27th December 2010 - River Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire - 3 female Goosanders and 1 male were all that was about on this thawing day. |
21st December 2010 - Stockport, Cheshire - A goldcrest in the garden is a rare sight but one today made a brief cameo in search of elusive grub. Suffering with the nasty flu I needed this little fella to pick me up! |
11th December 2010 - Chorlton WP, Greater Manchester - Goosanders were looking pretty with a 3 all tie of males and females present. Goldeneyes were represented by 12 males and 6 females with Pochard and Tufted Duck in good numbers. |
8th December 2010 - Stockport, Cheshire - You know its cold when Grey Wagtails are hanging around busy roadsides in the middle of suburbia. Brrrr. |
24th November 2010 - Stockport, Cheshire - A walk home resulted in the sighting of a few species of flower still in bloom. Red Clover, Dandelion sp., Ivy Leaved Toadflax and a few others warmed the cockles on this sharp day. |
21st November 2010 - Hollingworth Lake, Rochdale, Greater Manchester - A parcel needed picking up not far away, we had a few spare hours and so dropped in here to have a look at the Pied Billed Grebe. A nice little dude (but aren't all birds) and worthy of a gander. I suppose the rarity value does capture the imagination but I'm just happy to see a new bird and admire the little fella/fellaress for what he/she is. I do hope it gets back home but those tiny wings had better get some muscle built up first. |
13th November 2010 - Chorlton WP, Greater Manchester - A brisk walk with a few mushies noted and a swooping Kestrel, a few flocks of Long Tailed Tit and the odd Tufted Duck seen. |
12th November 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - A Brown House Moth was seen indoors on a rather warm night. |
27th October 2010 - Tatton Park, Cheshire - A Feathered Thorn Moth, A Sallow Moth and the biggest surprise - an Oak Bush Cricket were all seen whilst on the mooch for fungi. |
16th October 2010 - Marbury CP, Cheshire - A Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell were seen enjoying the autumnal sunshine. |
12th October 2010 - Stockport, Cheshire - 2 Red Admirals and 1 Comma were seen on the wing. |
10th October 2010 - Nunsmere, Cheshire - Red Admiral, Comma and Small Tortoiseshell were 3 butterflies noted whilst leading a fungal foray. A Common Darter was also seen. |
7th October 2010 - Weaver Park, Cheshire - 3 Common Darters were on the wing and a Buzzard circled overhead. |
29th September 2010 - Runcorn Hill NR, Cheshire - A wander in search of fungi came up with an all time new flower for me and the missus. Shaggy Solder (Galinsoga quadriradiata) was duly noted in semi-ornamental beds and later identified after a short literary and computerised investigation. |
26th September 2010 - Coombes Valley RSPB, Staffordshire - A close encounter with a Fox was nice and the couple of moths caught from the poor overnight trapping were Frosted Orange and Rosy Rustic. |
25th September 2010 - Ainsdale NE, Lancashire - A couple of Common Darters, a Common Green Grasshopper and a Speckled Wood were seen whilst out foraying for fungi. |
21st September 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - I decided to put the moth trap out for two hours whilst tidying and waiting for my daughter to come home from karate. 3 moths was the total which were Common Marbled Carpet, Willow Beauty and Light Brown Apple Moth. A poor year on the moth front basically down to not having enough time. I suppose reaching a total of over 250 species ain't too bad after doing so little but must make a note to self - get more mothing done in 2011. |
19th September 2010 - Moore NR, Warrington, Cheshire - A Migrant Hawker and 2 Speckled Woods were seen in flight as well as a resting Harlequin Ladybird. |
12th September 2010 - Etherow CP, Stockport, Cheshire - A Southern Hawker and Speckled Wood were on the wing. |
7th September 2010 - Davenport, Stockport, Cheshire - A Holly Blue butterfly bounced about before the heavens opened and a potentially debilitating storm came forth. |
5th September 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - The Elephant Hawkmoth caterpillar feeds on and had a bit of company today in the form of a Speckled Wood butterfly. |
4th September 2010 - Etherow CP, Stockport, Cheshire - A wander in search of fungi produced a single spike of Broad Leaved Helleborine. |
3rd September 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - A brief mothing session brought little in return with Large Yellow Underwing (*2); Light Brown Apple Moth (*3); Mother Of Pearl (*1); Garden Carpet (*2) and Marbled Beauty (*1) the only species caught. |
2nd September 2010 - Etherow CP, Stockport, Cheshire - A Balsam Bashing day with the Young Carers was enjoyed again in glorious weather. A Cream Spot Ladybird, a calling Chiffchaff and a sun-bathing Terrapin gave extra interest. |
1st September 2010 - Fleetwood, Lancashire - Stunning weather blessed a walk with the Young Carer's crew and helped turn up a few nice species. Small Tortoiseshell (*4); Common Blue (*3); Small White (*1) and a tatty Meadow Brown (*1) were the butterflies on the wing with numerous Common Field Grasshoppers enjoying the sun. A few Shore Crabs were had in the sea along with various Shrimps, Mussels and fish. Sea Holly was clinging on and Spearmint gave off its delightfully refreshing odour. A Southern Hawker was also seen patrolling the edge of the shore. A Devil's Coach Horse showed less fury than usual and allowed a closer inspection. Flocks of Turnstones and Oystercatchers were expected with a pair of passing Sandwich Terns noted. |
30th August 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Elephant Hawkmoth larvae found on Willowherb in back garden. |
25th August 2010 - Portland Bill, Dorset - Moths seen were Cydia amplana; Mullein Wave; Small Mottled Willow; Orange Swift; Oak Eggar; Garden Tiger; Flounced Rustic; Straw Underwing; Aleimma loeflingiana; Cochylis hybridella and Cochylimorpha straminea. Thanks to Martin Cade at the Bird Obs for another 12 days of good wildlifing and allowing us to peruse the moth catch. Also cheers to John Knowler for identifying the latter 3 moths above. |
24th August 2010 - Durlston CP, Dorset - After shopping in Swanage only a short visit was taken at this fine reserve with Meadow Brown (*2); Small Heath (*2); Common Blue (*3); Southern Hawker (*1); Yellow Meadow Ant and Common Earwig spotted. Ivy Broomrape was in late flower and a Smooth Pea Gall was had. |
24th August 2010 - Lulworth Cove to Durdle Door, Dorset - A good walk in the wind resulted in the following finds:- Adonis Blue (*1); Common Blue (*1); Small Heath (*5); Grayling (*1); Meadow Brown (*4); Field Grasshopper; Striped Winged Grasshopper and Common Green Grasshopper. Flowers noted were Harebell; Betony; Clustered Bellflower; Carline Thistle; Ploughmans Spikenard; Harebell; Vipers Bugloss; Sheeps Bit; Yellow-Wort and Dwarf Thistle. |
23rd August 2010 - Weymouth, Dorset - More mooching around a couple of pools came up with Common Blue Tailed Damselfly (*26); Emerald Damselfly (*1); Common Darter (*1); Emperor Dragonfly (*1) and the butterflies Small White (*1); Common Blue (*1) and Small Tortoiseshell (*1). |
23rd August 2010 - The Rodwell Way, Dorset - Having caught a small boat from Portland to Weymouth the waters for the return journey were deemed to be too choppy so we decided to walk back to Portland Castle via Chesil Beach and the Rodwell Way. Holly Blue (*8); Large White (*3); Green Veined White (*1); Speckled Wood (*2); Migrant Hawker (*4) and the impressive Chicory were all enjoyed along the way. Spiral Wrack; Knotted Wrack and Bladder Wrack were all later identified from Chesil Beach. |
22nd August 2010 - Chesil Beach, Dorset - Mooching along this special area paid dividends with Shore Crab; Flat Periwinkle; Thick Top Shell; Common Mussel; Beadlet Anemone; Snakelocks Anemone; Ligia oceanica; Spirobia borealis; Semibalanus balanoides; Sphaeroma serratum; Sea Radish; Soapwort and Common Toadflax all stunning. 3 Turnstones kept us good company and stayed within feet for much of the visit. |
21st August 2010 - Portland Bill, Dorset - A Magpie Moth, and 2 Wall and Speckled Wood Butterflies were all that was noted due to a day taken out to catch up with more domestic things. |
20th August 2010 - Eyeworth, New Forest, Hampshire - Accompanied by Sue Rogerson of the Hampshire Fungus Group a Purple Hairstreak was spotted on the pathway and duly picked up and placed back on a lofted Oak leaf. 5 Slow Worms and a couple of Hornets were seen back at Sue's place and a nice cup of cha was had too - cheers. |
20th August 2010 - Portland Bill, Dorset - Scorched Carpet was the moth of the day for sure. |
19th August 2010 - Portland Bill, Dorset - Flounced Rustic; Six Striped Rustic; Annulet and Straw Belle were the only moths recorded as well as the two seaweeds Furbelows and Thong Weed. |
19th August 2010 - Chesil Beach, Dorset - After examining 8 traps we had set the previous evening 23 Scaly Crickets were had with 22 females and only 1 male. |
18th August 2010 - Chesil Beach, Dorset - A brief bit of birding came up with Ringed Plover; Dunlin; Mediterranean Gull; Herring Gull; Black Headed Gull; Great Black Backed Gull and Sandwich Tern. |
18th August 2010 - Weymouth, Dorset - A couple of pools were scanned for odonata species. The list compiled was Blue Tailed Damselfly (*16); Emperor (*1), Common Darter (*2) and Common Blue Damselfly (*2). |
18th August 2010 - Portland Bill, Dorset - 4 Spotted Moth was good to catch up with again and Dark Sword Grass was noteworthy. 20 Blue Rayed Limpets were uncovered living on Furbelows in a nearby rocky cove. |
17th August 2010 - West Bexington, Dorset - A solid stroll and relax in gorgeous weather produced the moths Magpie (*17); Common Carpet (*1); Straw Dot (*2); Yellow-Tail (*2); White Ermine (*1); Lime Speck Pug (*1); Carcina quercana (*1) and Silver Y (*1). 2 Speckled Bush Crickets were spotted and 1 Small Tortoiseshell. |
17th August 2010 - Charmouth, Dorset - All 3 British Groundhoppers were caught and viewed accordingly, these being Common; Slender and Cepero's. 1 Common Blue butterfly was seen. Several Common Lizards were also noted as were many Long Winged Coneheads. |
17th August 2010 - Portland Bill, Dorset - A lazy day with a mooch though the local moth traps had and the following species observed:- Shuttle Shaped Dart; Setaceous Hebrew Character; Silver Y; Smoky Wainscot; Large Yellow Underwing; Common Rustic sp; Pine Hawkmoth; Magpie; Turnip Moth; Wax Moth; Antler Moth; Iron Prominent; Rosy Rustic; Barred Red; Marbled Green; Clay; Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing; Yellow-Tail; Willow Beauty; Garden Tiger; Dark Sword Grass; White Point; 4 Spotted Footman; Adaina microdactyla; Phycitodes saxicola and Platytes alpinella. A couple of Lesser Cockroaches were picked up and Dark Bush Cricket; Great Green Bush Cricket and Speckled Bush Cricket were sighted in nearby shrubbery. |
16th August 2010 - New Forest, Hampshire - Keeled Skimmer (*3); Large Marsh Grasshopper (*10) and Bog Bush Cricket (*3) were spotted at one site with Southern Damselfly (*3); Migrant Hawker (*2); Golden Ringed Dragonfly (*5); Beautiful Demoiselle (*5) and Common Darter (*6) sighted elsewhere. The Golden Ringed Dragonflies were stunning with one being held and a mating pair buzzing around our heads for several minutes. Additional butterflies included Comma (*1); Meadow Brown (*1); Common Blue (*1) and Grayling (*5). Another Redstart was seen as well as Marsh St Johns Wort and the huge Robber Fly Asilus crabroniformis. |
16th August 2010 - Pigs Bush, New Forest, Hampshire - On the butterfly front Grayling (*5); Small Heath (*3) and Brimstone (*1) were spotted. A Redstart and a Green Woodpecker came out into the open too. |
16th August 2010 - Rufus Stone, New Forest, Hampshire - A Roe Deer was seen in the woods whilst we were doing a spot of fungal foraying. |
15th August 2010 - Portland Bill, Dorset - A good walk was needed so the entire island perimeter was done and a little bit extra which I reckon added up to 10 miles plus. Time was taken to peruse a few wildlife specimens with the following flowers blooming and in addition to yesterdays haul:- Strawberry Clover; Vipers Bugloss; Carline Thistle; Ploughmans Spikenard; Red and White Valerian; Small Scabious; Wood Sage; Travellers Joy; Goldenrod; Portland Spurge; Eyebright sp; Weld; Marjoram; Shrubby Sea Blite; Sea-Beet; Square Stemmed St Johns Wort; Vervain; Scarlet Pimpernel; Ivy Leaved Toadflax; Common Poppy; Wormwood; Pineappleweed; Yellow Rattle; Common Field Speedwell; Annual Wall Rocket; Cinquefoil and Hedgerow Cranes-Bill. Along the way a variety of butterflies were noted as thus:- Common Blue (*30); Chalkhill Blue (*123); Ringlet (*1); Painted Lady (*1); Red Admiral (*5); Holly Blue (*1); Small White (*1); Small Tortoiseshell (*10); Gatekeeper (*2); Speckled Wood (*2); Wall (*1); Grayling (*1); Small Heath (*3) and Adonis Blue (*1). Moths seen were Chalk Carpet (*2); Silver Y (*10) and Jersey Tiger (*1). Other beasties added to the list were Bloody Nosed Beetle (*117); Dark Bush Cricket (*5); Wasp Spider (*2) and Common Darter (*1). The birds were represented by Raven (*3); Kestrel and Wheatear (*4). A Tawny Cockroach was observed on a notepad at the lighthouse whilst doing my daily scribblings and a Sea Scorpion was caught at night by a visiting friend (nice one Tiernan). The Sea-Shore Bristletail (Petrobius maritimus) was added today and is worth looking out for - a stunning critter. |
14th August 2010 - Portland Bill, Dorset - Arriving at the lighthouse in good time allowed us to scan the moth traps and have a small wander. Moth wise produced Grass Eggar; Pine Hawkmoth; Common White Wave; Hummingbird Hawkmoth (*2) and Yellowshell. Butterflies were represented by Meadow Brown (*10); Common Blue (*22); Painted Lady (*1); Wall (*1); Small Heath (*3); Large White (*5) and Small White (*2). Orthoptera mooching produced Meadow Grasshopper; Common Field Grasshopper; Great Green Bush Cricket Grey Bush Cricket; Dark Bush Cricket and Long Winged Conehead. Other species included the insects Tachina grossa; the hoverflies Episyrphus balteatus and Scaeva pyrastri as well as Turnip Sawfly, Common Wasp and the arachnid Neoscona adianta. On the bird front Linnet; Wheatear; Oystercatcher and Rock Pipit gave good views. The botanical side of things produced the usual flowering specimens of Golden Samphire; Rock Samphire; Wild Carrot; Thrift; Pellitory Of The Wall; Prickly Sow Thistle; Portland Sea Lavender; Restharrow; Red Clover; Field Scabious; Hemp Agrimony; Common Fleabane; Dwarf Thistle; Common Toadflax; Field Bindweed; Bittersweet; Ladies Bedstraw and Common Knapweed. |
11th August 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - A Common Green Shieldbug in the garden and plenty of Hoverflies in cloudy conditions. |
9th August 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - 3 Holly Blues noted today in a rare glimpse of sunshine. |
8th August 2010 - Nunsmere Hall, Cheshire - Besides loads of little frogs hopping about five species of butterfly were noted. These were:- Holly Blue; Speckled Wood; Peacock; Small Copper and Gatekeeper. |
5th August 2010 - Delamere Forest, Cheshire - 'Beginners Bug Day' for FWAG was well attended and went smoothly with many young eyes keen to see all and keep me on the go. Keeping a list was hard to do but as long as everyone was entertained then the job is a good un'. Devils Coach Horse; Forest Bug; Southern Hawker; Blue Tailed Damselfly; Common Darter; Striped Millipede; Common Green Shield Bug; Common Frog Hopper; Common Green Leaf Hopper; Leopard Slug; 7 Spot Ladybird and several species of butterfly and larvae were noted but many species were just enjoyed and missed getting onto the final list. Hey ho - maybe a dictaphone or something needs be had. Ooh just remembered - 2 Vapourer Moth larvae were spotted too. Again thanks to Helen Broughton of FWAG for the organisation, the butties, fruit, crisps and snacks and most importantly for asking me to lead the event. I hope all the young un's sleep well tonight - I am sure the parents will. I reckons I'll be awake all night with the sound of 'Dave, Dave what's this, what's that, what's it's name infinatum ringing in my ears. You can't beat the enthusiastic though so better to join em'. |
4th August 2010 - Hindley Green, Lancashire - I needed to start the following days 'Bugs For Beginners' event off with a few moth specimens so a trip to my brothers house to go through the previous nights catch proved ideal to pot a few critters. The total list was:- Flame Shoulder (*10); Blood-Vein (*2); Shuttle Shaped Dart (*26); Brown House Moth (*4); Flame Carpet (*2); Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*16); Large Yellow Underwing (*147); Dark Arches (*13); Least Yellow Underwing (*4); Common Rustic sp. (*43); Small Phoenix (*1); Udea lutealis (*6); Small Fan Footed Wave (*1); Common White Wave (*1); Marbled Beauty (*2); Dot Moth (*1); Scalloped Hook-Tip (*1); Cabbage Moth (*2); Double Lobed (*2); Blastobasis lignea (*6); Silver Y (*1); Agriphila straminella (*6); Brimstone (*2); Straw Underwing (*1); Campion (*1); Small Angle Shades (*1); Dark/Grey Dagger sp. (*1); Mother Of Pearl (*2); Trachycera advenella (*1); Dark Barred Twin Spot Carpet (*1); Agriphila tristella (*1); Chevron (*1); Fan-Foot (*2); Dun-Bar (*1); Snout (*1); Riband Wave (*2); Dotted Clay (*2); Dark Spectacle (*1); Yellow Barred Brindle (*1); Early Thorn (*2); Willow Beauty (*1); Garden Carpet (*1); Bright Line Brown Eye (*1); Smoky Wainscot (*1); Pale Mottled Willow (*1); Ypsolopha sequella (*1); Small Rivulet (*1); Lesser Yellow Underwing (*1) and Buff Footman (*1). |
3rd August 2010 - River Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire - A couple of flowering Broad Leaved Helleborines were duly enjoyed. |
3rd August 2010 - Etherow CP, Cheshire - As well as looking for mushrooms a few flowers were seen and admired as follows:- Lesser Burdock; Goosegrass; Rosebay Willowherb; Common Nettle; Common Knapweed; Redshank; Broad Leaved Willowherb; Field Bindweed; Ribwort Plantain; Ivy Leaved Toadflax; Meadow Vetchling; Yellow Loosestrife; Feverfew; Yellow Pimpernel; Daisy; Tansy; Self-Heal; Red Bartsia; Thyme Leaved Speedwell; Large Bindweed; Pineappleweed; Hogweed; Common Comfrey; Herb Robert; Enchanters Nightshade; Red Campion; Nipplewort; Wood Avens; Wild Strawberry; Purple Loosestrife; White Clover; Greater Plantain; Meadowsweet; Himalayan Balsam; Greater Willowherb; Yarrow; Mugwort; Pink Purslane; Gypsywort; Tormentil; Hedge Mustard; Yellow Pimpernel; Creeping Buttercup and Water Cress (Nasturtium microphyllum). Other bits and bobs noted on the walk were Common Frog; Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle; the butterflies Gatekeeper; Peacock; Meadow Brown and Small White plus a Large Yellow Underwing moth. A Brown Hawker was on the wing and a Green Tortoise Beetle pottered about on a leaf. |
30th July 2010 - Martin Mere, Lancashire - A trip out with the kids from work had us going through the moth trap with local knowledge Andy Bunting. The moths were plentiful with the following species noted by my daughter:- Small Magpie; Silver Y; Flame Shoulder; Smoky Wainscot; Common Rustic sp; Dark Barred Twin Spot Carpet; Clouded Border; Dark Arches; Coxcomb Prominent; Dingy Footman; Bird Cherry Ermine; Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing; Sallow; Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing; Epiblema foenella; Single Dotted Wave; Agriphila straminella; Mother Of Pearl; Udea lutealis; Ruby Tiger; Eyed Hawkmoth; Large Yellow Underwing; Spectacle; Dark Spectacle; Yellow Tail; Brimstone; Lesser Swallow Prominent; Dun-Bar; Fen Wainscot; Bright Line Brown Eye; Rosy Rustic; Buff Ermine; Crescent; Heart and Dart; Straw Dot and Plutella porrectella. A Sexton Beetle (Nicrophorus investigator) and a Common Green Leaf Hopper were also in the trap. Wandering around the reserve came up with the butterflies Small Tortoiseshell; Peacock; Green Veined White and Red Admiral. |
29th July 2010 - Fletcher Moss, G. Manchester - In between mothing a trip to this decent site proved worthwhile. The Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner (Cameraria ohridella) was emerging with 200+ seen but many more obviously on the wing. Meadow Brown (*3); Speckled Wood (*4); Green Veined White (*2) and Small Copper (*1) were the only butterflies seen with a lone Southern Hawker the only odonata species spotted. Monkshood was noted in flower. Common Green Leaf Hoppers were seen also. |
29th July 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Cheshire - My brother once again appeared with a trap full of mothing delights and slowly but surely we worked our way through. The list of 50 species was as follows:- Light Arches (*1); Small Square Spot (*1); Yellow Tail (*1); Scalloped Oak (*4); Common Rustic sp (*40); Mother Of Pearl (*7); Large Yellow Underwing (*42); Bright Line Brown Eye (*2); Flame Carpet (*3); Cabbage Moth (*1); Riband Wave (*6); Dotted Clay (*4); Small Phoenix (*2); Blastobasis lignea (*6); Brimstone (*1); Trachycera advenella (*1); Chrysoteucia culmella (*1); Bird Cherry Ermine (*2); Fan-Foot (*1); Dark Arches (*20); White Satin Moth (*2); Campion (*1); Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*3); Grey/Dark Dagger sp. (*2); Buff Ermine (*1); Snout (*1); Small Dusty Wave (*1); Garden Carpet (*1); Dot Moth (*1); Double Lobed (*1); Common Wave (*1); Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*1); Dun-Bar (*2); Blood-Vein (*1); Marbled Minor sp (*1); Udea lutealis (*1); Single Dotted Wave (*2); Flame Shoulder (*2); Flame (*1); Silver Y (*1); Phlyctaenia coronata (*1); Clouded Border (*1); Poplar Hawkmoth (*2); Small Wainscot (*1); Comon White Wave (*1); Acleris forsskaleana (*1); Early Thorn (*2) Burnished Brass (*1); Shuttle Shaped Dart (*4) and Heart And Dart (*1) |
28th July 2010 - Park Bridge Heritage Centre, Ashton-U-Lyne, G. Manchester - A wild flower walk led by Alan & Norman Bamforth was pleasant and calming with a few species catching my eye. Royal Fern, Lady Fern, Male Fern, Hard Fern, Angelica and Purple Moor Grass were personally noteworthy with the mosses Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus, Polytrichum commune, Sphagnum denticulatum, Sphagnum fimbriatum, Hypnum cupressiforme and Brachythecium rutabulum all stared at and hopefully taken in. The latter species is called Ordinary Moss which is a thoroughly uninspiring title to say the least. A kick up the arse for the one who penned that methinks. Slender Rush was a new one for me and the missus and I reckons this one has stuck. |
23rd July 2010 - Nunsmere Hall, Cheshire - Another mothing sting for a few hours before a chill crept in. A light trap and several sugared trees produced:- Marbled Beauty (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*2); Riband Wave (*1); Blastobasis lignea (*2); Common White Wave (*1); Agriphila staminella (*1); Dun-Bar (*17); July Highflyer (*7); Small Fan Footed Wave (*2); Large Yellow Underwing (*14); Dark Arches (*3); Common Rustic sp (*3); Carcina quercana (*3); Double Striped Pug (*1); Bird Cherry Ermine (*1); Copper Underwing (*3); Common Footman (*1); Yellow Tail (*1); Small Angle Shades (*1); Lesser Swallow Prominent (*1); Peppered Moth (*1); Snout (*1); True Lovers Knot (*1); Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*1); Light Emerald (*1); Argresthia goedartella (*2); Dotted Clay (*1); Mottled Beauty (*2); Hedya nubiferana (*1); Buff Footman (*1); Hedya salicella (*1) and lastly Engrailed (*1). 31 species in total with some new ones for the site - not bad at all. A few Common Earwigs and the beetle Serica brunnea were also seen feeding on the sticky mixture added to the tree trunks. |
21st July 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Cheshire - A Small Tortoiseshell was a rare visitor to the garden and really picked up my flagging spirits (got a cold tha knows). |
16th July 2010 - Risley Moss, Warrington, Cheshire - As part of a RIMAG event we 3 moochers pottered around in the damp and dark until 12.45'ish am and saw just over 60 species. It was a good night led by Jeff Clarke and Paul Hill who certainly know the lepidopteran onions. The ones we saw were:- Small Phoenix; Map Winged Swift; Bird Cherry Ermine; Argyresthia brockeella; Carcina quercana; Blastodacna hellerella; Hedya nubiferana; Pandemis heparana; Hedya salicella; Bramble Shoot Moth; Crambus pascuella; Chrysoteuchia culmella; Eudonia pallida; Eudonia mercurella; Small Magpie; Mother of Pearl; Drinker; Scalloped Hook-Tip; Peach Blossom; Buff Arches; Large Emerald; Common Emerald; Small Fan-Footed Wave; Riband Wave; Common Carpet; July Highflyer; Scallop Shell; Rivulet; Sandy Carpet; Narrow Winged Pug; Green Pug; Magpie Moth; Brown Silver Line; Brimstone; Peppered Moth; Mottled Beauty; Engrailed; Common White Wave; Light Emerald; Poplar Hawkmoth; Lesser Swallow Prominent; Common Footman; Buff Ermine; Short Cloaked Moth; Heart And Dart; Large Yellow Underwing; Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing; Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing; True Lovers Knot; Purple Clay; Ingrailed Clay; Smoky Wainscot; Svensson's Copper Underwing; Dun-Bar; Dark Arches; Crescent; Small Rufous; Silver Y; Plain Golden Y; Herald; Snout and Fan-Foot. Not bad at all and worth making the effort for. Thanks to all and to Rob Smith for organising things. |
13th July 2010 - Alexander Park, Stockport Cheshire - Had a brief encounter with an Old Lady on the way to work - the moth kind of course. |
11th July 2010 - Abney Hall, Stockport, Cheshire - A newly created pond cum scrape had the attentions of a Broad Bodied Chaser. Hopefully the work of the local Friends group will pay high dividends and the Odanata species will become a resident breeder. |
11th July 2010 - River Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire - A stretch of the legs in a fresh breeze came up with a nice flock of Sand Martins, Goats Rue, Mugwort, Cinquefoil, Common Knapweed, Yarrow, Water Plantain, Feverfew and Monkey Flower all in flower and 2 Banded Demoiselle on a nearby pond. Lepidoptera were represented by Meadow Brown (*1); Comma (*1); Gatekeeper (*2); Small White (*1); Small Skipper (*3) and 6-Spot Burnet (*4). |
10th July 2010 - Chadkirk Chapel, Stockport, Cheshire - A brief stroll was had with Forest Bug noted, a pair of circling Buzzards, a small group of Stock Doves and numerous Harlequin Ladybirds. Butterflies were represented by Gatekeeper (*2); Comma (*4); Large Skipper (*1); Speckled Wood (*4); Meadow Brown (*2) and Small Tortoiseshell (*1). A few Peacock larvae were also seen. |
10th July 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Cheshire - My brother arrived at 8.30am with another trap full of moths from the previous nights catch in Hindley Green. The 72 species list count was:- Common Emerald (*1); Light Emerald (*1); Mother Of Pearl (*8); Blastobasis lignea (*7); Marbled Beauty (*9); Fan-Foot (*9); Large Yellow Underwing (*19); Peppered Moth (*2); Small Rivulet (*3); Flame (*28); Dark Arches (*19); Snout (*7); Green Arches (*1); Small Fan Footed Wave (*1); V-Pug (*2); Bird Cherry Ermine (*13); Spectacle (*5); Brimstone (*1); Dot Moth (*24); Common Wave (*1); Marbled Minor sp (*8); Riband Wave f. remutata (*6); Light Arches (*4); Riband Wave (*5); Clay (*1); Bright Line Brown Eye (*5); Phlyctaenia coronata (*2); Willow Beauty (*3); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*1); Buff Ermine (*1); Beautiful Golden Y (*1); Double Square Spot (*13); Clouded Border (*2); Flame Shoulder (*4); Small Magpie (*1); Garden Carpet (*2); Dark/Grey Dagger sp (*5); Dotted Clay (*3); Uncertain (*7); Double Striped Pug (*1); Straw Dot (*4); Heart And Dart (*18); Light Brown Apple Moth (*3); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*4); Smoky Wainscot (*6); Elephant Hawkmoth (*2); Cabbage Moth (*2); Common Footman (*1); Buff Arches (*6); Single Dotted Wave (*2); Udea prunalis (*3); Ectoedemia decentella (*1); Dun-Bar (*1); Bee Moth (*1); Mottled Rustic (*1); Brown House Moth (*3); Limnaecia phragmitella (*1); Silver Y (*1); Yellowshell (*2); Small Angle Shades (*1); Rustic sp (*1); Pandemis heparana (*1); Blackneck (*2); Small China Mark (*1); Dingy Shears (*1). Apple Leaf Miner (*1); Lesser Yellow Underwing (*1); Wormwood Pug (*1); Crambus pascuella (*1); Trachycera advenella (*1); Argyresthia goedartella (*1); Celypha striana (*1) and Drinker (*1). Swallow-Tailed Moth (*1); Blackneck (*1) and Marbled Beauty (*2) had been attracted to an open lighted window at home during the night. |
3rd July 2010 - Glapthorne Cow Pastures, Northamptonshire - After a busy day we were undecided as to whether to go to Rutland Water or do a reccie at Glapthorne so as to get familiar with the site for next year which will hopefully see us connecting with Black Hairstreak butterflies. Information given earlier in the day by several butterfly enthusiasts stated that the said butterfly would have finished its flight period due to an early start this year. Mmmm - my good lady didn't fancy the drive to Rutland so Glapthorne it was. A Yellowhammer greeted us on arrival and no sooner were we in the woods than my hopes were raised of hopefully catching a straggling Hairstreak. A likely spot was soon found and with 20 minutes I had a specimen at eye level. Calling over my wife and daughter I didn't give a full inspection so after a brief view I was undecided as to if this was a Black or White Letter flutterer. Would it be another 12 months before my next chance - oh dear! Another 30 minutes mooching and we decided enough was enough - you can't get lucky every time. Heading back I noticed a lane with a sunny patch at the end - yes I just had to have a look. Nipping up I immediately came across a settled Black Hairstreak - stunning. A quick shout to my two mates and they came and got the views to confirm ID. Closer inspection and another was found - great stuff and rounding off a great day. Other species seen were Ringlet (20); Large White (*2); Meadow Brown (*10) and Large Skipper (*2). A Wasp Beetle was briefly seen but soon hid itself away in the undergrowth. King of the Woods - a great sighting on a great day out
3rd July 2010 - River Nene, Northamptonshire - Another trip to this wonderful river and more sightings to relish in glorious sunshine. Common Darter (*1); Brown Hawker (*3); Scarce Chaser (*6); Red Eyed Damselfly (*1); Emperor Dragonfly (*3) were all enjoyed over the clear waters. Small Skipper (*1); Comma (*1); Large White (*1); Small Tortoiseshell (*5) and Ringlet (*3) were the butterflies noted with a Silver Y Moth mooching through the grass. A Red Kite was seen and brilliant views of the fish Chub and Barbel were taken before heading to the car. |
3rd July 2010 - Fermyn Woods, Northamptonshire - Up at the crack and on the way to new pastures for us saw us amazed by the sight of a Muntjac Deer crossing the road before us whilst heading to the said location. Once at Fermyn we 3 merry wanderers came up with a fairly healthy butterfly list as follows:- Red Admiral (*2); White Letter Hairstreak (*2); White Admiral (*19); Ringlet (*46); Speckled Wood (*47); Comma (*4); Purple Emperor (*3); Large White (*1); Marbled White (*1); Common Blue (*1); Small Skipper (*1) and Large Skipper (*1). Moths seen were Beautiful Carpet (by my good ladies and not me - bah); Silver Y and Cinnabar Moth. Odanata species were made up of Emperor (*1); Four Spotted Chaser (*2); Common Darter (*1); Brown Hawker (*2) and Southern Hawker (*2). Other additions to the days sightings were a Vapourer Moth caterpillar, a Red Kite and a Common Field Grasshopper. |
2nd July 2010 - River Nene, Northamptonshire - Another beautiful stretch of the River Nene was explored late in the day with the following list of species seen:- Odonata interest was given with Banded Demoiselle (*38); Blue Tailed Damselfly (*1); Common Blue Damselfly and Emperor Dragonfly. Moth wise produced Snout, White Plume Moth, Agapeta hamana, Chrysoteucia culmella and Brown China Mark. 7 Meadow Browns were the only butterflies on the wing. A Common Tern and Sedge Warbler were also noted. A small gathering of Banded Damoiselle wings was spotted by my daughter with several collected. Obviously some birds dinner table with a good feast had. |
30th June 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - A bit of mothing for a few hours came up with a list of 40 species as follows:- Small Magpie (*3); Brimstone (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Common Emerald (*2); Light Brown Apple Moth (*4); Bee Moth (*2); Riband Wave f. remutata (*5); Swallow-Tailed Moth (*3); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*3); Peppered Moth (*1); Willow Beauty (*3); Green Pug (*3); Marbled Beauty (*7); Snout (*1); Marbled Minor sp (*1); Blackneck (*1); Dark Arches (*1); Flame Shoulder (*1); Small Fan Footed Wave (*1); Scalloped Hazel (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*4); Straw Dot (*1); Flame (*1); Heart And Dart (*4); Light Emerald (*2): Buff Arches (*2); Garden Carpet (*1); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Fan-Foot (*1); Grey/Dark Dagger sp (*1); Bright Line Brown Eye (*1); Phlyctaenia coronata (*1); Brown House Moth (*1); Apple Leaf Miner (*1); Uncertain (*1); Angle Shades (*1); Teleoides vulgella (*1); Pammenne fasciana (*1); Blastodacna hellerella (*1) and Dusky Brocade (*1). |
26th June 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - A mooch through my brother's moth trap from a catch on the previous evening in Hindley Green produced the following list of 56 winged delights:- Double Square Spot (*1); Pandemis heparana (*1); Clay (*1); Brown House Moth (*1); Uncertain (*1); Blackneck (*1); Blood Vein (*1); Flame Shoulder (*6); Flame (*10); Riband Wave f. remutata (*9); Riband Wave (*6); Light Emerald (*2); Heart And Dart (*81); Small Angle Shades (*3); Poplar Grey (*3); Marbled Minor sp (*10); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*1); Marbled Beauty (*3); Dark/Grey Dagger (*4); Dot Moth (*15); Bright Line Brown Eye (*7); Fan-Foot (*10); Willow Beauty (*3); The Miller (*1); Elephant Hawkmoth (*1); Apple Leaf Miner (*1); Snout (*1); Small Fan-Foot (*3); Ingrailed Clay (*1); Smoky Wainscot (*1); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Dark Arches (*17); Buff Arches (*4); Burnished Brass (*1); Brimstone (*2); Spectacle (*4); Light Brown Apple Moth (*2); Straw Dot (*1); Hedya nubiferana (*1); Common Emerald (*2); Barred Yellow (*1); Green Pug (*1); Clouded Silver (*1); Buff Ermine (*1); Phlyctaenia coronata (*1); Timothy Tortrix (*1); Angle Shades (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Argyresthia brockeella (*1); Magpie (*1); Yellow Shell (*1); Clouded Bordered Brindle (*1); Brown China Mark (*1); Limnaecia phragmitella (*1); Small Dusty Wave (*1); Crambus pascuella (*1) and Small Magpie (*1); |
25th June 2010 - Bredbury Industrial Estate, Stockport, Cheshire - A Shoulder Striped Wainscot was spotted by my good lady and verified later. |
23rd June 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - A 3 and a half hour moth session was had even though I was a trifle knackered out. A list of 37 species was achieved which was as thus:- Light Brown Apple Moth (*4); Brimstone (*1); Bee Moth (*1); Marbled Beauty (*4); Straw Dot (*4); Heart And Dart (*5); Codling Moth (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*5); Riband Wave (*2); Elephant Hawkmoth (*1); Buff Arches (*1); Angle Shades (*1); Bramble Shoot Moth (*2); Smoky Wainscot (*1); Fan-Foot (*5); Large Yellow Underwing (*2); Phlyctaenia coronata (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Willow Beauty (*2); Straw Underwing (*1); Figure of Eighty (*1); Bright Line Brown Eye (*1); Garden Carpet (*1); Flame (*1); Uncertain (*2); Scalloped Hazel (*1); Dark Arches (*1); Marbled Minor sp (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*1); Single Dotted Wave (*1); Green Pug (*1); Brown House Moth (*1); Apple Leaf Miner (*4); Ectoedemia decentella (*1); Chrysoteuchia culmella (*1); Hedya nubiferana (*1); Pandemis heparana (*2) and Freyer's Pug (*2). My wife caught a Blackneck moth today at work which was in fair fettle. |
20th June 2010 - Anderton NR, Cheshire - After watching 9 bands the previous day and swilling 12 pints it was nice to get out in the sun today and wander with no real intent. Odanata interest was had with Common Darter (*2); Blue Tailed Damselfly (*3); Four Spotted Chaser (*13); Azure Damselfly (*30+); Large Red Damselfly (*10); Red Eyed Damselfly (*5); and Emperor Dragonfly (*2). Lepidoptera gave a poor show with Speckled Wood (*4); Common Blue (*2); Large Skipper (*1); Silver Y (*1); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Straw Dot (*1) and a single day flying Pammene aurana moth on its chosen foodplant Hogweed. A Common Groundhopper was seen also. On the botanical side of things a nice spread was viewed with Musk Mallow; Marsh Thistle; Cut Leaved Cranes-Bill; Meadow Cranes-Bill; Hogweed; Common Valerian; Bush Vetch; Common Vetch; Red Campion; Broad Leaved Dock; Curled Leaved Dock; Rape; Dandelion sp; Daisy; Black Medick; Tormentil; Red Clover; White Clover; Birds Foot Trefoil; Ox Eye Daisy; Ribwort Plantain; Goosegrass; Woody Nightshade; Large Bindweed and Figwort all in flower. |
12th June 2010 - Whixall Moss, Shropshire - Arriving late afternoon I wondered if we would maximise the potential of this reserve and, what I believed, it had to offer. We plodded on and I think did alright for a 3 hour stroll. The list was made up of the butterflies Green Veined White (*1); Large White (*2); Brimstone (*5); Green Hairstreak (*5); Large Skipper (*2); Small Copper (*1) and Large Heath (*2). Add to this the moths Eyed Hawkmoth (*1); Argent and Sable (*2); Common Carpet (*2) and Engrailed (*1) and not a bad lepidopteran haul was had. Don't forget we three moochers are chatting away whilst doing this so numbers are not what an ardent lister would compile but hey, we do what we do! On the odonata front we came up with Large Red Damselfly (*14); Azure Damselfly (*1); Broad Bodied Chaser (*1); White Faced Dragonfly (*16) and Four Spotted Chaser (*1). There were many more blue ones and Chasers which I didn't get around to checking but such are the perils of time and jaw-wagging. Birds and flowers were not the priority today but Stonechat; Buzzard; Cuckoo; Curlew; Bullfinch; a flowering Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea); Columbine and Heath Bedstraw were good to spot. Green Tiger Beetles were present and the only reptile seen was a Common Lizard. Further visits need to be had to this area to catch up with all it has to offer but for an initial wander things went quite well I thought. Thanks to Joan Daniels for the appropriate maps and advice without which we may have struggled to find the place at all. |
11th June 2010 - Nunsmere Hall, Cheshire - A cold wind blew with occasional force but a small list of moths was had in a 3 hour trapping session. The 22 species were:- Pale Tussock (*1); Brimstone (*1); Flame Shoulder (*5); Grey Pine Carpet (*2); Flame (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*1); Green Silver Lines (*2); Scorched Wing (*2); Straw Dot (*1); Light Emerald (*1); Ingrailed Clay (*2); Marbled Minor sp (*2); White Pinion Spotted (*2); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Heart And Dart (*5); Clouded Silver (*3); Brown Silver Line (*1); Freyer's Pug (*1); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Agapeta hamana (*1); Epinotia bilunana (*1) and Treble Lines (*1). Also putting in an appearance were 3 Cockchafers. Hotel Manager Mark caught 3 moths earlier in the day which were Pale Pinion; Green Silver Lines; Ghost Moth and Broken Barred Carpet. Cheers again to Mark and the crew for allowing us to moth trap here and for looking after us so well. |
10th June 2010 - Errwood Reservoir, Derbyshire - A dreary day resulted in the sighting of a Dipper, Tree Pipit and Curlew. A Redstart was singing but remained elusive. A Smooth Newt was unexpected. |
5th June 2010 - River Dee, Cheshire - A dash down to a local hotspot courtesy of top dude and local knowledge Mr Neil Friswell and a wonderful riverside stroll was had with 14 Club Tailed Dragonflies seen at close quarters plus many Banded Demoiselles, single Azure and White Legged Damselflies and a zooming Broad Bodied Chaser. Sincere thanks to Mr Friswell for his great company and advice and hopefully we can repay the kindness sometime soon. |
5th June 2010 - Hindley Green, Lancashire - After struggling mothing with my own small collection the night before my brother turned up with his haul from the previous evening for us to both go through. The list of 65 is as follows:- Clouded Silver (*4); Straw Dot (*4); Bee Moth (*2); Small Magpie (*5); Brown Silver Lines (*1); White Ermine (*1); Elephant Hawkmoth (*4); Small Angle Shades (*3); Poplar Hawkmoth (*2); Pebble Prominent (*2); Brimstone (*7); The Miller (*1); Buff Ermine (*2); Blood Vein (*2); Bright Line Brown Eye (*7); Flame (*2); Flame Carpet (*1); Common White Wave (*1); Epiblema cynosbatella (*1); Garden Carpet (*3); Common Marbled Carpet (*3); Common Wave (*1); Alder Moth (*1); White Pinion Spotted (*1); Dark Barred Twin Spot Carpet (*2); Clouded Bordered Brindle (*9); Marbled Minor sp. (*10); Peppered Moth (*1); Flame Shoulder (*24); Common Pug (*5); Silver Ground Carpet (*1); Heart And Dart (*44); Poplar Grey (*1); Green Pug (*1); Grey Pine Carpet (*2); Common Carpet (*2); Argyresthia trifasciata (*19); V-Pug (*1); Campion (*3); Light Brown Apple Moth (*6); Knot-Grass (*1); Shuttle Shaped Dart (*3); Freyers Pug (*1); White Shouldered House Moth (*3); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Small Clouded Brindle (*1); Bramble Shoot Moth (*1); Mottled Rustic (*1); Angle Shades (*1); Rustic Shoulder Knot (*8); Turnip Moth (*1); Small Square Spot (*3); Small Phoenix (*1); Cork Moth (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Scalloped Hazel (*1); Dot Moth (*1); Brown House Moth (*3); Phlyctaenia coronata (*1); Codling Moth (*1); Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (*1); Silver Y (*1); Pale Tussock (*1); Small Fan Foot (*4) and Eupoecilia angustana (*1). |
4th June 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Hoorah - I have eventually got around to mothing and boy am I rusty in the identification department. After a few hours enough was enough with the following 21 species identified to date:- Argyresthia trifasciata (*7); Light Brown Apple Moth (*9); Codling Moth (*1); Lime Hawkmoth (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*13); Phlyctaenia coronata (*1); Scalloped Hazel (*3); Silver Y (*1); Flame Shoulder (*1); Flame (*1); Heart And Dart (*2); Bright Line Brown Eye (*1); Marbled Minor sp (*1); Freyers Pug (*1); Tinea trinotella (*1); Small Fan Foot (*1); Epinotia bilunana (*2); May Highflyer (*1); Caloptilia azaleella (*1); Firethorn Leaf Miner (*1) and Small Magpie (*1). |
31st May 2010 - Shemmy Moss area, Cheshire - A couple of Downy Emeralds gave stunning views within feet, one of which was ovipositing, and a feeding Hobby showed perfectly against a lush backdrop. 1 Large Red Damselfly was noted. |
31st May 2010 - River Dee, Cheshire - A slow stroll with Green Veined White (*11), Large White (*1), Common Blue (*1) and Small Tortoiseshell (*1) the only butterflies on show. Other insects included Green Nettle Weevil, 7 Spot Ladybird and Red Headed Cardinal Beetle plus Banded Demoiselle (*20) and the Small Yellow Underwing moth. |
30th May 2010 - Etherow CP, Cheshire - A slow stroll on the look-out for rust fungi resulted in the following insects being seen:- Azure Damselfly, Large Red Damselfly and Blue Tailed Damselfly, Red and Black Froghopper, Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle, Alder Leaf Beetle, Green Nettle Weevil and the soldier beetle Cantharis rustica. On the lepidoptera front was Silver Y (*1), Small Tortoiseshell (*1), Green Veined White (*2); Speckled Wood (*1) and the longhorn moth Adela rufimitrella. The bird count was lowly due to other distractions with Great Spotted Woodpecker and Mandarin duck the picks. Flower wise 57 species were seen in flower which were:- Welsh Poppy, Shining Crane's-bill, Red Campion, Cow Parsley, Fringe Cups, Ivy Leaved Toadflax, Goosegrass, Comfrey, Common Nettle, Dandelion sp, Marsh Thistle, Marsh Marigold, Thyme Leaved Speedwell, Pick-a-Back Plant, Wild Strawberry, Wood Avens, Herb Robert, Meadow Buttercup, Creeping Buttercup, Ramsons, Bluebell, Bugle, Wood Speedwell, Bush Vetch, Ribwort Plantain, Wavy Bittercress, Cuckoo-Flower, Yellow Pimpernel, Garlic Mustard, Large Bittercress, Wood Sorrel, Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage, Lesser Celandine, Ground Elder, Common Bistort, Water Avens, Common Sorrel, Daisy, Sweet Cicely, Pink Purslane, Greater Stitchwort, Yellow Archangel, Star of Bethlehem, Silverweed, Yellow Flag, Tormentil, Moschatel, White Clover, Red Clover, Broad Leaved Dock, Hedge Mustard, Pineapple Weed, Lesser Trefoil, Figwort, Common Mouse Ear, Bog Stitchwort and Ladies Mantle sp. |
22nd May 2010 - Irchester CP, Northamptonshire - Knackered out and in need of a rest I only saw Speckled Wood and Orange Tip at this popular site. A Treecreeper skulked in the trees and Columbine was in flower. |
22nd May 2010 - Nene Way, Northamptonshire - A lovely stroll down the riverside produced an excellent pair of Gadwall as well as Green Woodpecker, Sedge Warbler, Rook and Common Terns. The lepidoptera came in the form of Small Copper (*2), Small Tortoiseshell (*2), Peacock, Green Veined White and a Cinnabar Moth. I attempted to count the Banded Demoiselles but gave up at 240 - sorry folks. |
22nd May 2010 - Summer Leys NR, Northamptonshire - Another cracking reserve with a list of 53 species compiled in glorious sunshine. The species spotted were:- Lapwing, Grasshopper Warbler, Magpie, Wood Pigeon, Blackbird, Great Tit, Black Headed Gull, Coot, Ringed Plover, Garden Warbler, Song Thrush, Goldfinch, Robin, Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Redshank, Common Tern, Cormorant, Little Ringed Plover, Mallard, Shoveler, Tufted Duck, Shelduck, Gadwall, Moorhen, Linnet, Great Crested Grebe, Black Tern (*2), Oystercatcher, Carrion Crow, Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, Greenfinch, Canada Goose, Cuckoo, Tree Sparrow, Sedge Warbler, Jackdaw, Grey Heron, Dunnock, Cetti's Warbler, Long Tailed Tit, Chaffinch, Pochard, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Green Woodpecker, Dunlin, Yellow Legged Gull, Lesser Black Backed Gull and Turnstone. Odonata wise gave sightings of Banded Demoiselle (*2), Large Red Damselfly, Red Eyed Damselfly, Blue Tailed Damselfly and Hairy Dragonfly (*2). Butterflies were lowly with Small Copper, Brimstone (*7) and Orange Tip (*6) the only ones seen. Hairy Dragonfly was a new one for me and imagine how pleased I was with it being a freshly emerged specimen that happily crawled onto my fingers and gave stunning views. |
22nd May 2010 - Thrapston, Northamptonshire - The moths Pebble Prominent and Common Swift were noted at rest after a balmy night. |
21st May 2010 - Titchmarsh NR, Thrapston, Northamptonshire - A stunning reserve and although late in the evening with only half of the area covered it still produced the goods. The 25 species of bird seen were:- Swift, Coot, Chaffinch, Pochard, Pied Wagtail, Common Tern, Blackbird, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Mallard, Cuckoo, Great Tit, Green Woodpecker, Great Crested Grebe, Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Grey Heron, Barn Owl (*2), Little Owl, Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Wood Pigeon, Grasshopper Warbler and Jackdaw. A whole lot more was heard and could have been seen given a bit more time but there you go - no complaints. Insect wise produced Large Red Damselfly, Banded Demoiselle, Azure Damselfly, Small Tortoiseshell, Green Carpet Moth and the soldier beetle Cantharis rustica. Yellow Rattle was in flower. |
21st May 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - A stunning Esperia sulphurella moth on the wing in the hazy heat. |
20th May 2010 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Still no mothing done by myself due to a busy life and I reckon that will be the theme for the foreseeable future. Hey ho - can't do everything! Anyway my brother had caught a good haul of moths in Hindley Green and decided to kindly pop down and let me have a mooch and so photograph a few specimens. The critters viewed were:- Rustic Shoulder Knot, Dark Barred Twin Spot Carpet, Powdered Quaker, Eriocrania sparrmannella, Garden Carpet, Flame Shoulder, Spectacle, Small Phoenix, Chinese Character, Knot-Grass, Iron Prominent, Common Pug, Cabbage Moth, Sallow Kitten, Clouded Bordered Brindle, Peppered Moth, Lesser Swallow Prominent, Lime Hawkmoth, Heart and Dart, Square Spot Rustic, Argyresthia trifasciata, Bright Line Brown Eye, Shuttle Shaped Dart, 20-Plume Moth, Herald, Brown House Moth, Light Brown Apple Moth; Ash Bud Moth, Agonopterix propinquella, Bucculatrix nigricomella and Pebble Hook-Tip. I didn't get to photograph many (in fact very few but it was good to refresh the memory of some species I haven't seen for a few months - cheers Bro). Some good temperatures are coming so will I be mothing? Not a chance - gym and gigs are next so what can I do? |
14th May 2010 - Torkington Park, Stockport, Cheshire - A wander down the side of a small stream after eating a bag of fish and chips resulted in seeing 5 species of ladybird. These were:- Harlequin (*21); Orange (*1); Cream (*3), 2 Spotted (*1) and 7 Spotted (*3). |
9th May 2010 - Fletcher Moss, Greater Manchester - A serene stroll in warm unexpected sunshine resulted in seeing the following butterflies:- Peacock (*1), Speckled Wood (*3), Green Veined White (*1), Brimstone (*1) and Orange Tip (*5). A few flowers were blooming with Greater Bittercress, Fringe-Cups, Greater Stitchwort, Three-Nerved Sandwort, Pick-a-Back Plant and Bistort the most pleasing. |
8th May 2010 - Goyt Valley, Derbyshire - Cold with the odd bit of light rain this was far from a good May day and the amount of bird life reflected this. 1 Tree pipit, 1 Red Grouse, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Wheatear and 1 Grey Wagtail were the best from a poor end list of 16 species. |
3rd May 2010 - Mere Sands Wood, Lancashire - Still mightily knackered we had a small walk and saw the Kingfisher flashing through the woods. 1 Peacock was seen and so it was home we headed with little to show for our feeble efforts. |
3rd May 2010 - Ainsdale NE, Lancashire - All 3 of us were feeling rather shattered today hence the result was a struggle. The sun shone warmly for us and several butterfly species were noted as follows:- Green Veined White (*11), Orange Tip (*4), Small Copper (*2), Peacock (*3), Small Tortoiseshell (*1) and Speckled Wood (*4). A Common Wave moth was seen along with Eyed, 7 Spot and Harlequin Ladybirds. A nymph Common Field Grasshopper was the first of the year. Ground Ivy and Spring Beauty were in flower and a Cuckoo called whilst we ate our lunch. |
2nd May 2010 - Marbury CP, Cheshire - A good wander with my brother resulted in a bird list of 69 species with Greenfinch, Skylark, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Grasshopper Warbler and Green Woodpecker heard and not added to the final total. The ones seen were:- Jackdaw, Goldfinch, House Sparrow, Mallard, Magpie, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Kestrel, Buzzard, Grey Heron, Common Whitethroat, Song Thrush, Collared Dove, Linnet, Black Headed Gull, Canada Goose, Moorhen, Chiffchaff, Raven, Coot, Reed Warbler, Reed Bunting, Carrion Crow, Willow Warbler, Dunnock, Swallow, Robin, Wren, Greylag Goose, Bullfinch, Starling, Mistle Thrush, Pheasant, Swift, Mute Swan, Tufted Duck, Sparrowhawk, Garden Warbler, House Martin, Long Tailed Tit, Sand Martin, Gadwall, Shelduck, Blackcap, Teal, Redshank, Black Swan, Oystercatcher, Wigeon, Chaffinch, Treecreeper, Sedge Warbler, Common Sandpiper, Nuthatch, Great Tit, Yellow Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, White Wagtail, Coal Tit, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Goldcrest, Great Crested Grebe, Stock Dove and Jay. On the flower front the 29 species noted in flower were Red Campion, Hogweed, Doves-Foot Cranesbill, Daisy, Ribwort Plantain, Wood Anemone, Bluebell, Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage, Lesser Celandine, Birds-Foot Trefoil, Cowslip, White Dead Nettle, Garlic Mustard, Ramsons, Wild Strawberry, Herb Robert, Thale Cress, Colts-Foot, Thyme-Leaved Speedwell, Common Vetch, Cow Parsley, Welsh Poppy, Wavy Bittercress, Cuckooflower, Meadow Buttercup, Marsh Marigold, Wood Sorrel and Dogs Mercury. Insect wise it was a poor return with 7 Spot, 2 Spot and Harlequin Ladybirds noted as well as numerous Alder Leaf Beetles and the odd Pot Bellied Emerald Beetle and Green Nettle Weevil. The first Large Red Damselfly of the year was seen as well as the odd Hoverfly, Leucozona lucorum. The micro moth Eriocrania sparrmannella was a solid extra. |
24th April 2010 - Moses Gate CP, Bolton, Lancashire - A quick reccie came up with the butterflies Peacock (*2); Orange Tip (*4) and Small White (*1). |
24th April 2010 - Risley Moss, Warrington, Cheshire - A reptile and amphibian workshop resulted in very little with 1 Common Frog and 2 Common Lizards the only return. Butterflies on the wing were Peacock (*12); Green Veined White (*1); Speckled Wood (*1); Orange Tip (*1); and Brimstone (*3). Cuckoo Flower and Marsh Marigold were noted in flower. |
21st April 2010 - Alexander Park, Stockport, Cheshire - The first Holly Blue on the wing added an extra sparkle to a sunny day. |
18th April 2010 - River Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire -Speckled Wood and Small Tortoiseshell were sighted along with Alder Leaf Beetles in big numbers and several Pot Bellied Emerald Beetles mooching on Dock leaves. A colony of nesting Sand Martins were nice to see, a flashing Kingfisher was a bonus and a circling Lapwing noteworthy. Ramsons, Butterbur, Common Field Speedwell, Ribwort Plantain and Rape were all in flower. |
17th April 2010 - River Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire - Orange Tip (*4); Comma (*1) and Peacock (*1) were seen on a sunny day on the way to the boozer. |
10th April 2010 - Marbury CP, Cheshire - A wonderful walk in glorious weather was had with 51 species of bird seen (3 extras also heard calling) with Green Woodpecker, Raven, Sand Martin and Kingfisher the picks. The 4 species of butterfly seen were Comma (*1), Brimstone (*5), Small Tortoiseshell (*1) and Peacock (*6). I love butterflies and the first of the year are really extra special. |
5th April 2010 - Risley Moss, Cheshire - Nowt much about with Blackcap and a juvenile Yellowhammer the picks. |
4th April 2010 - Anglesey - We always like a couple of visits to this fine island every year and with the sun shining and plenty to see this was the expected 'good day out'. 54 species of bird were seen with Bar Tailed Godwit, 91*Pale Bellied Brent Geese, 1 Dark Bellied Brent Goose, Red Breasted Merganser, Sandwich Tern, Black Guillemot, Guillemot, Razorbill, Gannet, Shag, Stonechat, Ringed Plover, Knot, Turnstone and Red Throated Diver the pick. Summer is on its way as Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, House Martin and Wheatear were all seen. On the insect front 19 Bloody Nose Beetles were great as were a plentiful supply of Gorse Shieldbugs. Barren Strawberry and Alexanders were in flower. |
3rd April 2010 - Chorlton WP, Greater Manchester - A quiet stroll locally as much was needed to be done at home. Not much about on the bird front but the first Alder Beetle (Agelastica alni) of the year was seen. |
2nd April 2010 - Leighton Moss, Lancashire - A Good Friday jolly turned out to be pretty good indeed with a list of 68 bird species as follows:- Great Tit, Blue Tit, Marsh Tit, Bearded Tit, Long Tailed Tit, Coal Tit, Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Marsh Harrier, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Mallard, Gadwall, Goldeneye, Teal, Pintail, Pochard, Shoveler, Shelduck, Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Red Breasted Merganser, Greylag Goose, Snow Goose, Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Moorhen, Coot, Dunnock, Pheasant, Wren, Robin, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Black Headed Gull, Great Black Backed Gull, Common Snipe, Knot, Black Tailed Godwit, Avocet, Curlew, Redshank, Oystercatcher, Spotted Redshank, Lapwing, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit, Starling, House Sparrow, Swallow, Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Blackbird, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Cettis Warbler, Treecreeper, Goldcrest, Great Crested Grebe, Little Egret, Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Chaffinch and Greenfinch. Not a bad haul at all. Several Red Deer were in the area with Dogs Mercury in flower as well as Moschatel at Jenny Browns point. |
30th March 2010 - River Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire - Wood Anemone, Butterbur, Lesser Celandine all in flower and Ramsons ready to burst. |
22nd March 2010 - Chorlton WP, Greater Manchester - A day off work is all well and good but limited time and crap weather put paid to travelling farther afield. A walk around this nature park was not bad and woke up tired eyes with 5 Lesser Redpolls feeding on Alders, a male Bullfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, a female Goosander, 2 calling Chiffchaff, Song Thrush and numerous Magpies and Jays the notable sightings from a list of 32 bird species. |
19th March 2010 - Hindley Green Nr Wigan, Lancashire - A few moth species to mull over were had via my brothers moth trap. Hebrew Character, Chestnut, Oak Beauty, Common Quaker, Early Grey, Caloptilia alchimiella, Red Green Carpet, Emmelina monodactyla, Agonopterix heracliana, Acleris hastiana and March Moth were all grand to see. |
15th March 2010 - Moore NR, Cheshire - A 3 hour wander resulted in a list of 40 bird species and very little else. Male and Female Sparrowhawk, a pair of Bullfinch, Buzzard, 5 species of Gull, Willow Tit and as always, a beautiful Treecreeper were the best of the lot. |
14th March 2010 - Chorlton WP, Greater Manchester - The old sunshine lady is being more than a little generous with her rays lately and although having a bit of a scuffle today with a few grey clouds she held her own and gave plenty of well received warmth filled caresses. On our stroll a male Scaup was an expected bonus and at twenty feet away was nice to catch up with again. A flashing male Sparrowhawk, a busy Reed Bunting (atop a Phragmites stem), a pair of Bullfinch and 31 other species made it a decent walk. Coltsfoot was seen in flower for the first time this year. |
7th March 2010 - Etherow CP, Cheshire - A stroll around this nice reserve in search of fungi resulted in the extra sightings of a pair of Goosander, a flock of Mandarin Ducks and the moss Mnium hornum. The first flowers of Lesser Celandine were noted for the year as well as the male and female flowers of the Hazel tree. |
6th March 2010 - Chorlton WP, Greater Manchester - After a busy week at work and a game of tennis a nice wind down walk around this ever-popular area was had with 35 species of bird seen the highlights being a flotilla of Goldeneye on the main lake, a harassed Buzzard coming in too close to an angry Crows territory and a flock of Redwing. |
18th February 2010 - Mere Sands Wood, Lancashire - Today was a cold one and after a potter on the beach at Ainsdale it was inland we headed to build a list of only 36 birds as follows:- Bullfinch, Goosander, Reed Bunting, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long Tailed Tit, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Dunnock, Coot, Robin, Wood Pigeon, Teal, Goldfinch, Gadwall, Shelduck, Wigeon, Greenfinch, Mallard, Siskin, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Moorhen, Canada Goose, Shoveler, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Feral Pigeon, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Goldcrest, Pheasant, Pintail, Collared Dove, Tufted Duck, Goldeneye and Song Thrush. Nearby fields produced 6 Red Legged Partridge and 22 Corn Buntings. |
17th February 2010 - Tattenhall Outdoor Education Centre, Cheshire - Today I was helping out as part of a FWAG event the main focus of which was to learn how to record wildlife and also recognise various species. Eric from rECOrd finely opened proceedings followed by two presentations on mammals and birds. A bit of lunch and over to yours truly. A local woodland wander produced several varieties of fungi, centipedes and millipedes, orange and 7-Spot Ladybirds, Striped, Shiny and Rough Woodlice, Garlic Snail, Yellow Slug and a few plants still in the leaf stage. Full marks to all involved for a very satisfying day.
16th February 2010 - Marbury CP, Cheshire - A walk around this decent area with my brother produced a list of 55 bird species. Golden Plover, Common Snipe, Kingfisher, Curlew, Oystercatcher, Stock Dove and Buzzard were the best of the bunch with a whole host of commoner species flitting about. The rest of the list is as follows:- Blackbird, Blue Tit, Robin, Grey Heron, Wren, Goldcrest, Coal Tit, Great Tit, Mallard, Coot, Dunnock, Great Crested Grebe, Tufted Duck, Chaffinch, Black Headed Gull, Cormorant, Pochard, Shelduck, Moorhen, Canada Goose, Greylag Goose, Lesser Black Back Gull, Greater Black Back Gull, Carrion Crow, Wood Pigeon, Little Grebe, Common Gull, Mute Swan, Jay, Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jackdaw, Long Tailed Tit, Gadwall, Teal, Black Swan, Shoveler, Wigeon, Magpie, Starling, Bullfinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Song Thrush, Redwing and Goldeneye. |
7th February 2010 - Moore NR, Cheshire - Another 2 hour Sunday wander was nicely enjoyed after yesterdays punk gig and it was nice to switch off and enjoy a few birdies. A list of 35 species was had with a female Brambling, numerous Gadwall (my favourite wildfowl species), Wigeon, Teal, Oystercatcher, Siskin, Lesser Redpoll and Stock Dove the pick of the flocks. |
31st January 2010 - Tatton Park, Cheshire - A 2 and a half hour walk in yet more snowy conditions resulted in a bird list of 29 with 2 Red Headed Smew, 2 Gadwall, plenty of Goldeneye, 2 Treecreepers and a flushed Jack Snipe the pick of the bunch. |
2nd January 2010 - River Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire - A stroll into town along the riverside brought views of a nice flock of Redwing and 3 Goosanders. |
1st January 2010 - Wyre CP, Lancashire - As is the norm these days sites seem to be hellbent on catering for the less hardy and putting cafes up here, there and everywhere. Now one has popped up here and so more people are attracted therefore equalling more dog walkers which results in more dog crap everywhere and less solace from the masses. Curlews flew in the distance, Teal remained huddled and Redwing whizzed about between Buckthorn shrubs. We had a fair walk but were ready to get back home when finished. |
1st January 2010 - Fleetwood Marina, Lancashire - Only a few miles up the road from Fairhaven and the temperature seemed a lot lower with the slight breeze exaggerating the chill. A quick 1 hour wander resulted in some close up views of approximately 180 Turnstone, some of which were even walking down the waterside pathways, and a nice Ring Necked Duck which we haven't seen for many a year. |
1st January 2010 - Fairhaven RSPB, Lancashire - As per usual today was designed to just get out and set the new wildlifing year rolling. A 90 minute stroll around this area gave a list of 29 birds with a large flock of Goldeneye on the sea, a solitary Sanderling mooching among the fringes of some frozen vegetation and 2 close by Little Grebes seemingly trapped by the frozen expanses of the lake were the pick of the sightings. |