongside 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 2 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana); 1 * Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis) and 2 * Cock's-Foot Moth (Glyphipterix simpliciella). Yellow-Rattle was in flower. |
11th June 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - Whilst running a Garden Club for Carers I spied the Hoverfly (Meredon equestris) and a Cinnabar Moth and then when waltzing home Nipplewort was in flower and I saw a Speckled Wood. |
10th June 2021 - Gatley Carrs, Stockport, G. Manchester - Another walk leading the carers from work. A hoverflies picked out were:- Volucella bombylans (*1); Helophilus pendulus (*1); Platycheirus albimanus (*1); Episyrphus balteatus (*4); Leucozona lucorum (*1) and Chrysogaster solstitialis (*3). Other insects seen were:- Nettle Pollen Beetle (Brachypterus urticae); Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana); Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 2 Spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata); 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata); Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); Swollen Thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis); Soldier Fly (Chloromyia formosa); Welsh Chafer (Hoplia philanthus); Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle (Gastrophysa viridula); Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae); Northern Yellow Splinter Crane-Fly (Lipsothrix errans) and Orange Tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines). Aceria cephalonea; Aceria pseudoplatani; Psyllopsis fraxini and Euura proxima were a few galls dicussed as well as the flowering:- Meadow Crane's-Bill; Yellow Flag; Bistort; Slender Speedwell; Comfrey agg; Cow Parsley; Ground Elder and Tufted Vetch. We also nattered about Garlic Snails; Shiny Woodlice; Variegated Centipedes, White Legged Millipedes; White Lipped Banded Snails and a few fungi. |
9th June 2021 - Etherow CP, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk with the Young Carers from work. We had a look at a few flowers and each child picked a bloom to have their photo taken with. Freda Foxglove; Bobby Burdock; Norman Nettle; Betty Bush Vetch and a few other names were dished out before pootling along to play in the sun. A Holly Blue and Orange Tip hovered around, a few mini-beasts under logs were had, a paddle, a picnic and then an ice-cream and that was it. Not a bad day at all. |
9th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The scale-winged beasties continue to pass through, the night's tally was made up of:- Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Bee Moth (*5); Willow Beauty (*2); Common Pug (*1); Diamond Back Moth (*1); Cinnabar Moth (*1); Heart and Dart (*2); Brimstone (*1); Dark Arches (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*4); Brown House Moth (*1); Argyresthia trifasciata (*2); Caloptilia azaleella (*1) and Mompha subbistrigella (*1). 2 Caddis-Flies (Mystacides longocornis) were also in the mix. |
8th June 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Ground Elder is now in flower, a Kingfisher was sat for ages near the river and a Speckled Wood raced me on my bike. |
8th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A slow mothing roll with a steady trickle continuing. The species today were:- Diamond Back Moth (*1); Scalloped Hazel (*1); Peppered Moth (*2); Dark/Grey Dagger agg (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Heart and Dart (*1); Poplar Hawk-Moth (*1); Spectacle (*2); Garden Carpet (*1); Flame Carpet (*2); Small Phoenix (*1); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*2); Freyer's Pug (*1); Argyresthia trifasciata (*1); Elachista argentella (*1) and Caloptilia azaleella (*1). |
7th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few moths before 4 hours at Cheadle Heath Nomads to help the club and nature. Species seen were:- Poplar Hawk-Moth (*1); Rustic Shoulder Knot (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Heart and Dart (*2); Garden Carpet (*1); Willow Beauty (*1); Bee Moth (*1); Marbled Minor (*1) and Light Brown Apple Moth (*5). A cracking Cockchafer was in the mix ttoo. |
6th June 2021 - Stanley Green, Stockport, G. Manchester - The Mother-in-Law had had a fall, we now had to stay local 'just in case' and so headed to an area nearby to have a pootle before the pen-pushing bastards who hide behind a charity and pretend to care, get their way and see the land built on and the myriad forms of life get killed. We met a lovely local couple along the way, they were equally frustrated by the goings-on that can only lead to more compressed living, more congestion, less places to escape to, more flooding and a better situation for any impending virus to spread. Great isn't it? Along the way we tried to stay positive, this is what we saw. Plants in bloom were:- Common Nettle; Herb Robert; Wood Avens; Cow Parsley; Broad Leaved Dock; Meadow Buttercup; Garlic Mustard; Shining Crane's-Bill; Common Mouse Ear; Hawthorn; Lesser Trefoil; White Clover; Daisy; Elder; Ribwort Plantain; Cut Leaved Crane's-Bill; Bramble agg; Cuckooflower; Thyme Leaved Speedwell; Greater Stitchwort; Bush Vetch; Common Sorrel; Lesser Stitchwort; Red Clover; Pendulous Sedge; Ragged Robin; Black Medick; Creeping Cinquefoil; Yellow Flag; Common Vetch; Cornsalad; Square Stalked Willowherb; Hedge Mustard and Broom. Cock's-Foot and Crested Dog's Tail were two grasses added along with some fine, fresh Bracken. Insects seen were:- 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 3 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 10+ * European Cinch Bug (Ischnodemus sabuleti); 10+ * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 10+ * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 4 * 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata); 4 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 5 * Tortoise Bug (Cassida rubiginosa); 2 * Dance Fly (Empis tessellata); 3 * Malachite Beetle (Malachius bipustulatus); 4 * Downlooker Snipe Fly (Rhagio scolopaceus); 8 * Swollen Thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis); 4 * Mirid Bug (Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus); 1 * Mirid Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata); 2 * Crane-Fly (Tipula vernalis); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 2 * Mirid Bug (Stenodema laevigata); 2 * Green Lacewing (Chrysopa perla); 1 * Tortoise Bug (Cassida vibex); 2 * Rose Sawfly (Arge ochropus); 2 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); 10 * Bracken Bug (Ditropis pteridis); 2 * Mirid Bug (Miris striatus); 1* Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae); 2 * Potato Leafhopper (Eupteryx aurata); 1 * Pea Weevil (Sitona sp); 5 * Rayed Thistle Fly (Tephritis cometa); 3 * Leafhopper (Oncopsis flavicollis); 3 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis nigricans); 1 * Tiger Crane-Fly (Nephrotoma quadrifaria); 1 * Thistle Bug (Tingis ampliata); 1 * Small Nettle Weevil (Nedyus quadrimaculatus); 1 * Dung Fly (Scathophaga furcata); 1 * Nettle Pollen Beetle (Brachypterus glaber); 3 * Mirid Bug (Capsus ater); 2 * Common Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea); 1 * Soldier Fly (Chloromyia formosa) plus the Hoverflies:- Episyrphus balteatus (*6); Merodon equestris (*1); Leucozona lucorum (*1); Xylota segnis (*1); Chrysotoxum festivum (*1); Scaeva pyrastri (*2) and Helophilus pendulus (*1). Lepidoptera were represented by:- Burnet Companion (*1); Silver Ground Carpet (*5); Micropterix aruncella (*1); Cock's-Foot Moth (*10); Ancylis badiana (*1); Celypha lacunana (*1); Nettle Tap Moth (*10); Timothy Tortrix (*2); Garden Carpet (*1); Orange Tip (*2); Green Veined White (*1); Small Copper (*2) and Small Tortoiseshell (*1) plus 1 Small Tortoiseshell larvae. Garden Snail; Brown Lipped Banded Snail; White Lipped Banded Snail; 3 * Swift; 1 * Magpie; 1 * Buzzard; 1 * House Sparrow; 2 * Goldfinch and 1 * Wood Pigeon were spied whilst roaming about. Also added was the Harvestman (Rilaena triangularis). Galls seen were:- Andricus lignicola; Trioza remota; Psyllopsis fraxini; Phyllocoptes goniothorax; Cecidophyes rouhollahi; Dasineura fraxini; Eriophyes similis and Aceria pseudoplatani. Final tally for the day (with 3 fungi added) was 115 species - not bad for a few hours pootling. |
6th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Small Magpie; Bee Moth and a Common Marbled Carpet all entered the bathroom overnight. |
5th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Mothing again, the few caught were:- Tachystola acroxantha (*3); Light Brown Apple Moth (*9); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*1); Bee Moth (*2); Brown House Moth (*1); Notocelia cynosbatella (*1); Garden Carpet (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Codling Moth (*1); Common Swift (*1); Argyresthia trifasciata (*1) and Tinea trinotella (*1). |
4th June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Mothing in the garden, a gentle upturn. Species caught were:- Willow Beauty (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*5); Common Marbled Beauty (*2); Bee Moth (*1); 20 Plume Moth (*1); Angle Shades (*1); Heart and Dart (*2); Brown House Moth (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*3); Garden Carpet (*1); Notocelia cynosbatella (*1); Lychnis (*1); Cabbage Moth (*1); Argyresthia trifasciata (*3) and Tinea trinotella (*1). Lazing in the afternoon I noted:- another Light Brown Apple Moth, a Small White; a single 2 Spot Ladybird and the Hoverfly (Merodon equestris). Hogweed; Ox-Eye Daisy and Germander Speedwell were all in flower. |
4th June 2021 - Heaton Mersey Orchard and area, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Swollen-Thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis); a Golden-Bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle (Agapanthia villosoviridescens); 4 * Cock's-Foot Moth (Glyphipterix simpliciella); 2 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 2 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) and 1 * Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) frequented the orchard with Broad Leaved Willowherb and Scarlet Pimpernel in bloom nearby. |
3rd June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - I led my 350th walk today, around the periphery of a football ground it was. 58 species were discussed and recorded in 2 hours, the highs being:- numerous 7 Spot Ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata); a few Tree Bees (Bombus hypnorum); a couple of Common Earwigs (Forficula auricularia); a Garden Carpet Moth (Xanthorhoe fluctuata) plus Borage; Smooth Sow Thistle; Foxglove and Fringe Cups in flower. Galls noted were:- Aceria cephalonea; Aceria pseudoplatani; Eriophyes similis; Taphrina pruni; Psyllopsis fraxini; Andricus curvator; Cecidophyes rouhollahi and Dasineura fraxini. |
2nd June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A few more moths, emphasis on a few. The species seen were:- Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Garden Carpet (*1); Bee Moth (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*2); Spectacle (*1); Argyresthia trifasciata (*1) and Caloptilia azaleella (*1). |
1st June 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The moth trap was checked, Light Brown Apple Moth (*10); Bee Moth (*2); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Bright Line, Brown Eye (*1); Marbled Minor sp (*1); Mompha subbistrigella (*1) and Common Marbled Carpet (*1) were the only species seen. |
31st May 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - 3 hours doing a bit of sorting out for the nature area and I saw the following bug life:- 1 * Tephrid Fly (Palloptera quinquemaculata); 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 12 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 8 * 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata); 2 * Common Nettle Bugs (Anthocoris nemorum); 2 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius) plus the butterflies Orange Tip (*1) and Small Tortoiseshell (*1). 4 Swifts; 10 Starlings; 2 Wood Pigeons; 1 House Martin; 1 Magpie and 2 House Sparrows were the birds seen. Blooms around the ground were:- Bush Vetch; Welsh Poppy; Goosegrass; Thale Cress; Groundsel; Common Stork's-Bill; Common Sorrel; Cuckooflower; Common Mouse Ear; Ramsons; Bluebell; Common Nettle; Meadow Buttercup; Hedge Mustard; Braod Leaved Dock; Dandelion agg; Common Field Speedwell; Shepherd's Purse; Pineappleweed; Daisy; Wood Avens; Ribwort Plantain and Creeping Buttercup. Field Horsetail and the gall (Cecidophyes rouhollahi) were also added to the days sightings. |
31st May 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Again, only a few moths caught overnight, these were:- Light Brown Apple Moth (*3); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Flame Carpet (*1); Brown House Moth (*2) and 20 Plume Moth (*1) A small gathering of House Sparrows were nice to see early doors and the Hoverfly (Merodon equestris) put in an appearance after I had watered the garden. I believed I had found Eupteryx decemnotata in the garden later in the day, the gent and bug expert Tristan Bantock confirmed this to be the case - bonus. Ox-Eye Daisy was now in bloom. |
30th May 2021 - Hammond's Field area, Sheffield, South Yorkshire - A short jaunt and a a chilled time. The sun was still dazzling and as we sat around we saw:- 2 Grey Wagtails; several Greylag Geese with young, 3 Lapwings; 3 Curlews; 4 Mallards with young, a Little Grebe, a Carrion Crow and a settled Skylark. Lady's Mantle; White Dead Nettle; Shining Crane's-Bill; Cow Parsley and Germander Speedwell were a few flowers pondered. 1 * Red and Black Froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis pellucida); 2 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 10 * Common Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus); 2 * Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines); 1 * European Cinch Bug (Ischnodemus sabuleti); 1 * Mirid Bug (Stenodema calcarata); 1 * Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) and numerous St Mark's Flies (Bibio marci) indicated the year is still behind and the recent shabby weather as taken its toll. |
30th May 2021 - Blacka Moor, Sheffield, South Yorkshire - As stated, this year is all about visiting new places and cracking on. To record at different areas is a good thing to do and whatever we see on our relaxed outings is duly submitted in the appropriate places. Whilst yomping along we saw a few bird species, these were:- Curlew (*1); Blackbird (*1); Blackcap (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*3); Willow Warbler (*1); Jay (*4); Wood Pigeon (*2); Chaffinch (*1); Great Tit (*1); Blue Tit (*1); Common Buzzard (*1); Swallow (*2); Goldfinch (*2); Dunnock (*1) and Chiffchaff (*1). Blooms listed were:- Ribwort Plantain; Bugle; Cow Parsley; White Dead Nettle; Creeping Buttercup; Dandelion agg; Wood Sorrel; Bush Vetch; Common Dog Violet; Greater Stitchwort; Germander Speedwell; Crosswort; Daisy; Common Sorrell; Bluebell; Wild Strawberry; Cut Leaved Crane's-Bill; Three Nerved Sandwort; Ground Ivy; Garlic Mustard; Herb Robert; Bilberry; Horse Chestnut; Cuckooflower; Yellow Archangel; Yellow Pimpernel; Rowan; Sycamore; Wood Avens; Water Avens; Thyme Leaved Speedwell; Gorse; Common Vetch; Tormentil; Ivy Leaved Speedwell; Welsh Poppy; Red Clover; Common Nettle and Green Alkanet. Insects were low in numbers with lepidoptera really struggling. We only saw:- 3 * Green Veined White and 2 * Orange Tip and several gatherings of Peacock larvae on Nettle plus the moths:- 20+ * Adela reaumurella; 10 * Common Heath and; 1 * Cowberry Marble (Stictea mygindiana); 1 * Common Roller (Ancylis badiana). Other insects noted were:- 1 * 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata); 1 * Heather Ladybird (Chilocorus bipustulatus); 2 * Common Green Grasshopper nymphs (Omocestus viridulus); 2 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Hoverfly (Platycheirus albimanus); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 2 * Green Lacewing (Chrysopa perla); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis pellucida); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha lignosa); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula vernalis); 1 * Crane-Fly (Limonia phragmitidis); 1 * Hoverfly (Chrysotoxum arcuatum); 1 * Ichneumon Wasp (Agrypon flaveolatum) and 9 * Green Tiger Beetle (Cicindela campestris). Eriophyes sorbi and Andricus kollari were 2 galls seen and we did enjoy the gentle beauty of Common Cotton-Grass. |
29th May 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The only moths caught overnight were:- Light Brown Apple Moth (*3); Bee Moth (*3) and Caloptilia azaleella (*1). A Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) was in the garden later in the day. |
28th May 2021 - Middlewood Way, Stockport, G. Manchester - A carers walk with one fellow drastically late and another lady having to leave early due to forgetting to take her meds. We cracked on and discussed many things before having tea and cake in a kind lady's garden. Flowers mulled over were:- Pignut; Cow Parsley; Spanish Bluebell; Bush Vetch; Honesty; Welsh Poppy; Herb Robert; Herb Bennnet; Creeping Buttercup; Meadow Buttercup; Silverweed; False Yellow Archangel; Ribwort Plantain; Ivy Leaved Speedwell; Germander Speedwell; Red Clover; Cuckooflower; Lady's Mantle agg; Dandelion agg; Rowan; Common Mouse Ear and Garlic Mustard. Hoverflies noted were:- Leucozona lucorum (*1); Episyrphus balteatus (*1); Rhingia campestris (*2); Xylota segnis (*1) and Melanostoma scalare (*2). We also saw:- 1 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 1 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 2 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 2 * Downlooker Snipe Fly (Rhagio scolopaceus); 2 * Nettle Tap Moths (Anthophila fabriciana); 1 * Common Roller Moth (Ancylis badiana); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula maxima); 1 * Soldier Beetle (Cantharis rustica); 1 * Crane-Fly (Limonia phragmitidis); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula lunata); 1 * Crane-Fly Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula paludosa) plus 3 Orange Tip butterflies and the Galls:- Eriophyes sorbi; Eriophyes exilis; Biorhiza pallida and Psyllopsis fraxini. Jay; House Sparrow; Dunnock; Canada Goose; Carrion Crow; Goldcrest and Blue Tit were the few birds actually seen. |
28th May 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The open bathroon window attracted a couple of moth species, these were:- Bee Moth (*3); Nematopogon swammerdamella (*1) and Garden Carpet (*1). I must get the moth trap out. |
27th May 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A dinner hour walk on very tired legs, I did 45 minutes around the streets and down a back alley near a football pitch. I saw 2 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); 2 * Hoverfly (Melanostoma scalare); 3 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 2 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 2 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 2 * Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina) and 1 * Mirid Bug (Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus). Galls seen were:- Aceria cephalonea; Eriophyes leiosoma; Eriophyes sorbi and Aceria pseudoplatani. |
24th May 2021 - Woolston Park, Warrington, Cheshire - A public walk, I had a pre-mooch in warm sun, led the 4-hour walk in hail, rain, thunder and lightning and got all and sundry duly drenched. Blooms noted were:- Garlic Mustard; Daisy; Herb Robert; Guelder Rose; Creeping Buttercup; Meadow Buttercup; Spindle; Wood Avens; Dandelion agg; Horse Chestnut; Spanish Bluebell; Cow Parsley; Rowan; Groundsel; Germander Speedwell; Wall Speedwell; Thyme Leaved Speedwell; Slender Speedwell; Silverweed; Ribwort Plantain; Hedge Mustard; Common Nettle; Common Holly; Cuckooflower; Green Alkanet; White Clover; Japanese Rose; Bush Vetch; Dog Rose sp; Greater Periwinkle; Red Campion; Common Mouse Ear; Cut Leaved Crane's-Bill; Goosegrass and Dove's Foot Crane's--Bill. Birds seen were:- Treecreeper (*2); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*2); Mistle Thrush (*2); Blackbird (*8); Robin (*1); Collared Dove (*1); Magpie (*2); Wood Pigeon (*1); Goldfinch (*2); Black Headed Gull (*2); Mallard (*2); House Sparrow (*1); Song Thrush (*1); Bullfinch (*1); Reed Warbler (*1); Raven (*2); Long Tailed Tit (*2) and Moorhen (*1). Galls picked out were:- Eriophyes tiliae; Taphrina pruni; Aceria macrochela; Aceria pseudoplatani; Eriophyes sorbi; Aceria cephalonea; Psyllopsis fraxini; Neuroterus quercusbaccarum; Cecidophyes rouhollahi; Eriophyes leiosoma and Eriophyes similis. Hoverflies listed were:- Platycheirus albimanus (*1); Meliscaeva auricollis (*1); Leucozona lucorum (*1); Melanostoma scalare (*2); Epistrophe eligans (*1); Dasysyrphus albostriatus (*1); Pipiza noctiluca (*1); Dasysyrphus venustus (*1) and Myathropa florea (*1). Insects seen were:- 2 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 2 * Dance Fly (Empis tessellata); 4 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); 1 * Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina); 1 * Rose Sawfly (Arge ochropus); 1 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 10 * Alder leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 2 * Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle (Gastrophysa viridula); 1 * Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana); 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); 2 * Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner (Cameraria ohridella); 2 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Early Bumblebee (Bombus pratorum); 1 * Cream Spot Ladybird (Calvia quatuordecimguttata); 1 * Nettle Pollen Beetle (Brachypterus glaber); 1 * Marsh Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea) and numerous Black Cherry Aphids (Myzus cerasi). Other things noted were:- Hornbeam; Common Alder; Black Locust; the Liverwort (Lunularia cruciata); the Lichen (Xanthoria parietina); Rough Woodlouse; Shiny Woodlouse; Striped Woodlouse; Large Yellow Slug agg; Dusky Slug; Cock's-Foot; Rabbit; White Legged Millipede; Field Horsetail plus Procumbent Pearlwort in bud. With a few fungi thrown in the end tally was 126 species - not bad all things considered and having soggy feet for most of the walk made the effort more worthwhile. Thank you to the good folk who came and stuck with it - hardy souls indeed. |
23rd May 2021 - Windy Bank, Leigh, G. Manchester - My good lady and I headed to this new area for a walk with my brother and despite the conditions always on the brink of being 'iffy', we had a good jaunt. Again no bins so birds seen were minimal, but we did record:- Canada Goose (*3); Wood Pigeon (*2); Swallow (*1); Mallard (*4); Pied Wagtail (*2); Blue Tit (*1); Linnet (*3); Cormorant (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*1); Swift (*1); Goldfinch (*1); Common Whitethroat (*2); Blackbird (*2); Jackdaw (*4) and Robin (*1). Blooms consisted of:- Garlic Mustard; Guelder Rose; Cow Parsley; Hedge Mustard; Hawthorn; Horse Chestnut; Sycamore; White Dead Nettle; Creeping Buttercup; Herb Robert; Groundsel; Green Alkanet; Shining Crane's-Bill; Cut Leaved Crane's-Bill; Comfrey agg; Meadow Buttercup; Thale Cress; Lilac; Rape; Common Vetch; Ribwort Plantain; Hogweed; Goat's-Beard; Broad Leaved Dock; Red Dead Nettle; Dandelion agg; Red Clover; Lesser Trefoil; Red Campion; Bluebell; Marsh Marigold; Greater Stitchwort; Cuckooflower; Bush Vetch; White Corydalis; Common Mouse Ear; Bird's-Foot Trefoil; Daisy; Hogweed; Lady's Mantle; Wavy Bittercress and American Wintercress. Hoverflies hiding from the cloud and breeze were:- Melanostoma scalare (*3); Eristalis pertinax (*3): Helophilus pendulus (*3); Xylota segnis (*1); Epistrophe eligans (*1); Platycheirus peltatus (*1) and Leucozona lucorum (*2) Other bugs picked out were:- 3 * Downlooker Snipe Fly (Rhagio scolopaceus); 1 * Noon Fly (Mesembrina meridiana); 2 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 6 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Cock's-Foot Moth (Glyphipterix simpliciella); 2 * Long Horned Moth (Adela reaumurella); 5 * Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle (Gastrophysa viridula); 3 * Dance-Fly (Empis tessellata); 1 * Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula); 6 * Nettle Tap Moth (Anthophila fabriciana); 3 * Mirid Bug (Harpocera thoracica); 1 * 4 Spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata); 1 * Red and Black Froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata); 1 * Brown Silver Line Moth (Petrophora chlorosata); 5 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Swollen Thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 2 * Common Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus); 4 * Tephritid Fly (Tephritis neesii); 2 * Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); 1 * St Mark's Fly (Bibio marci); 2 * Crane-Fly (Tipula vernalis); 1 * Thistle Tortoise Beetle (Cassida rubiginosa); Large Long-Horn Moth (Nematopogon swammerdamella); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula lunata); 1 * Crane-Fly Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea); 1 * Common Roller Moth (Ancylis badiana); 1 * Green Veined White (Pieris napi) and the larvae of the Drinker Moth and Waved Umber Moth. Other things seen were the galls:- Cecidophyes rouhollahi; Eriophes sorbi; Biorhiza pallida and Aceria pseudoplatani plus Field Horsetail; Common Sedge and White Lipped Banded Snail. 114 species was the tally for the morning's efforts. |
19th May 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A break in the weather walking home, only 2 butterflies seen, a Peacock and a Green Veined White. I also saw, in the following order:- Thistle Tortoise Bug (Cassida rubiginosa); Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); Common Roller Moth (Ancylis badiana); 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); Hoverfly (Melanostoma scalare); Celery Fly (Euleia heraclei); Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus) and 2 Ring Necked Parakeets. |
18th May 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Sweet Woodruff; Bird's-Foot Trefoil; Germander Speedwell; Bugle; Guelder Rose; Common Vetch and Bush Vetch added sweet colours to my walk home and 1 * Peacock and 3 * 7 Spot Ladybird were good to say 'hello' to. |
18th May 2021 - Heaton Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Baccha elongata and Platycheirus albimanus were 2 hoverflies enjoying a tucked away sun spot along with a brace of 7 Spot Ladybirds. Common Nettle was now in flower. |
16th May 2021 - Rake Brook and Roddlesdworth Reservoir, Chorley, Lancashire - A final walk of the day, area 865 explored in the UK. Flowers seen were:- Dove's-Foot Crane's-Bill; Ribwort Plantain; Dandelion agg; Daisy; Sweet Ciceley; Garlic Mustard; Wood Sorrell; Crosswort; Lady's Mantle agg; Common Mouse Ear; Lesser Celandine; Bush Vetch; Groundsel; White Dead Nettle; Meadow Buttercup; Creeping Buttercup; Red Campion and Chickweed. Wood Horsetail and the Gall (Eriophyes sorbi) were seen along the way. Swallow; Robin and Canada Goose were the few birds seen with Peacock (*1); Orange Tip (*2) and Green Veined White (*1) the only butterflies noted. Other insects observed were:- 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 2 * Common Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus); 2 * Bee Fly (Bombylius major); 5 * Dance Fly (Empis opaca) and 2 * Ashy Mining Bee (Andrena cineraria). |
16th May 2021 - Withnell LNR, Chorley, Lancashire - Another new area to explore and what a nice wander we had. We didn't see much but what we did see we ruddy well enjoyed. Flowers in bloom were:- Marsh Marigold; Bistort; Fringcups; Bird Cherry; Ramsons; Daisy; Dandelion agg; Bluebell; Water Avens; Garlic Mustard; Red Campion; Hogweed; Cow Parsley; Welsh Poppy; Lady's Mantle agg; Spotted Dead Nettle; False Yellow Archangel and Ivy Leaved Speedwell. Again without binoculars our bird spotting was limited but we did spy:- Starling; Blackbird; Wood Pigeon; Dunnock; Song Thrush; Jackdaw and Great Tit. 3 * Orange Tip and 2 * Green Veined White were the only butterflies seen. Eriophyes similis was a gall seen on Bird Cherry leaves and we also noted a 7 Spot Ladybird and a Nettle Tap Moth. Later in the day I keyed out the Crane-Fly (Limnophila schranki). |
16th May 2021 - Blainscough Wood LNR, Coppull, Lancashire - As per, for this year, we are trying to visit new places and get the records spread. The weather was better than the forecast and we avoided rain all day. A few blooms noted here were:- Common Dog Violet; Dandelion agg; Cowslip; Ribwort Plantain; Meadow Buttercup; Water Avens; Marsh Marigold; Ramsons; Lesser Celandine; Bluebell; Pignut; Greater Stitchwort; Garlic Mustard; Common Mouse Ear and Cuckooflower. No binoculars today as we couldn't be mithered. The only birds seen were:- Wood Pigeon; Magpie; Blackbird and Robin. Insects noted were:- 4 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 2 * Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula); 1 * Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * Peacock (Agalis io) and the Hoverflies:- Melanostoma scalare (*3) and Leucozona lucorum (*1). |
14th May 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Dull and sweaty weather and so I waltzed home a different route on the way home and had a look for a few bugs. Hoverflies noted were:- Melanostoma scalare (*19); Platycheirus scutatus agg (*1); Xylota segnis (*1); Leucozona lucorum (*4) and Helophilus pendulus (*1). Other insects seeen were:- 3 * Celery Fly (Euleia heraclei); 118 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 2 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Mirid Bug (Stenodema calcarata); 1 * Sawfly (Aglaostigma aucupariae); 2 * Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 1 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) and 1 * Dance Fly (Empis stercorea). A few blooms noted were:- Herb Robert; Goosegrass; Ribwort Plantain; Dandelion agg; Hawthorn; Common Vetch; Red Campion; Meadow Buttercup; Creeping Buttercup and Cow Parsley. I later identified the Privet Tortrix (Clepsis consimilana). |
13th May 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - Eriophyes leiosoma is now out on the leaves of Lime. |
13th May 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea) paid a visit to the bathroom - it was rather chilly. |
12th May 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - 2 Harlequin Ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis) and 9 Common Green Shieldbugs (Palomena prasina) were absorbing the reflective rays on a Laurel bush. |
11th May 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Kingfisher and a female Goosander were seen walking home - good local friends. |
10th May 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - More grdening and after flattening some drainage channels via using my bike I cracked on. During the jaunt I noted a few birds:- Blackbird (*2); Starling (*2); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*3); Mistle Thrush (*1); Wood Pigeon (*1) and Wren (*1). Blooms recorded were:- Thyme Leaved Speedwell; Slender Speedwell; Creeping Buttercup; Fringe Cups; Laburnum; Hawthorn; and Shepherd's Purse. A Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 2 * 10 Spot Ladybird (Adalia decempunctata) and 3 * Harlequin Ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis) were joined by a few Hoverfly species:- Melanostoma scalare; Platycheirus albimanus and Epistrophe eligans. Aceria cephalonea and Phyllocoptes goniothorax were 2 galls observed. |
9th May 2021 - Bishop Monkton Railway Cutting NR, Harrogate, N. Yorkshire - A small but intriguing reserve that was visited late in the day under flimsy cloud. Flowers out were:- Lady's Mantle agg; Ribwort Plantain; Wild Strawberry; Germander Speedwell; Lords and Ladies; Garlic Mustard; Bugle; Lesser Celandine; Hairy Bittercress; Cow Parsley; White Dead Nettle; Red Dead Nettle; Crosswort; Bush Vetch; Common Dog Violet; Dandelion agg; Daisy; Cowslip and Water Avens. A few birds noted were:- Red Legged Partridge (*2); Stock Dove (*4); Blackcap (*1); Wood Pigeon (*1); Carrion Crow (*1); Chiffchaff (*1); Blackbird (*1) and Jackdaw (*1). 1 * Sun-Fly (Helophilus pendulus); 2 * Common Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus); 1 * Drone Fly (Eristalis pertinax); 1 * Hoverfly (Melanostoma scalare); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 1 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) were the only insects seen along with the butterflies:- 1 * Peacock; 1 * Orange Tip; 1 * Small Tortoiseshell A White Lipped Banded Snail was added too and the Gall (Phyllocoptes goniothorax) and Bonfire Moss (Funaria hygrometrica). |
9th May 2021 - Ripon City Wetlands, Ripon, N. Yorkshire - Another wander at another new place and we enjoyed the fact that ours was the only car in the car park when we arrived and we hardly saw a soul all day. Birds listed were:- Robin (*2); Blackbird (*3); Wood Pigeon (*2); Mute Swan (*2); Pheasant (*2); Greylag Goose (*17); Carrion Crow (*1); Oystercatcher (*3); Chaffinch (*1); Willow Warbler (*2); Swift (*1); Bullfinch (*2); Sedge Warbler (*3); Coot (*1); Canada Goose (*4); Mallard (*3); Cormorant (*1); Tufted Duck (*18); Avocet (*2); Reed Bunting (*3); Goosander (*2); Moorhen (*4); Jackdaw (*7); Sparrowhawk (*1); Common Whitethroat (*2); Black Headed Gull (*8); Sand Martin (*1); Reed Warbler (*1); Gadwall (*1); Common Tern (*2); Goldfinch (*4); Linnet (*1); Tree Sparrow (*3); Grey Heron (*1); Song Thrush (*1); Treecreeper (*2); Shelduck (*3); Swallow (*2); Blue Tit (*5) + Cetti's Warbler; Blackcap; Chiffchaff; Great Spotted Woodpecker and Wren on call. Blooms noted were:- Black Medick; Common Mouse Ear; Red Dead Nettle; Marsh Marigold; Meadow Buttercup; Lords and Ladies; Cowslip; Silverweed; Bluebell; 3 Cornered Leek; Lesser Celandine; Ramsons; Rape; Ribwort Plantain; Crosswort; Cuckooflower; Wood Avens; White Dead Nettle; Ground Ivy; Common Field Speedwell; Elder; Hawthorn; Creeping Buttercup; Red Campion; Colt's-Foot; Rowan; Groundsel; Cow Parsley and Garlic Mustard. The Galls (Phyllocoptes goniothorax); (Aceria pseudoplatani) and (Eriophyes sorbi) were picked out along with the common Lichen (Xanthoria parietina). Hoverflies recorded were:- 1 * Platycheirus albimanus; 3 * Eristalis pertinax; 6 * Leucozona lucorum; 1 * Rhingia campestris; 1 * Cheilosia variabilis and 1 * Helophilus pendulus. Other insects seen were:- 1 * Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina); 2 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Tachnid Fly (Tachina fera); 2 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 3 * Common Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus); 1 * Red Headed Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa serraticornis); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tipula variipennis); 3 * Woundwort Shieldbug (Eysarcoris venustissimus); 2 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 10+ * St Mark's Fly (Bibio marci); 1 * Tachnid Fly (Gymnocheta viridis); 1 * Crane-Fly (Tricyphona immaculata); 1 * Caddisfly (Stenophylax permistus); 1 * Marsh Crane-Fly (Tipula oleracea); 1 * Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius roboretanus); 1 * Scorpion Fly (Panorpa germanica); 2 * Slender Groundhopper (Tetrix subulata) plus the butterflies:- Orange Tip (*12) and Peacock (*2). |
7th May 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - Broom was in fine flower and a Peacock flitted during a sunny spell. Dove's Foot Crane's-Bill was sporting a few blooms too. |
7th May 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Walking home and the Common Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus) was now around plus singles of 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) and Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum). Biorhiza pallida and the sexual generation of Neuroterus quercusbaccarum were 2 galls seen too. Elegant Bristle Moss (Orthotrichum pulchellum) was noted on the branches of Elder. |
7th May 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - Leading the Garden Club at work and 2 Harlequin Ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis); 1 * Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria); 1 * Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum) and a Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) were all added to the local listings. |
6th May 2021 - Poise Brook, Stockport, G. Manchester - Another walk with the carers from work with emphasis on just getting out and enjoying the great wild arena. Along the way we contemplated the following blooms:- Garlic Mustard; Greater Stitchwort; Bush Vetch; Ivy Leaved Speedwell; Wavy Bittercress; Red Campion; Lesser Celandine; Great Wood Rush; Wood Anemone; Fringecups; Yellow Archangel; Meadow Buttercup and Pendulous Sedge. 5 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 2 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius) and singles of the Hoverflies:- Platycheirus albimanus and Melanostoma scalare were the only insects seen. Common Whitethroat; Swallow; House Martin; Grey Wagtail; Robin; Song Thrush; Wren; Chaffinch; Treecreeper; Jay; Magpie; Mallard and Mandarin Duck were the few birds seen and discussed. Aceria pseudoplatani and Phyllocoptes goniothorax were two galls seen. |
4th May 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Crud weather but walking home from work I saw the following blooms:- American Wintercress; Bush Vetch; Creeping Buttercup; Garlic Mustard; Groundsel; Common Mouse Ear; Daisy; Black Medick; Thyme Leaved Speedwell; Red Campion; Ramsons; Rowan; Common Vetch; Thale Cress; Shining Crane's-Bill; Sycamore; Ivy Leaved Speedwell; Bluebell; Herb Robert; Goosegrass; White Dead Nettle; Common Field Speedwell; Rape; Greater Periwinkle and Shepherd's Purse. |
2nd May 2021 - Woodnook Vale, Accrington, Lancashire - A short walk to finalise the day with a few birds noted:- Magpie (*1); Raven (*2); Long Tailed Tit (*2); Dunnock (*1); Blackcap (*2); Jay (*1); Robin (*2) and Grasshopper Warbler (*2). Common Dog Violet; Pignut and Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage were in flower. |
2nd May 2021 - Bullough Park and Priestley Clough, Accrington, Lancashire - A small area leading to a new place with Ramsons; Wood Anemone and Colt's-Foot in flower and a Song Thrush; Jackdaw; Wood Pigeon; Starling; Robin and Dipper seen too. Aceria pseudoplatani was seen on Sycamore leaves. Swan's Neck Thyme Moss (Mnium hornum) was added to the list after microscopy. |
2nd May 2021 - Jackhouse NR, Hyndburn, Lancashire - A new place and a lovely stroll with the following birds noted:- Greenfinch (*1); Blackbird (*6); Great Tit (*3); Blue Tit (*2); Jackdaw (*2); Wood Pigeon (*2); Chaffinch (*2); Wren (*2); Starling (*3); House Sparrow (*2); Swallow (*3); Magpie (*1); Mallard (*8); Canada Goose (*9); Coot (*1); Tufted Duck (*2); Goldfinch (*1); Willow Warbler (*2); Bullfinch (*1); Great Tit (*6); Blackcap (*2); Pheasant (*1); Robin (*4); Carrion Crow (*1); Dunnock (*2); Nuthatch (*1); Coal Tit (*2); Chiffchaff (*1); Jay (*1); Grey Heron (*2) + Song Thrush; Goldcrest and Common Whitethroat on call. Red Campion; Cow Parsley; Cowslip; Dandelion agg; Greater Stitchwort; False Yellow Archangel; Lesser Celandine; Thale Cress; Cuckooflower; Ribwort Plantain; Lady's Mantle agg; Pendulous Sedge; Bluebell; Great Wood Rush; Wood Sorrel; Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage; Meadow Buttercup and Forsythia were all seen in flower. 2 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) were the only insects seen. Elegant Bristle Moss (Orthotrichum pulchellum) and Frizzled Pincushion (Ulota phyllantha) were also added after keying out and some on-line pointers. |
29th April 2021 - Fletcher Moss, Didsbury, G. Manchester - A pootle around the back end of this nice area with the following Hoverflies seen:- Meliscaeva auricollis (*1); Sphaerophoria scripta (*1); Helophilus pendulus (*2); Syrphus ribesii (*3); Melanostoma scalare (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*4); Platycheirus scutatus agg (*1); Neoascia podagrica (*1) and Epistrophe eligans (*1). A male Blackcap was seen singing away; a Grey Heron stood at the riverside; a Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria) flitted about; several Alder Leaf Beetles (Agelastica alni) sat on their host's leafage; a Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum) was disturbed from vegetation; 2 Crane-Flies (Nephrotoma appendiculata) were copulating and a male and female Orange Tailed Mining Bee (Andrena haemorrhoa) was in tip-top condition. An Orange Tip and Green Veined White joined the small cast of inverts. Comfrey agg; Barren Strawberry; Bird Cherry; Field Maple and Common Mouse Ear were flowers pondered. The Gall (Taphrina pruni) was good to see again. |
29th April 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A day off work and a chilled cycle down the river. Flowers noted in bloom were:- Bluebell; Rape; Lesser Celandine; Greater Celandine; Bush Vetch; Ground Ivy; Ramsons; White Dead Nettle; Red Campion; Green Alkanet; Thyme Leaved Speedwell; Cuckooflower; Cowslip; Meadow Buttercup; Fringe Cups; Common Bistort; Herb Robert; Comfrey agg and Cow Parsley. A few birds were noted whilst pedalling along:- Goosander (*5); Blue Tit (*2); Long Tailed Tit (*1); Bullfinch (*1); Blackbird (*1); Canada Goose (*3); Goldcrest (*1); Swallow (*1); Black Headed Gull (*3); Dipper (*2); Chaffinch (*1); Feral Pigeon (*2); Magpie (*1); House Sparrow (*2); Dunnock (*1); Grey Wagtail (*1); Pied Wagtail (*1) plus plenty of Mallards and Sand Martins. Butterflies seen were:- Orange Tip (*1); Green Veined White (*1); Small White (*1); Small Tortoiseshell (*1) and Peacock (*1). Other insects seen were:- 1 * Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina) and the Hoverflies:- Melanostoma scalare (*1); Helophilus pendulus (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*1) and Syrphus ribesii (*2). Pendulous Sedge was in fine flower and the Oak Apple Gall (Biorhiza pallida) was noted. |
27th April 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - I could barely stay awake walking home from work, I am drained but I did manage to see a Cream Spot Ladybird (Calvia quatuordecimguttata) resting on a fresh Silver Birch leaf. |
26th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - In the garden soaking up the ray whilst eating strawberries and ice cream. A Comma fluttered around, the hoverfly (Platycheirus albimanus) buzzed here and there and Welsh Poppy and Wavy Bittercress were in flower. |
26th April 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - 7.40 til 12.40 was spent clearing, planting, building a log pilke and supping tea. I recorded a few species with a Raven being a new one for the site. Hedge Mustard was now in flower and the Gall (Cecidophyes rouhollahi) was common on Goosegrass. |
25th April 2021 - Attenborough NR, Nottinghamshire - 1 good long stretch and 50 bird species recorded:- Swallow; Magpie; Wood PIgeon; Long Tailed Tit; Tufted Duck; Great Crested Grebe; Canada Goose; Greylag Goose; Black Headed Gull; Reed Bunting; Coot; Mallard; Cormorant; Chiffchaff; Blackcap; Goldfinch; Great White Egret; Cetti's Warbler; Egyptian Goose; Carrion Crow; Great Tit; Robin; Goosander; Lapwing; Shoveler; Herring Gull; Greenfinch; Starling; Blackbird; Wren; Chaffinch; Common Whitethroat; Blue Tit; Sand Martin; Grey Heron; Moorhen; House Sparrow; Dunnock; Commic Tern; Jackdaw; Skylark; Goldcrest; Pochard; Sedge Warbler; Reed Warbler; Gadwall; Pheasant; Feral Pigeon + Willow Warbler and Great Spotted Woodpecker on call. Flowers in bloom were:- Ground Ivy; Dandelion agg; Rape; White Dead Nettle; Cow Parsley; Cuckooflower; Hogweed; Garlic Mustard; Bluebell; Red Campion; Green Alkanet; Daisy; Red Valerian; Ribwort Plantain; Cowslip; Wild Strawberry; Germander Speedwell; Hawthorn; Common Stork's-Bill; Slender Speedwell and Common Vetch. Insects noted were:- 2 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 1 * Pine Ladybird (Exochomus quadripustulatus); 35 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 2 * Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle (Gastrophysa viridula); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 2 * Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); 1 * Tawny Mining Bee (Andrena fulva); 1 * Chocolate Mining Bee (Andrena scotica); 5 * Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius) and 10 * St Mark's Fly (Bibio marci). Butterflies noted were:- Orange Tip (*8); Speckled Wood (*3); Comma (*1); Peacock (*3); Small White (*1) and Green Veined White (*1). Hoverflies seen were:- Epistrophge eligans (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*2); Eristalis intricarius (*1); Melanostoma scalare (*1); Eristalinus sepulchralis (*1) and Rhingia campestris (*1). We also saw a Red Fox and the Gall (Phyllocoptes goniothorax). |
24th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - In the garden at home and a Speckled Wood and male Orange Tip enjoyed yet more warm sun with a 2-Spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata); a Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum) and a Light Brown Apple Moth all noted whilst watering a few pots. A Brown House Moth was on the walls of the bog. |
24th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - More gardening with the missus but whilst there I noted a Blackcap; a Tawny Mining Bee (Andrena fulva); a Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); a 7-Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) plus the butterflies:- Peacock; Orange Tip and Speckled Wood. 2 Hoverfly species seen were:- Baccha elongata and Melanostoma scalare. The Gall (Cecidophyes rouhollahi) was common. |
23rd April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The Blue Mason Bee (Osmia caerulescens) and a Holly Blue and Speckled Wood graced the garden. |
23rd April 2021 - The Heatons Centre, Stockport, G. Manchester - Pottering with the work's Garden Club and the Hoverfly (Epistrophe eligans) and a Holly Blue said 'hello'. |
22nd April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The Honeysuckle Sawfly (Abia lonicerae) was back in the garden again, we usually get one a year. |
22nd April 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Walking home after a long day and I saw the following singles of the following butterflies:- Brimstone; Small White; Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell. I also saw a Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius); a Tachnid Fly (Gymnocheta viridis) and a Tawny Mining Bee (Andrena fulva) and Cow Parsley and Common Vetch were in flower. |
22nd April 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Speckled Wood and an Orange Tip frequented a back alley along with the Hoverfly (Melanostoma scalare). |
22nd April 2021 - Fletcher Moss, Didsbury, G. Manchester - A walk with the carers from work, we took it easy to accommodate those struggling. A few birds kept us company:- Carrion Crow; Ring Neck Parakeet; Great Tit; Coal Tit; Robin and Dunnock. We also watched a Treecreeper going in and out of its nest. Flowers discussed were:- Cuckooflower; Marsh Marigold; Skunk Cabbage; Garlic Mustard; Creeping Buttercup; Green Alkanet; Greater Periwinkle; Dandelion agg; Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage; Bird Cherry; Cow Parsley and Ivy Leaved Speedwell. Insects seen were:- Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni); Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle (Gastrophysa viridula); 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); Drone-Fly (Eristalis pertinax) plus the butterflies:- Speckled Wood (*1); Green Veined White (*1); Peacock (*1) and Orange Tip (*3). Galls seen were:- Andricus kollari and Eriophyes sorbi. |
21st April 2021 - Heaton Mersey Orchard, Stockport, G. Manchester - Spotted Dead Nettle was in flower. |
20th April 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - Sat chatting to work colleagues and a male Orange Tip said 'hello' - how decent of him. |
20th April 2021 - Heaton Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Swanning along to work and a Ring Neck Parakeet flew over, Goosegrass was now in flower and the Elm Leaf Gall (Aceria ulmicola) was now starting to appear. |
19th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Reading in the garden and planting some spuds. A 22-Spot Ladybird (Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata) and the Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus) were enjoying a sizzler. Garlic Mustard was now in flower and the overnight mothtrap held 1 specimen, a Light Brown Apple Moth. A Small Tortoiseshell landed on the bedroom window sill whilst I was typing up these sightings. |
19th April 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - 7.30am til 12.30pm was had on the Nature Project with much gasbagging with neighbours and club doofer Rob Nicholson and his wife. I got a fair bit done though and also recorded a few birds:- Rook; Great Tit; Jackdaw; Magpie; Blue Tit; Sparrowhawk; Collared Dove and Feral Pigeon was the small list observed. I also saw:- 1 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); 4 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Hoverfly (Epistrophe eligans); 1 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 1 * Red Mason Bee (Osmia bicornis); 1 * Tawny Mining Bee (Andrena fulva) plus single specimens of Orange Tip; Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock. The Variegated Centipede (Lithobius variegatus) was under some sun-baked logs. |
18th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The Hoverfly (Epistrophe eligans) was back in the garden and Shining Crane's-Bill was holding a lone flower aloft. |
18th April 2021 - River Dove, Doveridge, Staffordshire - A lovely final walk of the day with hardly any folk about once again. Only a few birds were noted, these were:- Common Buzzard; Goldfinch; Blackbird; Long Tailed Tit; Grey Wagtail; Jackdaw; Mallard; Wood Pigeon; Carrion Crow; Chaffinch; Pied Wagtail; Rook and Magpie. Flowers in bloom were:- Common Field Speedwell; Lesser Celandine; Ribwort Plantain; Dandelion agg; White Dead Nettle; Groundsel; Red Campion; Ground Ivy; White Clover; Bird Cherry; Garlic Mustard; Hogweed; Chickweed; Butterbur; Ivy Leaved Speedwell; Blackthorn; Green Alkanet; Cuckooflower and Red Dead Nettle. Butterflies noted were:- Small White (*1); Green Veined White (*1); Orange Tip (*2); Small Tortoiseshell (*3); Peacock (*1) and Brimstone (*1). Other insects seen were:- 6 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * White Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lucorum agg); 1 * Hairy Shield Bug (Dolycoris baccarum); 3 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum), several Pot Bellied Emerald Beetles (Gastrophysa viridula) and numerous Caddisflies (Brachycentrus subnubilis). |
18th April 2021 - Hilton Gravel Pits, Derbyshire - The second location of the day. Birds seen were:- Magpie; Wood Pigeon; Jackdaw; Tufted Duck; Canada Goose; Black Headed Gull; Great Crested Grebe; Blue Tit; Coot; Mallard; Robin; Chiffchaff; Greylag Goose; Rook; Reed Bunting and Blackcap. Red Campion; Broom; Lesser Celandine; Dandelion agg; White Dead Nettle; Spanish Bluebell; Daisy; Blackthorn; Cowslip; Red Dead Nettle; Bluebell; Common Dog Violet and Marsh Marigold. The only insects seen were:- 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 3 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria); 1 * Bee Fly (Bombylius major) plus the Hoverflies:- Eristalis pertinax (*2); Meliscaeva auricollis (*1); Eupeodes luniger (*1) and Melanostoma scalare (*1). We also saw a Common Frog. |
18th April 2021 - Willington Wetlands, Derbyshire - A soothing and tranquil early morning wander with birds the order of the roamings. Species seen were:- Greenfinch; Mallard; Dunnock; Robin; Blue Tit; Sedge Warbler; Wood Pigeon; Great Tit; Blackcap; Chaffinch; Cormorant; Black Headed Gull; Greylag Goose; Great Crested Grebe; Coot; Mute Swan; Wren; Blackbird; Goldfinch; Chiffchaff; Grey Heron; Carrion Crow; Reed Bunting; Reed Warbler; Tufted Duck; Oystercatcher; Cetti's Warbler; Teal; Willow Warbler; Common Buzzard; Long Tailed Tit; Jackdaw; Lapwing + Great Spotted Woodpecker and Little Grebe on call. Flowers in bloom were:- Lesser Celandine; Blackthorn; Dandelion agg; White Dead Nettle; Sweet Violet; Ground Ivy; Garlic Mustard; Cuckooflower; Cowslip; Red Dead Nettle; Thale Cress and Common Stork's-Bill. Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle (Gastrophysa viridula); 2 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 1 * Bee Fly (Bombylius major) and 5 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) were the only insects seen. Phyllocoptes goniothorax was a new gall for the year. |
17th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - After a busy morn a quick chill was had in the garden. Eupeodes luniger (*1) and Melanostoma scalare (*2) were the hoverflies seen with a Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) and a Tawny Mining Bee (Andrena fulva) buzzing about. A 14 Spot Ladybird (Propylea quatuordecimpunctata) was seen in the kitchen and let free outside. |
17th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - 2 hours digging and planting, a quick mooch and then some early football to watch. Whilst at the ground I saw the following Hoverflies:- Eristalis pertinax (*2); Meliscaeva auricollis (*2); Syrphus ribesii (*1) and Melanostoma scalare (*3). Other insects seen were:- 6 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Red Mason Bee (Osmia bicornis); 1 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 2 * Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina) and 1 * Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis). Wood Avens, Slender Speedwell; Wall Speedwell and Common Mouse Ear were in flower and a Robin and a Mistle Thrush kept me company. |
16th April 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - After a busy week I wal;tzed home. I noted 3 * Alder Beetles (Agelastica alni); 1 * Mining Bee (Andrena nitida); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 1 * Red Mason Bee (Osmia bicornis); 2 * Ashy Mining Bees (Andrena cineraria) plus the hoverflies:- 3 * Melanostoma scalare; 1 * Melangyna lasiophthalma and 3 * Eristalis pertinax. Danish Scurvygrass was now in flower. |
12th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - 3 hours digging and sorting out out so as to try and make this football ground appealing to the punter and nature. Blue Tits were nesting in a metal support for the netting that stops the ball going out of the ground, a Mistle Thrush and Blackbird fed on the pitch whilst a Wren zipped into the undergrowth. A Robin kept its beady eye on the turned soil and 2 Magpies squabbled in some nearby trees. A Wood Pigeon flapped about, a Long Tailed Tit pottered in a tree and a Goldfinch sat on a nearby house. The only other bird seen was a Chaffinch. 3 * 7 Spot Ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata) enjoyed the splash of sun and a Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria) was resting on a leaf. |
11th April 2021 - Cromford Canal to Lea Wood, Cromford, Derbyshire - A nice walk pootling in varied habitats. Birds seen were:- Wood Pigeon; Mallard; Canada Goose; Moorhen; Coot; Little Grebe; Siskin; Blackbird; Mandarin Duck; Mistle Thrush; Blackcap; Blue Tit; Dunnock; Long Tailed Tit; Chaffinch; Dipper and Chiffchaff. Wood Sorrel; Primrose; Wood Anemone; Bluebell; Barren Strawberry and Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage were in flower. Great Wood Rush was looking splended and we saw 4 Northern Wood Ants (Formica lugubris). Bank Haircap (Polytrichium formosum) was keyed out later in the day as was Thickpoint Grimmia (Schistidium crassipulum). |
11th April 2021 - Parsley Hay to Hartington, Derbyshire - A quick 10,000 step walk with a few birds seen along the way, these were:- Wood Pigeon; Jackdaw; Goldfinch; Great Tit; Magpie; Meadow Pipit; Rook; Pied Wagtail; Blackbird; Robin; Wren; Skylark; Blue Tit and Mistle Thrush. Dog's Mercury was now in flower. Wallscrew Moss (Tortula muralis); Common Pocket Moss (Fissidens taxifolius); Anomolous Bristle Moss (Orthotrichum anomolum) and Common Feather Moss (Kindbergia praelonga) were keyed out later in the day. |
10th April 2021 - High Rid Reservoir, Bolton, G. Manchester - Gardening cancelled due to snow and rain, football was snowed off and so a quick visit to this decenmt place was had. The hail came in sheets, visibility was shabby, the few birds seen were:- Swallow; Sand Martin; Tufted Duck; Mallard; Pied Wagtail; Robin; Magpie; Carrion Crow; Jackdaw; Meadow Pipit; Pheasant; Blue Tit; Dunnock; Great Tit; Mistle Thrush; Black Headed Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Reed Bunting; Goldfinch and Long Tailed Tit. I collected a few mosses and keyed them out with a good book and the new microscope. 3 were new species to us, the 5 named were:- Capillary Thread Moss (Bryum capillare); Anomolous Bristle Moss (Orthotrichum anomolum); Woolly Fringe Moss (Racomitrium lanuginosum); Hair Pointed Grimmia (Grimmia trichophylla) and Greater Pincushion (Ptychomitrium polyphyllum). |
9th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - White Dead Nettle was in flower and the Hoverfly (Eristalis pertinax) was buzzing about. A Double Striped Pug was seen in the bathroom too. |
9th April 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - 17 * Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle (Gastrophysa viridula); 5 * Tawny Mining Bee (Andrena fulva); 3 * Clarke's Mining Bee (Andrena clarkella); 32 * Ashy Mining Bee (Andrena cineraria); 1 * 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 2 * Common Green Shieldbugs (Palomena prasina) plus the Hoverflies:- Eristalis tenax (*1); Eristalis pertinax (*3) and Meliscaeva auricollis (*1) were the few insects seen during a splash of sunshine. A pair of Goosander were in breeding attire and a Dipper whizzed by as I chatted to a photographer. |
9th April 2021 - Heaton Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Melanostoma scalare (*2) and Platycheirus albimanus (*1) were the 2 hoverflies seen down a back alley whilst I was pushing my bike. |
8th April 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Black Medick and Germander Speedwell were now in flower and I also saw a Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) and 2 * Red Tailed Bumble Bees (Bombus lapidarius). |
8th April 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - Honesty was in flower and I picked out the gall Andricus lignicola as well as the Moss (Orthotrichum anomolum). |
7th April 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - An icy morn with the air crystal clear and really showing the colours of the local Kingfisher off to a tee. 3 Mallards cruised on by and seemed unimpressed and a resident Chiffcaff had found a favoured tree and looked to be building a nest nearby. On the way home I noted a hoverfly (Meliscaeva auricollis) zonked out on a Dandelion agg. head. |
7th April 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - 2 superb looking Goldfinches fed amid some grass and a male Blackcap sat atop a Bramble bush in the early morning sun. |
6th April 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - False Yellow Archangel (Lamium galeobdolon ssp. argentatum) was seen producing blooms - an invasive plant but very attractive. |
6th April 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Ramsons was now in flower - at last - what a fine star burst. |
5th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Another day at home, chores to do and some microscopy. A pop in the garden in a bracing breeze saw one lone Dandelion agg. attract the attention of a female Red Mason Bee (Osmia bicornis) and the Hoverfly (Melanostoma scalare). 2 new spiders were seen in the house, although I did need some help in identification. Steatoda bipunctata and Platnickina tincta were the tinkers found lurking on a window sill that needed a good cleaning - a duly got out the polish. |
4th April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Stuck in today and doing some decorating and household chores. A Twenty Plume Moth and a White Shouldered House Moth were noted in the bathroom. |
3rd April 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - Watching the football and 2 Buzzards floated overhead, a Tawny Mining Bee (Andrena fulva) basked on a sun-soaked Dock Leaf and a Small Tortoiseshell flitted about. Denton won 3 - 2 in a quite cracking match. |
2nd April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) and a Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) were in the sun-kissed garden. |
2nd April 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - 4 hours with the good lasses and Town doofer Rob Nicholson and mork work done on the nature area. Whilst pootling I noted 1 * Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria) and 2 *Small Tortoiseshell plus a Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum) and the Hoverfly (Syrphus torvus). |
1st April 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The second moth trap of the year, 1 * Hebrew Character; 1 * Common Plume and 1 * Common Quaker. A Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) was also seen as well as a Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris). |
1st April 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - I walked to work today but was transfixed by a pair of feeding Mistle Thrushes, what a pair of healthy-looking birds they were, poking their bills into the grass and minding their own business, well until a grumpy Magpie chased them off. |
31st March 2021 - Heatons Centre, Stockport, G. Manchester - A nip out from work to post a couple of letters. I had a quick mooch in the garden and saw Hairy Bittercress; Daisy; Dandelion agg; Forsythia; Groundsel; Rhodendron agg; Chickweed and Thale Cress in flower. Harlequin; 7 Spot and Pine Ladybirds were enjoying the sun as was the Mining Bee (Andrena clarkella). A Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris); a Hoverfly (Meliscaeva auricollis) plus a Striped Woodlouse and Garden Snail were added to the list. The Nomad Bee (Nomada leucophthalma) was later ID via some on-line expertise. The Sycamore Tree was now in flower and a Magpie, a Blue Tit and some squabbling House Sparrows added background noise. The moss (Grimmia pulvinata) was now looking a trifle tired. |
31st March 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The first time I have put the moth trap out this year, I expected nowt and got 1 * Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) and 2 * Light Brown Apple Moth; 2 * Early Grey; 1 * Common Quaker; 1 * Chestnut; 1 * Caloptilia stigmatella and 1 * Hebrew Character. Also in the mix was 2 specimens of the Green Lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea). |
30th March 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Gasbagging with the neighbours in the garden, Pine Ladybird; 7 Spot Ladybird and Harlequin Ladybird all made an appearance as well as the Drone-Fly (Eristalis pertinax). |
30th March 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A day of sun was spent working (I had no complaints, too many people about for me). On the way home I had to crack on has I had a foot match to attend. I did see though the following butterflies:- 3 * Peacock and 1 * Comma plus 3 Ashy Mining Bees (Andrena cineraria) and a Kingfisher appeared over the tree line. |
30th March 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum) buzzed in the undergrowth and 2 Small Tortoiseshells were in a lovey-dovey mood and chasing each other in the unseasonal sunshine. |
30th March 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A quick pootle in the dinner break from work, people were the most common species, they are an area I never record, pesky blighters. I did see a Comma and Small Tortoiseshell though plus a Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum); a Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus); 2 * Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); 2 * Common Green Shield Bugs (Palomena prasina); 2 * Sawfly (Aglaostigma aucupariae); 1 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) and a single Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis). |
29th March 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Lounging in the garden and a Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae); a PIne Ladybird (Exochomus quadripustulatus) and a Buff Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris) were all welcome guests. |
29th March 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - More work on the on-going nature project and whilst pottering I noted 3 species of butterfly:- Brimstone (*1); Peacock (*2) and Small Tortoiseshell (*1). A Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum); Red Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus lapidarius); Buff Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris) and Red Mason Bee (Osmia bocornis); 3 * 7 Spot Ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata) and the Grounbd Beetles - Pterostichus madidus (*1) and Anchomenus dorsalis (*2) were also seen. Ivy Leaved Speedwell; Thale Cress; Colt's-Foot; Shepherd's Purse and Common Field Speedwell were in flower and I saw a few birds, these were:- Common Buzzard; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Carrion Crow; Great Tit; Wren and Mistle Thrush. |
28th March 2021 - Styal CP, Cheshire - A shortish walk, a few fungi seen plus 4 Great Tits; a Grey Wagtail; a Raven; 3 Mallards; 1 Carrion Crow; 1 Goldfinch and 2 Blackbirds. Flowers in bloom were:- Dandelion agg; Bluebell; Marsh Marigold; Lesser Celandine; Wood Anemone; Butterbur and Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage. The Liverwort (Lunularia cruciata) was noted as was a Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum); a Buff Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris) and 6 Alder Leaf Beetles (Agelastica alni). |
27th March 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - 5 hours pootling at the Denton Town footy ground with my good lady, punky friend Karen and few stalwarts from the club. The nature project is a long haul but, by the time we had finished, a small corner had been cleared of debris, some soil turned, mulching done and a few plants put in the ground. Along the way I kept note of a few things seen to try and get the place on the natural history map. White Lipped Banded Snail; Brown Lipped Banded Snail; Strawberry Snail; Budapest Slug and Large Yellow Slug agg were all beneath stony debris in the company of many Shiny Woodlice, the odd Variegated Centipede, a few White Legged Millipedes and a lone baby Frog. A Small Tortoiseshell was tucked away beneath some wood and a 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) was secreted within some surface soil. A Buff Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris) was noseying around and overhead passed a couple of Wood Pigeons; a Lesser Black Backed Gull; two Starlings; a few Jackdaws; the odd Carrion Crow and some Feral Pigeons. I later keyed out the Ground Beetle (Pterostichus madidus). |
26th March 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Wood Anemone and Common Dog Violet were both now in flower. |
25th March 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk home and a Buff Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris); Orange Ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata); a Rosy Woodlouse (Androniscus dentiger) and a flashing Dipper were my company on a mild day. |
24th March 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Spotted Laurel Bush, and catching the sun I spied a 2-Spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata); a Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina) and a Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis). More microscopy and the Hoverfly (Syrphus torvus) was confirmed. I did double-check on-line as I am rusty with the Hovers so early on in the year. |
24th March 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - A dinner break and I spotted the years first Marmalade Fly (Episyrphus balteatus) and 4 Honey Bees (Apis mellifera). |
23rd March 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Hebrew Character Moth paid a visit to the bathroom. |
23rd March 2021 - Nob End, Bolton, G. Manchester - A second walk with a few birds seen, these were:- Collared Dove; House Sparrow; Robin; Blackbird; Wood Pigeon; Goosander; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Mallard; Grey Wagtail; Blue Tit; Goldfinch; Meadow Pipit; Pied Wagtail; Feral Pigeon; Wren; Long Tailed Tit; Canada Goose; Black Headed Gull and Lesser Black Backed Gull. An Indian Runner Duck was a nice sighting on the river - a real oddball. Colt's-Foot; Dandelion agg; Lesser Celandine; Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage and Field Wood Rush were in flower and we saw a Buff Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris). Spotted Thyme Moss (Rhizomnium punctatum) and Swan's Neck Thyme Moss (Mnium hornum) were also nailed via some microscopy work. |
23rd March 2021 - Elton Reservoir, Bury, G. Manchester - An early morn walk, there was a nip in the air but we had flasks and the ability to put a spurt in the step. Birds seen were:- Blackbird; Magpie; Wood Pigeon; Goldfinch; Bullfinch; Song Thrush; Dunnock; Mallard; Greenfinch; Jay; Coot; Black Headed Gull; Canada Goose; Goldeneye; Reed Bunting; Lapwing; Oystercatcher; Raven; Robin; Wren; Sand Martin; Teal; Little Ringed Plover; Common Gull; Great Crested Grebe; Great Tit; Chaffinch; Blue Tit; Starling; Moorhen; Carrion Crow; Kestrel; Mute Swan; House Sparrow; Jackdaw; Grey Heron; Collared Dove; Feral Pigeon; Pied Wagtail; Meadow Pipit; Scaup; Pheasant and Goldcrest. We also saw 2 Roe Deer. |
22nd March 2021 - Cheadle Heath Nomads, Stockport, G. Manchester - Four hours tidying the wildflower area, picking litter and buildinga few brash piles. Flowers seen in bloom were:- Red Campion; Thale Cress; Hairy Bittercress; Grape Hyacinth; Daisy; Groundsel; Lesser Celandine; Dandelion agg; Ivy Leaved Speedwell; Common Mouse Ear; Chickweed and Common Field Speedwell. A Buff Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris) and the Bonfire Moss (Funaria hyrometrica) were also noted along with the following few birds:- Long Tailed Tit; Starling; Blackbird; Goldfinch; Carrion Crow; Magpie and Wood Pigeon. Budapest Slug; Garden Snail; Large Yellow Slug; White Lipped Banded Snail; Strawberry Snail and a few fungi were also added to the small list of sightings. |
16th March 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A 7-Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) and the Hoverfly (Meliscaeva auricollis) were in the garden. |
21st March 2021 - Poynton Pool area, Stockport, Cheshire - Up at the crack, out and away from folk and back well before dinner. Bird species seen were:- Goldcrest; Chiffchaff; Long Tailed Tit; Pied Wagtail; Black Headed Gull; Jay; Song Thrush; Wren; Goldfinch; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Greenfinch; Starling; House Sparrow; Carrion Crow; Dunnock; Coal Tit; Great Tit; Robin; Magpie; Mute Swan; Jackdaw; Nuthatch; Chaffinch; Blue Tit; Collared Dove; Tufted Duck; Greylag Goose; Canada Goose; Great Crested Grebe; Moorhen; Mallard; Coot and Blackbird. Winter Heliotrope; Marsh Marigold and Colt's-Foot were in flower. We also spied 2 Common Frogs; 2 Rabbits; 7 * Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) and 2 Ground Beetle species, these being:- Pterostichus niger and Anchomenus dorsalis. Also keyed out later in the day was the Bonfire Moss (Funaria hyrometrica) and after micro-photo's and on-line help the Beetle (Tachinus marginellus) was finally nailed. |
20th March 2021 - Denton Town, Tameside - A reccie to view a plot of land that I have been allowed to spruce up for nature. A Ring Necked Parakeet flew over as did a Starling and I noted a few Large Yellow Slugs and a 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) too. Ivy Leaved Speedwell; Lesser Celandine and Daisy are additions to the now on-going recording. |
20th March 2021 - Alexandra Park, Whalley Range, G. Manchester - A duck we hadn't seen for a while had turned up at this local-ish park and seeing we were off to Denton to do a reccie of a new nature project it seemed an ideal opportunity to have a look at the little feathered gem and get a walk in too. The bird list comprised of:- Carrion Crow; feral Pigeon; Magpie; Wood Pigeon; Blackbird; Ring Neck Parakeet; Song Thrush; Robin; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Ring Necked Duck; Tufted Duck; Coot; Canada Goose; Grey Heron; Mute Swan; Starling; Mistle Thrush; Moorhen; Coal Tit; Blue Tit; Black Headed Gull; Cormorant; Nuthatch; Wren; Long Tailed Tit; Great Tit; Dunnock and Lesser Black Backed Gull. |
19th March 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - The moss Thick Point Grimmia (Schistidium crassipilum) was keyed out with use of a good book and the microscope. |
17th March 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A trio of 7 Spot Ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata) and a Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) were joined by a Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni) on a warming walk home. Toothwort was now bursting through the soul and a Grey Wagtail was seen flitting amid some branches by the riverside. |
17th March 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A dinnertime walk around the urban streets and at the side of a gold course. There was a chill in the air but a Buff Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris) was laden with buzz-ability, a Cream Spot Ladybird (Calvia quattuordecimguttata) was seen snuggled up in some emerging Hawthorn leaves and a Coal Tit sang away whilst a Great Tit flitted through a Hedgerow.Wavy Bittercress was in flower at the side of my workplace. |
16th March 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Walking home from work and 4 Common Green Shieldbugs (Palomena prasina) wasted no time in grabbing some late sunshine and a Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) fed on some Gorse flowers. |
16th March 21 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The first moth of the year was seen after it entered an overnight open window. The little gem was the Beautiful Plume (Amblyptilia acanthadactyla). I should get my trap out but I shall wait a bit longer as I am busy enough. |
15th March 2021 - Etherow CP, Stockport, G. Manchester - An early morning walk with my wife, birds seen were:- Canada Goose; Coot; Tufted Duck; Pied Wagtail; Moorhen; Robin; Jackdaw; Black Headed Gull; Feral Pigeon; Cormorant; Great Tit; Mistle Thrush; Song Thrush; Wood Pigeon; Blackbird; Mandarin Duck; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Buzzard; Blue Tit; Nuthatch; Grey Wagtail; Coal Tit; Treecreeper; Stock Dove; Grey Heron; Chaffinch; House Sparrow; Bullfinch and Long Tailed Tit. Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage; Lung-Wort and Primrose were in flower and the Daffodil Fly (Norellia spinipes) was also seen plus the Lichen (Evernia prunastri). A nearby graveyard gave rise to a few mossed and some liverworts - difficult stuff but I did key out Anomolous Bristle-Moss (Orthotrichium anomolum); Overleaf Pellia (Pellia epiphylla); Thick Point Grimmia (Schistidium crassipilum) and Forked Veilwort (Metzgeria furcata). Continuation of the microscopy helped me also key out the Ground Beetle (Pterostichus madidus). |
14th March 2021 - Haughton Dale NR, G. Manchester - Me and my good lady had a walk and beat the rain - yippee. A few fungi were found plus a Common Frog and the gall (Agathomyia wankowiczii). We also noted the following species of bird:- Dunnock; Jackdaw; Blackbird; Magpie; House Sparrow; Wood Pigeon; Jay; Bullfinch; Song Thrush; Mallard; Moorhen; Carrion Crow; Chiffchaff; Mandarin; Wren; Blue Tit; Long Tailed Tit; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Goosander; Goldfinch; Great Tit and Collared Dove. |
11th March 2021 - Fletcher Moss, Didsbury, G. Manchester - A quick outing on the bike, 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers chased one another, a Ring Neck Parakeet whizzed about in the wind and 3 Goosanders rode the rapids of the Mersey. Primrose; Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage and Blackthorn were in flower and I also saw 16 Garden Snails; 1 White Lipped Banded Snail; 1 Common Earwing and the fungus gall (Agathomyia wankowiczii). I later confirmed the Ground Beetle (Anchomenus dorsalis) - a species I see now and again and always forget the name of. The Lichen (Parmotrema perlatum) was named after fine online assistance from Mark Powell as was Punctelia subrudecta - by heck these things are tricky. |
8th March 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - 3 Goosanders; a Pied and Grey Wagtail and the year's first Chiffchaff were seen as I pottered about near the river. I also found a couple of Horse Leeches (Haemopis sanguisuga). |
7th March 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Gardening and catching up today - A Blue Tit was eyeing up the nest box and a 7-Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) was disturbed as I trimmed some conifers. |
6th March 2021 - Poynton Pool, Stockport, Cheshire - A long week at work so an early morning walk was had to get the weekend rolling. We didn't dawdle today, we did see the following birds though:- Jay (*1); Moorhen (*8); Canada Goose (*52); Coot (*12); Mallard (*27); Mute Swan (*2); Goldfinch (*15); Jackdaw (*29); Tufted Duck (*11); Greylag Goose (*1); Great Crested Grebe (*3); Collared Dove (*2); Magpie (*11); Starling (*3); Wood Pigeon (*22); Great Tit (*4); Robin (*6); Black Headed Gull (*13); House Sparrow (*25); Blackbird (*5); Blue Tit (*4); Long Tailed Tit (*1); Redwing (*16); Chaffinch (*1); Carrion Crow (*7); Nuthatch (*1); Greenfinch (*1) and Goldcrest (*1). |
2nd March 2021 - Heaton Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - 2 * Buff Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris); 3 * Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) and a Pine Ladybird (Exochomus quadripustulatus) were all noted on the way home. |
2nd March 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - A dinner time walk, nice weather and I saw:- 7 * Drone Flies (Eristalis tenax); 10 * Buff Tailed Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris); a single 7 Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata); 4 * Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) and 1 * Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) – magic. Another Dunnock was having a right old sing-song.
2nd March 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - On y way to work, a Dipper whizzed by, a Dunnock sang with hearty gusto, a Nuthatch dripped forth his song and 4 Mandarins sailed on the water - not a bad start to the day at all. |
1st March 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Out early and back early before the people came and made for a busy parade of madness. A couple of Dippers chased each other over the water, a Kingfisher whizzed by (what's new); a Common Buzzard circled up on high and Bullfinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch were noted amongst several other common birds. A Buff Tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus terrestris); a Common Earwig (Forficula auricularia); 3 * Common Green Shield Bugs (Palomena prasina) and the Drone-Fly (Eristalis tenax) were all on the wing. |
28th February 2021 - Astley and Chat Mosses, Irlam, G. Manchester - An early morn walk and a 649 birds were counted of 40 species:- Canada Goose (*25); Goldcrest (*1); Meadow Pipit (*14); Teal (*11); Mallard (*5); Cormorant (*1); Grey Heron (*1); Stock Dove (*2); Reed Bunting (*6); Magpie (*21); Pheasant (*6); Great Tit (*6); Blackbird (*11); Black Headed Gull (*182); House Sparrow (*4); Starling (*5); Redwing (*5); Fieldfare (*50); Wood Pigeon (*54); Robin (*14); Goldfinch (*10); Kestrel (*2); Dunnock (*6); Greenfinch (*1); Chaffinch (*72); Song Thrush (*5); Jackdaw (*9); Moorhen (*2); Buzzard (*2); Mistle Thrush (*5); Skylark (*9); Yellowhammer (*5); Lapwing (*70); Blue Tit (*2); Pied Wagtail (*4); Carrion Crow (*12); Coal Tit (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*3); Feral Pigeon (*2) and Wren (*3). Red Dead Nettle; Colt's-Foot; Groundsel and Daisy were in flower and the first butterfly of the year was seen, a Small Tortoiseshell - smashing. Heath Star Moss (Campylopus introflexus) was looking quite splendid and in great abundance. |
25th February 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - The Landhopper (Arcitalitrus dorrieni) was found in the garden along with a nice gathering of Garden Snails (Cornu aspersum). I keyed out an Earthworm using a new book. The head was tanbylobic, the clitellum started before segment 29, the Tubercula puberatis was seen, the setae were widely paired and the colouration and size finally pointed to Dendrobaena hortensis. |
25th February 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - An early morning mooch before working from home. Birds seen were:- Dipper; Kingfisher; House Sparrow; Wood Pigeon; Jay; Coot; Grey Heron; Ring Neck Parakeet; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Feral Pigeon; Wren; Robin; Grey Wagtail; Magpie; Dunnock; Song Thrush; Goosander; Mallard; Cormorant; Moorhen; Canada Goose; Greenfinch; Chaffinch; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Long Tailed Tit; Great Tit and Blue Tit. Sweet Violet was in flower and a different patch of Colt's-Foot were sporting blooms. I also saw 7 * Common Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina). Thanks to confirmation by Clive Washington the beetle (Bolitobius cingulatus) was later confirmed. |
23rd February 2021 - Gorsey Bank, Stockport, G. Manchester - Colt's-Foot is now in flower - yippee. |
23rd February 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - The Springtail (Orchesella villosa) was identified via the scope. |
22nd February 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A spot of gardening, Striped and Rough Woodlice were seen as well as a Blackbird. The sun came out later in the day, it was a joy. The Land Worm (Kontikia ventrolineata) was identified after discussion with fine naturalist Steve J McWilliam. |
21st February 2021 - Heald Green, Stockport, G. Manchester - A cascade of Ivy, a bit of sun and the year's first Drone-Fly (Eristalis tenax) was picked out and a lone Common Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina). Common Whitlow Grass was now in flower - a lovely plant. Also keyed out was the Creeping Feather Moss (Amblystegium serpens), a very soft and delicate plant for sure. The Ground Beetle (Pterostichus madidus) was later identified. |
21st February 2021 - Styal, Cheshire - A tucked away route and the following birds were seen:- Pied Wagtail (*7); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*1); Great Spotted Woodpecker (*2); Grey Heron (*1); Moorhen (*7); Mistle Thrush (*1); Bullfinch (*1); Carrion Crow (*5); Magpie (*16); Mallard (*8); Black Headed Gull (*4); Redwing (*8); Jay (*2); Treecreeper (*1); Cormorant (*1); Song Thrush (*2); Long Tailed Tit (*7); Great Tit (*1); Jackdaw (*86); Canada Goose (*2); Blue Tit (*6); Dunnock (*4); Blackbird (*7); Starling (*7); Wood Pigeon (*5); Stock Dove (*4); Wren (*3); Goldfinch (*8) and Robin (*3). We also saw a Common Toad; 2 Budapest Slugs; a Smooth Newt and the Fungus Beetle (Scaphidium quadrimaculatum). |
19th February 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Whilst looking at a few twigs I found the Rover Beetle (Tachyporus obtusus); the Dirt Coloured Seed Bug (Scolopostethus thomsonii) and the Variegated Centipede (Lithobius variegatus). Online confirmation was kindly given for the former two species. The Common Chrysalis Snail (Lauria cylindracea) was later confirmed by an on-line gastropod bod. I also found a Plaited Door Snail (Cochlodina laminata). |
18th February 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - The sun was shining so I checked the small area around my workplace. The year's first 7-Spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) was thrilling, as was the years' first Hoverfly (Meliscaeva auricollis). Under a stone I also noted numerous Springtails (Orchesella cincta) and a several critters that wouldn't stay still. The Lace Weaver Spider (Amaurobius similis) was later ID'd via some close up pics and some generous on-line help. |
17th February 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - 4 Common Green Shield Bugs (Palomena prasina) were the first of the year and was one of the annual moments I always look forward to - yes. They were still in the winter jackets but still looking ace. |
17th February 2021 - Heaton Moor, Stockport, G. Manchester - 2 new mosses were slowly and thoroughly keyed out today with the new microscope coming in very handy. Didymodon insulanus and Orthotrichium diaphanum were ideal and showing all features needed to nail the ID. |
15th February 2021 - Haughton Dale NR/Hulme Wood, G. Manchester - An early morn walk with the good lady, birds seen were:- Chaffinch (*1); Collared Dove (*5); Starling (*1); Wren (*6); Blackbird (*17); Magpie (*15); Song Thrush (*7); Great Tit (*2); Goldcrest (*2); Dunnock (*3); Carrion Crow (*6); Mallard (*20); Nuthatch (*2); Canada Goose (*27); Mandarin Duck (*12); Treecreeper (*2); Robin (*7); Blue Tit (*5); Bullfinch (*4); Kingfisher (*1); Great Spotted Woodpecker (*1); House Sparrow (*11); Moorhen (*1); Goldfinch (*4); Grey Wagtail (*1); Jackdaw (*7); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*1); Long Tailed Tit (*2) plus plenty of Wood Pigeons here and there. The Springtail (Tomocerus minor) was nailed after being guided on what to look for by that young insect-man Finley Hutchinson, nice work sir. |
14th February 2021 - Didsbury Golf Course, G. Manchester - Another shortish walk in bitter weather and a brisk wind. Birds seen were:- Ring Neck Parakeet; Magpie; Mute Swan; Mallard; Black Headed Gull; Common Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Herring Gull; Goosander; Robin; Coot; Wood Pigeon; Redwing; Mistle Thrush; Blackbird; Long Tailed Tit; Carrion Crow; Great Spotted Woodpecker and Goldfinch. |
13th February 2021 - Gatley Carrs, Stockport, G. Manchester - A short walk, a Kingfisher was the highlight and 15 Goldfinch plus a few fungi. It was too cold to hang around. |
8th February 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A short outing down the river with snowflakes falling and a shark wing nipping at every exposed area. Birds seen today were:- Grey Wagtail (*1); Feral Pigeon (*1); Treecreeper (*1); Black Headed Gull (*45); Buzzard (*1); Goldfinch (*9); Great Tit (*1); Greenfinch (*5); Bullfinch (*2); Canada Goose (*7); Coot (*1); Great Spotted Woodpecker (*1); Cormorant (*2); Carrion Crow (*3); Robin (*5); Goldcrest (*1); Dunnock (*1); Moorhen (*6); Wood Pigeon (*17); Magpie (*14); Blue Tit (*5); Blackbird (*10); Goosander (*3) and Mallard (*11). |
7th February 2021 - Stanley Green, Stockport, G. Manchester - A walk with the missus, by heck it was a cold one. We didn't hang around but did see a few birds, these were:- Lesser Redpoll (*7); Redwing (*1); Bullfinch (*3); Blackbird (*2); Song Thrush (*1); Wood Pigeon (*1); Greenfinch (*2); Goldfinch (*1); Jay (*1); Robin (*3); Great Tit (*2); Blue Tit (*3); Long Tailed Tit (*1); Carrion Crow (*1) and Magpie (*4). Common Pincushion Moss (Dicranoweisia cirrata) was nice to key out once at home and with a little help from Lichen Man Mark Powell, Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta was added too. |
6th February 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Red Dead Nettle is now in flower and a bridge wall was laden with the lichen (Candelariella vitellina). |
5th February 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - We have caught a House Mouse, I am wondering if there is another, the trap is reset before a release. |
4th February 2021 - Ladybrook Cycleway, Stockport, G. Manchester - Cycling and walking along, birds noted were:- Blue Tit (*5); Wood Pigeon (*6); Robin (*7); Blackbird (*9); Nuthatch (*1); Carrion Crow (*2); Magpie (*8); Long Tailed Tit (*3); Great Tit (*3); Ring Neck Parakeet (*3); Song Thrush (*1); Goldfinch (*1); Grey Wagtail (*1); Dunnock (*3); Great Spotted Woodpecker (*1); Raven (*1); Wren (*2) and Treecreeper (*1). 4 * Budapest Slugs were also noted as well as the Elegant Bristle Moss (Orthotrichium pulchellum) that needed keying out. |
1st February 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A dinnertime walk with the missus through the urban sprawl. We did see a Bullfinch, a Carrion Crow, a Blackbird, a Magpie with Groundsel and Dandelion agg both in flower. The moss (Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus) was keyed out when back at home. |
31st January 2021 - Reddish Vale CP, Stockport, G. Manchester - A good walk getting the steps in as per. Along the way a few birds were listed, these were:- Blackbird; Goosander (*6); Magpie; Carrion Crow; Mallard; Great Tit; Blue Tit; Woodcock (*3); Redwing (*11); Black Headed Gull; Collared Dove; Moorhen; Feral Pigeon; Coot; Mute Swan; Wood Pigeon; Pied Wagtail; Mandarin Duck; Pochard (*1); Dunnock; Cormorant; Jay; Goldfinch; House Sparrow; Song Thrush; Ring Neck Parakeet (*2); Wren and Kestrel. The Ground Beetle (Anchomenus dorsalis); Striped Woodlouse (Philoscia muscorum); Leopard Slug (Limax maximus); Common Feather Moss (Kindbergia praelonga) and the Oakmoss Lichen (Evernia prunastri) were the only other things seen as well as a handful of fungi. Oh - we did see Primrose in flower too. and after chemical and microscopic investigations Lecidella elaeochroma and Physcia adscendens were two other lichens added. |
29th January 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - A Springtail (Dicyrtomina ornata) was found beneath a log along with a Budapest Slug; a Dusky Slug and a Pygmy Woodlouse. |
22nd January 2021 - Cheadle Heath to Chorlton circular, G. Manchester - A 13.5 mile walk, we kept away from folk and made sure the legs kept moving. We saw a few birds in various places, these were as follows. Setiing off and in the street we noted Mistle Thrush; Wood Pigeon; Collared Dove; Starling and a Magpie. At Gorsey Bank we picked out a small flock of Goldfinch and a few Carrion Crows. Down the River Mersey next and we added:- Nuthatch; Black Headed Gull; Goosander; Moorhen; Mallard; Cormorant; Long Tailed Tit; Grey Heron; Blue Tit; Song Thrush; Bullfinch; Feral Pigeon Dunnock and Grey Wagtail. The street walking produced very little but a quick stride through Chorlton Water Park added:- Canada Goose; Coot; House Sparrow; Tufted Duck; Mute Swan; Great Spotted Woodpecker and Great Crested Grebe. Homeward via the River Mersey again near Fletcher Moss we picked up a Pied Wagtail and a Jackdaw and on Didsbury Golf Course we saw several Ring Neck Parakeet; Common Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull,; a Buzzard and a flock of Redwing. The only other bird added throughout the walk was a Wren. The lichen Ramalina farinacea was new for the year. |
22nd January 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Cladonia coccifera and Physcia aipolia were 2 new lichens for the annual tally. |
21st January 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - A quick nip out to post two Nettle books, Ivy Leaved Toadflax was sporting a few flowers. |
18th January 2021 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, G. Manchester - Wavy Bittercress was now in flower and the mosses Bryum capillare; Tortula muralis and Grimmia pulvinata were all keyed out. |
16th January 2021 - Cringle Park, Levenshulme, G. Manchester - A quick walk with the good lady. A Mistle Thrush nipped about, a nice flock of Starling defied the chill and an Orange Ladybird hugged tree trunk. After consultation with lichen expert Mark Powell, some chemical tests and microscopy Hypotrachyna revoluta and Candelaria concolor - nifty! Clustered Feather Moss (Rhyncostegium confertum) after microscopy and the use of a lengthy key. |
14th January 2021 - Heaton Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - The gall Cecidophyes nudus was in good nick on the leaves of Wood Avens as expected. |
12th January 2021 - River Mersey, Stockport, G. Manchester - Cycling along, a Goosander, a Kingfisher and 2 Cormorants were seen on a very dull and damp day. |
11th January 2021 - Adswood Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - Punctelia subrudecta was seen on the bark of a tired looking tree. I am rusty on lichens and was given some kind pointers by a man more clued in - take a bow Mark Powell! |
10th January 2021 - Gatley Carrs, Stockport, G. Manchester - The second location on our Sunday march with a break for a drink from our flasks had and a short mooch for a few fungal specimens taken. We did note the following bird species too:- Buzzard; Jay; House Sparrow; Blue Tit; Wood Pigeon; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Mallard; Moorhen; Magpie; Ring Neck Parakeet; Great Tit; Wren; Bullfinch; Black Headed Gull; Blackbird and Starling. 2 examples of the Common Nettle Bug (Liocoris tripustulatus) were seen too. |
10th January 2021 - Brookfields Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - A yomp with the good lady with the legs constantly moving. The few birds seen whilst passing through were:- Blackbird; Blue Tit; Robin; Long Tailed Tit; Magpie; Kingfisher; Mallard and Wood Pigeon. |
9th January 2021 - Gorton Reservoirs, Reddish, G. Manchester - A walk with the good lady with the reservoirs iced over and a distinct mist and frost pervading everywhere. Birds seen were- Blackbird (*9); Magpie (*9); Carrion Crow (*9); Wren (*3); Dunnock (*1); Wood Pigeon (*2); Robin (*3); Song Thrush (*1); Mute Swan (*4); Herring Gull (*1); Blue Tit (*3); Long Tailed Tit (*8); Moorhen (*4); Little Grebe (*2); Bullfinch (*5); Great Crested Grebe (*1); Treecreeper (*2); Great Spotted Woodpecker (*2); Goldeneye (*2); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*1); Great Tit (*3); Starling (*6); House Sparrow (*4); Nuthatch (*1); Collared Dove (*3) plus plenty of Coot; Black Headed Gull Mallard; Common Gull and Tufted Duck. Wood Avens; Mahonia and Meadow Buttercup were still offering up blooms. |
8th January 2021 - Alexander Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - A dinnertime walk with the good lady and a few birds noted:- Starling; Wood Pigeon; Magpie; Blue Tit; Mallard; Blackbird; Canada Goose; Collared Dove; Feral Pigeon; Black Headed Gull; Dunnock; Sparrowhawk; Herring Gull; Common Gull; Grey Heron; Goosandeer; Robin; Long Tailed Tit; Great Tit; Goldfinch; Coot and Moorhen. By heck it were cold today! |
7th January 2021 - Ladybrook Interest Trail, Stockport, G. Manchester - As I weaved my way home through the slutch and general muck I saw a nice group of Goldfinch feeding on an Alder; 2 * Ring Neck Parakeet and a low flying Buzzard. Evernia prunastri was a lichen identified on a dead branch. |
7th January 2021 - Bramhall Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - A cycle ride and a few birds counted:- Black Headed Gull (*5); Sparrowhawk (*1); Stock Dove (*1); Coal Tit (*1); Great Tit (*1); Blackbird (*9); Redwing (*6); Nuthatch (*2); Grey Wagtail (*1) Feral Pigeon (*1); Blue Tit (*5); Magpie (*3); Great Spotted Woodpecker (*3); Carrion Crow (*1): Wood Pigeon (*2); Dunnock (*1); Coot (*2); Moorhen (*1) plus several Canada Geese and a good gathering of Mallards. A Leopard Slug was found, a couple of Garden Snails and an Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni). |
6th January 2021 - Bruntwood Park, Stockport, G. Manchester - A chilled walk in equally chilled weather. Birds seen were:- Goldfinch (*2); Nuthatch (*2); Collared Dove (*2); Dunnock (*2); Robin (*5); Blackbird (*5); Grey Heron (*1); Magpie (*8); Wood Pigeon (*6); Moorhen (*2); Mallard (*29); Feral Pigeon (*10); Mandarin Duck (*10); House Sparrow (*10); Blue Tit (*5); Carrion Crow (*4); Jay (*3); Black Headed Gull (*2); Common Gull (*1); Mistle Thrush (*1); Wren (*1); Starling (*2); Bullfinch (*1); Canada Goose (*3); Raven (*1); Goldcrest (*1); Great Tit (*2) and Treecreeper (*1). A Brown Rat was a hefty brute and the Gall (Taxomyia taxi) was picked out on a relatively quiet day. |
5th January 2021 - Fletcher Moss, Didsbury, G. Manchester - On the bike again, a tumble on the ice wasn't nice but a few birds made up for it, these being:- Dunnock (*2); Magpie (*12); Robin (*7); Blue Tit (*7); Great Tit (*5); Blackbird (*2); Wood Pigeon (*3); Long Tailed Tit (*5); Coal Tit (*3); Chaffinch (*2); Ring Neck Parakeet (*2); Nuthatch (*1); Jay (*1); Grey Wagtail (*1); Goldcrest (*1); Treecreeper (*1); Black Headed Gull (*18); Canada Goose (*23); Mallard (*8); Grey Heron (*2); Carrion Crow (*2); Goldfinch (*9); Common Gull (*1); Song Thrush (*1); Buzzard (*3) and Cormorant (*3). MIstletoe was looking good, Green Alkanet was in flower and a couple of Grey Squirrels were busy stuffing their guts - what's new! A Garden Snail and the Variegated Centipede (Lithobius variegatus) were the only other things seen. |
4th January 2021 - Sale WP, G. Manchester - A few birds were on show as I cycled around covered in mud. The list comprised of:- Yellow Legged Gull (*1); Carrion Crow (*2); Ring Neck Parakeet (*5); Kestrel (*1); Wood Pigeon (*5); Magpie (*5); Song Thrush (*3); Blackbird (*2); Nuthatch (*2); Coal Tit (*1); Treecreeper (*1); Great Tit (*4); Blue Tit (*3); Dunnock (*2); Long Tailed Tit (*8); Wren (*1); Common Gull (*3); Canada Goose (*74); Mute Swan (*3); Gadwall (*28); Great Crested Grebe (*4); Robin (*3); Lesser Black Backed Gull (*10); Cormorant (*5); Teal (*2); Grey Heron (*4); Goosander (*1); Jackdaw (*3); Goldfinch (*1); Grey Wagtail (*1) plus good numbers of Tufted Duck and oodles of Black Headed Gulls; Coots; Mallards and quite a few Moorhens. A Shiny Woodlouse was new for the year along with a few fungi. |
3rd January 2021 - Elton Reservoir, Bury, G. Manchester - A walk away from folk in fine weather. The birds seen were:- Starling; Magpie; Wren; Robin; Blackbird; Greenfinch; Goldfinch; Chaffinch; Blue Tit; Reed Bunting; Dunnock; House Sparrow; Grey Heron; Mute Swan; Mallard; Coot; Black Headed Gull; Canada Goose; Tufted Duck; Great Tit; Coal Tit; Common Gull; Moorhen; Great Crested Grebe; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Herring Gull; Scaup; Little Egret; Teal; Carrion Crow; Long Tailed Tit; Pied Wagtail; Cormorant; Goosander; Bullfinch; Gadwall; Meadow Pipit; Buzzard; Kestrel; Mistle Thrush; Lapwing; Feral Pigeon; Song Thrush; Sparrowhawk; Jackdaw and Goldeneye. Dandelion sp and Gorse were in flower. Wall Rue; Hart's Tongue Fern and Maidenhair Spleenwort were looking lush and 2 Roe Deer were nice to see. Later identified was the lichen Cladonia fimbriata. |
2nd January 2021 - Cheadle Heath - River Mersey - Abney Hall, Stockport, G. Manchester - A circular walk with the missus with the binoculars left at home. We saw a few birds nonetheless, these were:- House Sparrow; Blue Tit; Wood Pigeon; Cormorant; Bullfinch; Pied Wagtail; Starling; Great Tit; Collared Dove; Moorhen; Canada Goose; Song Thrush; Magpie; Mallard; Long Tailed Tit; Redwing; Goosander; Grey Heron; Grey Wagtail; Wren; Dipper and Dunnock. Physcia aipolia was in fruit and Groundsel was in flower. |
1st January 2021 - Astley and Chat Mosses, Irlam, G. Manchester - Local, away from people and with a snow white winter wonderland to enjoy, birds seen were as follows:- Blackbird (*26); Starling (*100+); House Sparrow (*9); Black Headed Gull (*44); Goldfinch (*8); Blue Tit (*7); Song Thrush (*11); Wood Pigeon (*50+); Buzzard (*5); Pheasant (*5); Kestrel (*2); Carrion Crow (*7); Mistle Thrush (*2); Robin (*20); Chaffinch (*30+); Magpie (*4); Wren (*3); Long Tailed Tit (*5); Treecreeper (*1); Great Tit (*4); Reed Bunting (*2); Great Black Backed Gull (*1); Herring Gull (*1); Oystercatcher (*8); Cormorant (*1); Dunnock (*1); Yellowhammer (*3); Collared Dove (*1); Jackdaw (*16); Tree Sparrow (*1) and Feral Pigeon (*1). Hogweed and Daisy were in flower and a Grey Squirrel was the first of the year. 2 common lichens were recorded, these being:- Lecidella elaeochroma and Xanthoria parietina. |