Fungal sightings found here

31st December 2006 - Chorlton WP, G. Manchester - 31 birds today:- Magpie; Starling; Feral Pigeon; Great Tit; Common Gull; Scaup (M); Tufted Duck; Pochard; Blackbird; Goldcrest; Mute Swan; Mallard; Canada Goose; Goosander; Cormorant; Great Crested Grebe; Goldeneye; Coot; Carrion Crow; Moorhen; Grey Heron; Pied Wagtail; Grey Wagtail; Greenfinch; Barnacle * Canada Goose; Blue Tit; Coal Tit; Robin; House Sparrow; Long Tailed Tit


24th December 2006 - Chorlton WP, G. Manchester - 28 birds viewed:- Coot; Barnacle * Canada Goose; Canada Goose; Robin; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Great Tit; Pochard; Tufted Duck; Mallard; Goosander; Common Gull; Black Headed Gull; Redwing; Redpoll; Goldfinch; Feral Pigeon; Chaffinch; Cormorant; Blackbird; Jay; Wood Pigeon; Great Crested Grebe; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Grey Heron; Moorhen; House Sparrow; Mute Swan

3 December 2006 - Marbury CP, Cheshire - Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Wren, Mallard, Great Crested Grebe, Tufted Duck, Cormorant, Little Grebe, Pochard, Goosander, Common Gull, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Pied Wagtail, Carrion Crow, Coot, Moorhen, Starling, Robin, Magpie, Golden Plover, Teal, Long Tailed Tit, Grey Heron, Mute Swan, Bullfinch, Redwing, Jay, Raven, Blackbird, Lapwing, Shoveler, Mistle Thrush, Buzzard, Wood Pigeon, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Kestrel
19 November 2007 - Mere Sands Wood, Cheshire - A quick shufty around this nice reserve resulted in the following birds being seen (it should have been more but too bloody cold to dawdle about) - Moorhen; Great Tit; Blue Tit; Tree Sparrow; Carrion Crow; Pheasant; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Chaffinch; Dunnock; Jackdaw; Greenfinch; Robin; Wren; Siskin; Teal; Mallard; Pintail; Shoveler; Gadwall; Cormorant; Black Headed Gull; Tufted Duck; Coot; Grey Heron; Wood Pigeon; Blackbird; Collared Dove; Long Tailed Tit; Coal Tit; Wigeon; Magpie; Little Grebe. Nothing outrageous but sometimes thats the way it goes.
30 October 2006 - Marbury CP, Cheshire - Mallard, Teal, Lapwing, Wood Pigeon, Cormorant, Gadwall, Great Tit, Canada Goose, Great Crested Grebe, Black Headed Gull, Curlew, Mute Swan, Grey Heron, Coot, Long Tailed Tit, Common Gull, Tufted Duck, Robin, Redwing, Song Thrush, Jay, Pied Wagtail, Starling, Moorhen, Golden Plover, Dunlin, Goldfinch, Blackbird, Whooper Swan, Magpie, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Blue Tit, Shoveler, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Nuthatch, Sparrowhawk, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Kingfisher, Buzzard

15th October 2006 - Filey Brigg, E. Yorkshire - 23 birds listed:- Oystercatcher; Peregrine Falcon; Carrion Crow; Blackbird; Gannet; Goldfinch; Dark Bellied Brent Goose; Jackdaw; Cormorant; Guillemot; Shag; Redshank; Eider; Red Throated Diver; Common Scoter; Razorbill; Meadow Pipit; Black Headed Gull; Feral Pigeon; Skylark; Starling; Herring Gull; Stock Dove

14 October 2006 - Blacktoft Sands, Yorkshire - Mute Swan, Tree Sparrow, Marsh Harrier, Buff Breasted Sandpiper (*3), Robin, Wood Pigeon, Teal, Shoveler, Black Tailed Godwit, Snipe, Shelduck, Moorhen, Skylark, Little Stint, Golden Plover, Greylag Goose, Lapwing, Starling, Pheasant, Redshank, Little Grebe, Moorhen, Chaffinch, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Pochard, Gadwall, Blackbird + 1 Roe Deer sat outside hide
7th October 2006 - Great Orme, North Wales - Short Toed Lark, Little Gull, Herring Gull, Great Black Backed Gull, Shag, Cormorant, Common Scoter, Gannet, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Robin, Kestrel, Wood Pigeon, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Chough (*2), Woodchat Shrike (Juv)

23rd September 2006 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Still, clear and warm, 2 and half of hours mothing, 6 species caught:- Common Marbled Carpet (*1); Light Brown Apple Moth (*3); Small Dusty Wave (*1); Dusky Thorn (*1); Diamond Back Moth (*1); Codling Moth (*1)


23rd September 2006 - Martin Mere, Lancashire - A check of the previous nights trap:- Pink Barred Sallow (*2), Red Line Quaker (*2), Common Marbled Carpet (*4), Canary Shoulder Thorn (*3), Silver Y (*2), Angle Shades (*3), Light Emerald (*1), Common Wainscot (*1), Rosy Rustic (*2), Large Yellow Underwing (*2), Shuttle Shaped Dart (*1), Burnished Brass (*1), Large Wainscot (*1), Scarce Bordered Straw (*1), Light Brown Apple Moth (*1), Lunar Underwing (*3), Snout (*1), Black Rustic (*7), Frosted Orange (*1), Setaceous Hebrew Character (*3), Satellite (*1), Pale Mottled Willow (*1), Turnip (*1), Beaded Chestnut (*1)

+ Red Admiral (*1) & Nicrophorus investigator - Sexton Beetle (*2)


8th September 2006 - Martin Mere, Lancashire - Just short of 3 hours mothing on a cold night, 6 species only:- Snout (*1); Common Wainscot (*1); Lesser Yellow Underwing (*1); Canary Shoulder Thorn (*3); Single Dotted Wave (*2); Burnished Brass (*1)

3rd September 2006 - Martin Mere, Lancashire - Rosy Rustic, Light Brown Apple Moth, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Square Spot Rustic, Angle Shades, Common Wainscot, Flame Shoulder, Red Underwing, Vapourer, Snout, Frosted Orange, Burnished Brass, Spectacle, Turnip, Rush Veneer, Canary Shoulder Thorn, Yellow Shell, Bright Line Brown Eye, Common Marbled Carpet, Swallow Prominent, Lunar Underwing, Large Yellow Underwing, Small Mottled Willow, Double Striped Pug, Lesser Broad Bordered Underwing

25th August 2006 - Martin Mere, Lancashire - Overcast and rainy, 3 hours moth and 23 species caught:- Flame Shoulder (*2); Double Striped Pug (*1); Shuttle Shaped Dart (*1); Hebrew Character (*10); Red Underwing (*1); Flame Carpet (*1); Common Carpet (*1); Swallow Prominent (*1); Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*1); Common Wainscot (*2); Blastobasis lignea (*1); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Silver Y (*1)’ Pebble Prominent (*1); Canary Shoulder Thorn (*1); Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*1); Tawny Speckled Pug (*1); Angle Shades (*1); Turnip (*1); Snout (*1); Small Square Spot (*1); Square Spot Rustic (*1); Flounced Rustic (*1)


24th August 2006 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Clear and cool, 11 species of moth caught in 2 hours:- Silver Y (*3); Light Brown Apple (*4); Large Yellow Underwing (*3); Willow Beauty (*2); Square Spot Rustic (*1); Eurrhypara coronata (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*1); Centre Barred Sallow (*2); Garden Carpet (*1); Ruby Tiger (*1); Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (*1)


12th August 2006 - Portland, Dorset - 18 birds only today:- Swallow; House Martin; Kestrel; Wood Pigeon; Jackdaw; Carrion Crow; Great Black Backed Gull; Rock Pipit; Cormorant; Herring Gull; Magpie; Peregrine Falcon (*2); Lesser Black Backed Gull; Linnet; Collared Dove; Pied Wagtail; House Sparrow; Jackdaw


11th August 2006 - Chesil Beach, Dorset - 13 birds the total:- Great Black Backed Gull; Black Headed Gull; Carrion Crow; Mallard; Dunlin; Ringed Plover; Herring Gull; Cormorant; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Turnstone; Little Egret; Starling; Yellow Legged Gull


11th August 2006 - Portland, Dorset - Only 11 birds noted whilst doing other things:- Swallow; Fulmar; Rock Pipit; Meadow Pipit; Herring Gull; Carrion Crow; Wheatear; Wood pigeon; Goldfinch; House Martin; Peregrine Falcon


10th August 2006 - Portland, Dorset - 12 birds only, distractions, distractions:- Wheatear; Pied Wagtail; Greenfinch; Great Black Backed Gull; Oystercatcher; Cormorant; Linnet; Wood Pigeon; Rock Pipit; Herring Gull; Meadow Pipit; Magpie


9th August 2006 - Portland, Dorset - 17 birds listed:- Jackdaw; Manx Shearwater (*12); Cormorant; Gannet; Linnet; Wood Pigeon; House Martin; Greenfinch; Herring Gull; Magpie; Fulmar; Kestrel; Kittiwake; House Sparrow; Carrion Crow; Great Black Backed Gull; Starling


8th August 2006 - Arne RSPB, Dorset - A bug hunt with 11 birds seen:- Common Tern; Swallow; Herring Gull; Great Tit; Black Headed Gull; Collared Dove; Oystercatcher; Curlew; Spotted Flycatcher; Green Woodpecker; Chaffinch


3rd August 2006 - Portland, Dorset - 16 birds located and viewed:- Oystercatcher; House Sparrow; Magpie; Great Black Backed Gull; Linnet; Pied Wagtail; Starling; Wood Pigeon; Cormorant; Gannet; Rock Pipit; Herring Gull; Jackdaw; Greenfinch; Swallow; Kestrel


3rd August 2006 - Lodmoor RSPB, Dorset - 20 birds on the wing:- Common Tern; Coot; Mallard; Dunlin; Wood Pigeon; Pied Wagtail; Black Headed Gull; Little Egret; Herring Gull; Lapwing; Common Sandpiper; Black Tailed Godwit; Moorhen; Shelduck; Great Black Backed Gull; Goldfinch; House Martin; Teal; Tufted Duck; Grey Heron


29th July 2006 - Suffolk Grove, Leigh, Lancashire - Mothing at a friends house with overcast skies and the odd shower, 26 moths in just over 2 hours:- Silver Y (*7); Light Brown Apple (*1); Large Yellow Underwing (*5); Sallow Kitten (*3); Iron Prominent (*6); Shuttle Shaped Dart (*11); Gold Spot (*3); Common Carpet (*1); Brimstone (*1); Willow Beauty (*2); Lesser Broad Bordered Underwing (*1); Mother of Pearl (*5); Poplar Hawkmoth (*1); Dark Arches (*1); Square Spot Rustic (*1); Orange Swift (*1); Dun-bar (*2); Smoky Wainscot (*1); Diamond Back Moth (*2); Blastobasis lignea (*2); Marbled Beauty (*2); Bordered Pug (*1); Bird Cherry Ermine (*1); Rustic sp. (*4); Flame Shoulder (*1)


30th June 2006 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Overcast and humid, 19 species caught in 3 and half hours of mothing:- Silver Y (*2); Light Brown Apple Moth (*3); Diamond Back Moth (*1); Straw Dot (*1); Marbled Beauty (*10); Large Yellow Underwing (*19); Tachystola acroxantha (*2); Mother of Pearl (*2); Eurrhypara coronata (*1); Grey/Dark Dagger (*1); Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing (*2); Dark Arches (*1); Common Carpet (*1); Scalloped Oak (*1); Apple Leaf Miner (*1); Clay (*1); Straw Underwing (*1); Blastobasis lignea (*3); Codling Moth (*1)


30th June 2006 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Clear skies, 4 hours mothing, 33 species caught:- Bee Moth (*3); Light Brown Apple Moth (*5); Eurrhypara coronata (*5); Riband Wave f.  remutata (*13); Small Fan Foot (*1); Marbled Beauty (*6); Swallowtailed |Moth (*5); Small Magpie (*2); Marbled Minor sp. (*3); Peppered Moth (*1); Brimstone (*4); Large Yellow Underwing (*1); Bright Line Brown Eye (*6); Knotgrass (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*4); Flame Shoulder (*1); Buff Arches (*1); Willow Beauty (*5); Heart and Dart (*1); Green Pug (*2); Fan Foot (*2); Straw Dot (*1); Dark Arches (*2); Diamond Back Moth (*4); Uncertain (*2); Bramble Shoot (*2); Orthopygia glaucinalis (*1); Apple Leaf Miner (*3); Plain Golden Y (*1); Common Wave (*1); Double Square Spot (*1); Batia lunaris (*1); Ancyclis achatana (*1)


23rd June 2006 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Slightly overcast, just over 3 hours out in the garden and 30 species of moth caught:- Elephant Hawkmoth (*1); Small Magpie (*3); Light Brown Apple Moth (*9); Angle Shades (*1); Bright Line Brown Eye (*3); Large Yellow Underwing (*3); Light Emerald (*1); Spinach (*1); Heart and Dart (*11); The Flame (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*2); Green Pug (*1); Riband Wave f. remutata (*5); Broken Barred Carpet (*1); Eurrhypara coronata (*1); Dark Arches (*6); Marbled Beauty (*4); Apple Leaf Miner (*1); Bramble Shoot Moth (*3); Small Fan Foot (*1); Garden Carpet (*1); Tachystola acroxantha (*2); Scalloped Hazel (*1); Marbled Minor sp. (*2); Diamond Back Moth (*1); Willow Beauty (*1); Purple Clay (*1); Timothy Tortrix (*1); Ectoedemia decentella (*1); Argyresthia curvella (*1)


16th June 2006 - Ainsdale EN, Lancashire - Overcast and just over 3 hours trapping resulted in a moth haul of 39 species:- Cinnabar (*1); Bramble Shoot (*5); Yellow Shell (*3); Map-Winged Swift (*6); Middle Barred Minor (*1); Small Yellow Wave (*1); Bordered White (*5); Heart and Dart (*2); Common White Wave (*3); Green Silver Lines (*2); Poplar Hawkmoth (*1); Treble Lines (*3); Brimstone (*2); Clouded Silver (*2); Agapeta hamana (*2); Sandy Carpet (*1); Light Emerald (*5); Red Necked Footman (*2);  Purple Bar (*1); Flame Carpet (*1); Small Fan Foot (*2); Flame Shoulder (*2); Peppered Moth (*3 1 melanic form); Pale Tussock (*2); Peach Blossom (*2); Large Yellow Underwing (*4); Iron Prominent (*1); Common Footman (*1); Knotgrass (*1); Pyrausta purpuralis (*1); Figure of Eighty (*2);  Elephant Hawkmoth (*1); White Ermine (*1); Brown Rustic (*1); Uncertain (*1); Argyresthia brockeella (*1); Pandemis heparana (*1); Celypha lacunana (*1); Phycitodes saxicola (*1)                 


15th June 2006 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Overcast and warm with 15 species of moth caught in a 3 hour period:- Common Marbled Carpet (*3); Light Brown Apple Moth (*2); Small Fan Foot (*1); Beautiful Golden Y (*1); Garden Carpet (*2); Bright Line Brown Eye (*5); Heart and Dart (*11); Silver Y (*1); Apple Leaf Miner (*3); Small Magpie (*1); Scalloped Hazel (*1); Clouded Silver (*1); Bee Moth (*1); Marbled Minor Sp. (*1); Pseudogyrotoza conwagana (*1)


12th June 2006 - Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire - Nearly 3 hours moth in clear and still conditions, 11 species of moth caught:- Small Magpie (*2); Light Brown Apple Moth (*5); Bee Moth (*1); Scalloped Hazel (*2); Heart and Dart (*3); Bright Line Brown Eye (*2); Angle Shades (*1); Common Marbled Carpet (*1); Diamond Back Moth (*2); Epinota bilunana (*1); Small Mottled Willow (*1)


3rd June 2006 - Portland Bill, Dorset - 22 birds counted today:- Greenfinch; Carrion Crow; Swallow; Skylark; Jackdaw; Herring Gull; Little Owl; Blackbird; Dunnock; Wood Pigeon; Starling; House Sparrow; Fulmar; Guillemot; Great Black Backed Gull; Kittiwake; Puffin; Gannet; Razorbill; Wheatear; Cormorant


2nd June 2006 - Portland Bill, Dorset - 39 birds listed today:- Meadow Pipit; Rock Pipit; Swallow; House Sparrow; Greenfinch; House Martin; Stock Dove; Wood Pigeon; Stonechat; Jackdaw; Magpie; Buzzard; Goldfinch; Blackbird; Linnet; Wheatear; Herring Gull; Guillemot; Fulmar; Starling; Kestrel; Razorbill; Kittiwake; Carrion Crow; Great Black Backed Gull; Gannet; Common Scoter (*10); Common Whitethroat; Manx Shearwater (*2); Skylark; Reed Warbler; Collared Dove;  Great Tit; Little Owl; Dunnock; Puffin (*2); Red Backed Shrike; Yellowhammer


1st June 2006 - Abbotsbury, Dorset - 21 species listed today:- Coot; Blue Tit; Little Egret; Common Tern; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Great Crested Grebe; Shelduck; Canada Goose; Jackdaw; House Sparrow; Herring Gull; Pheasant; Reed Warbler; Swallow; Reed Bunting; Pochard; Pale Bellied Brent Goose; Chaffinch; Blackbird; Greenfinch


1st June 2006 - Portland Bill, Dorset - A good haul of 34 birds today:- Herring Gull; Wood Pigeon; Magpie; Skylark; House Sparrow; Starling; Blue Tit; Linnet; House Martin; Common Whitethroat; Greenfinch; Carrion Crow; Blackbird; Great Tit; Little Owl; Rock Pipit; Meadow Pipit; Starling; Dunnock; Swallow; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Jackdaw; Wheatear; Gannet; Razorbill; Cormorant; Guillemot; Manx Shearwater (*4); Sandwich Tern (*2); Kittiwake; Goldfinch; Oystercatcher; Common Rosefinch; Sparrowhawk


31st May 2006 - Portland, Dorset - 24 birds seen today:- Greenfinch; Little Owl; Great Tit; Carrion Crow; Jackdaw; Pied Wagtail; Herring Gull; Magpie; Razorbill; Swallow; Common Scoter (*3); Gannet; Fulmar; House Sparrow; Marsh Warbler; Wood Pigeon; Linnet; Meadow Pipit; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Oystercatcher; Blackbird; Stock Dove; Starling; Manx Shearwater


28th May 2006 - Portland, Dorset - 20 birds listed on the first day of our hols:- Magpie; Rock Pipit; Wood Pigeon; Greenfinch; Blackbird; Cormorant; Linnet; Great Black Backed Gull; Skylark; Herring Gull; Jackdaw; Fulmar; Gannet; Carrion Crow; Swallow; Little Owl; Oystercatcher; Great Tit; Dunnock; Woodchat Shrike


12th May 2006 - Martin Mere, Lancashire - 3 hours in clear and still conditions, the outcome 15 species of moth:- Common Carpet (*3); White Shouldered House Moth (*1); Ruby Tiger (*1); Flame Shoulder (*2); Sandy Carpet  (*2);  Small  Phoenix (*2);  Flame Carpet  (*2); Least  Black  Arches (*2); Spectacle (*1); Dark Barred Twin Spot Carpet (*1); Herald (*1); White Ermine (*1); Shuttle Shaped Dart (*1); Lesser Swallow Prominent (*1); Clouded Silver


9th May 2006 - Ainsdale EN, Lancashire - 10 species in clear and still conditions:- Least Black Arches (*3); Small Phoenix (*2); Hebrew Character (*1); Cinnabar (*5); Dark Barred Twin Spot Carpet (*1); Double Striped Pug (*1); Purple Thorn (*1); Brindled Pug (*1); Early Tooth Striped (*1); Shuttle Shaped Dart (*1)


7th May 2006 - Pennington Flash, Lancashire - 30 birds seen:- Black Headed Gull; Common Tern; Little Ringed Plover; Mallard; Gadwall; Shoveler; Redshank; Lapwing; Canada Goose; Moorhen; Coot; Cormorant; Common Sandpiper; Mute Swan; Magpie; Great Crested Grebe; Shelduck; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Wood Pigeon; Pied Wagtail; Tufted Duck; Swift; Blue Tit; Reed Bunting; Dunnock; Great Tit; Bullfinch; Chaffinch; Robin; Blackbird


1st May 2006 - Etherow CP, Cheshire - An average 35 birds listed:- Canada Goose; Chinese Domestic Goose; Mallard; Feral Pigeon; Greenfinch; Blue Tit; Mute Swan; Muscovy Duck; Greylag Goose; Long Tailed Tit; Blackbird; Robin; Coot; Chaffinch; Nuthatch; Great Tit; Blackcap (M); Jay; Song Thrush; Wren; Wood Pigeon; Carrion Crow; Chiffchaff; Mandarin (M*5); Great Crested Grebe + Calling Buzzard; Curlew


29th April 2006 - Frodsham Marsh, Cheshire - A solid 55 birds seen:- Jackdaw; Swallow; Robin; House Sparrow; Starling; Magpie; Rook; Wood Pigeon; Stock Dove; Chaffinch; Cormorant; Gadwall; Moorhen; Oystercatcher; Black Headed Gull; Sedge Warbler; Reed Bunting; Shoveler; Redshank; Carrion Crow; Goldfinch; Dunnock; Greenfinch; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Shelduck; Common Sandpiper; Teal; Grey Heron; Dunlin; Black Tailed Godwit; Common Gull; Linnet; Yellow Wagtail (M/F); Blackbird; Common Whitethroat; Wren; Lapwing; Kestrel; Meadow Pipit; Wheatear; Greylag Goose; Ringed Plover; Ring Necked Pheasant; Blue Headed Wagtail; Mistle Thrush; Canada Goose; Skylark; Buzzard; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Reed Warbler; Coot; Great Crested Grebe; Mute Swan


28th April 2006 - Mere Sands Wood, Lancashire - 2 and a half hours and 9 moth species caught in clear and still conditions:- Lesser Swallow Prominent (*3); Small Quaker (*1); Hebrew Character (*1); Early Thorn (*1); Common Quaker (*1); Clouded Drab (*2); Early Tooth Striped (*2); Pine Beauty (*1); Twin Spotted Quaker (*1)


23rd April 2006 - Grizedale Forest, Cumbria - 15 birds only on an extensive walk:- Siskin; Jackdaw; Chaffinch; Coal Tit; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Nuthatch; Wren; Robin; Mallard; Long Tailed Tit; Goldcrest; Coot; Canada Goose; Willow Warbler


22nd April 2006 - Wastwater, Cumbria - 10 birds only but what a lovely scenic place:- Dunnock; Song Thrush; Goosander; Chaffinch; Blackbird; Black Headed Gull; Robin; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Nuthatch; Great Tit


22nd April 2006 - St Bees Head, Cumbria - 13 birds seemed scant reward for a good up and down walk:- Meadow Pipit; Rook; Jackdaw; Raven; Cormorant; Herring Gull; Oystercatcher; Fulmar; Gannet; Kittiwake; Guillemot; Swallow; Yellowhammer


17th April 2006 - Crosby Marina/Seaforth - 31 birds spotted:- House Martin; Coot; Herring Gull; House Sparrow; Mallard; Feral Pigeon; Starling; Ringed Plover; Goldeneye; Shelduck; Teal; Goldfinch; Canada Goose; Little Gull; Pied Wagtail; Tufted Duck; Mute Swan; Redshank; Grey Heron; Curlew; Oystercatcher; Cormorant; Skylark; Magpie; Lapwing; Great Black Backed Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Black Headed Gull; Long Tailed Tit; Blackbird; Song Thrush


17th April 2006 - Mere Sands Wood, Lancashire - 47 birds noted:- Reed Bunting; Coot; Bullfinch; Chaffinch; Blackbird; Greenfinch; Dunnock; Collared Dove; Tree Sparrow; Long Tailed Tit; Ring Necked Pheasant; Magpie; Sand Martin; Mallard; Moorhen; Sparrowhawk; Shelduck; Jackdaw; Shoveler; Teal; Pochard; Grey Heron; Grey Partridge; Wren; Canada Goose; Cormorant; Greylag Goose; Black Headed Gull; Swallow; Wigeon; Great Crested Grebe; Lapwing; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Corn Bunting; Goldcrest; Carrion Crow; Robin; Treecreeper; Blue Tit; Tufted Duck; Great Tit; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Little Grebe; Chiffchaff; Goldfinch; Brambling


16th April 2006 - Penrhros CP, Anglesey - I like this place a lot and 42 bird species wasn't a bad haul:- Carrion Crow; Black Headed Gull; Mistle Thrush; Mallard; Moorhen; Oystercatcher; Sandwich Tern; Razorbill; Greenfinch; Goldcrest; Great Tit; Willow Warbler; Red Breasted Merganser; Rook; Tufted Duck; Feral Pigeon; Herring Gull; Cormorant; Grey Heron; White Wagtail; Meadow Pipit; Goldfinch; Blackcap; Curlew; Wren; Blue Tit; Chaffinch; Sand Martin; Swallow; Shag; Robin; Coot; Dunnock; Buzzard; Shelduck; Pied Wagtail; Raven; Pale Bellied Brent Goose (*33); House Sparrow; Magpie; Stonechat; Blackbird


16th April 2006 - South Stack, Anglesey - 19 birds today:- Stonechat; Jackdaw; Peregrine Falcon; Skylark; Raven; Herring Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Meadow Pipit; Chough; Razorbill; Guillemot; Fulmar; Shag; Oystercatcher; Puffin; Wheatear; Greylag Goose; Linnet; Magpie


14th April 2006 - Worsborough CP, W. Yorkshire - 23 birds at our usual visit to this place after a trip to Old Moor:- Sparrowhawk; Wood Pigeon; Goldfinch; Great Tit; Coot; Mallard; Chaffinch; Willow Warbler; Blackbird; Canada Goose; Great Crested Grebe; Blue Tit; Greenfinch; Sand Martin; Dunnock; Grey Heron; Black Headed Gull; Long Tailed Tit; Magpie; Robin; Wren; Chiffchaff; Cormorant


14th April 2006 - Old Moor RSPB, W. Yorkshire - 41 birds noted today:- Magpie; Chaffinch; Tree Sparrow; Dunnock; Goldfinch; Blue Tit; Wren; Long Tailed Tit; Robin; Black Headed Gull; Coot; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Canada Goose; Ruddy Duck; Mute Swan; Gadwall; Shoveler; Redshank; Cormorant; Sand Martin; Starling; Moorhen; Lapwing; Wood Pigeon; Teal; Oystercatcher; Pied Wagtail; Mistle Thrush; Wigeon; Greylag Goose; Song Thrush; Little Grebe; Reed Bunting; Little Ringed Plover; Green Sandpiper; Carrion Crow; Great Crested Grebe; Ring Necked Pheasant; Blackbird; Collared Dove


8th April 2006 - Waterside, Burton Upon Trent, Staffordshire - 18 birds seen whilst the young un' took part in a gymnastics competition:- Greenfinch; Feral Pigeon; Wood Pigeon; Canada Goose; Mallard; Blackbird; Blue Tit; Magpie; Dunnock; Moorhen; Chaffinch; Starling; Wren; Grey Heron; Mute Swan; Robin; Carrion Crow; Pied Wagtail


12th March 2006 - Chorlton WP, G. Manchester - 27 birds clocked up:- Blue Tit; Great Tit; Magpie; Feral Pigeon; Starling; Jay; Cormorant; Coot; Moorhen; Common Gull; Black Headed Gull; Canada Goose; Barnacle * Canada Goose; Carrion Crow; Tufted Duck; Mallard; Robin; House Sparrow; Long Tailed Tit; Pochard; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Goldeneye; Great Crested Grebe; Wren; Wood Pigeon; Goldcrest; Goosander


 5th March 2006 - Abney Hall, Stockport, Cheshire - 21 species seen today:- Carrion Crow; Blue Tit; Blackbird; Magpie; Robin; Great Tit; Dunnock; Wood Pigeon; Cormorant; Goldcrest; Long Tailed Tit; Coot; Mallard; Jay; Sparrowhawk; Wren; Mistle Thrush; Siskin; Moorhen; Canada Goose; Goldfinch


25th February 2006 - Frodsham Marsh, Cheshire - 47 species noted today:- House Sparrow; Blackbird; Black Headed Gull; Bullfinch; Magpie; Mistle Thrush; Carrion Crow; Buzzard; Lapwing; Pheasant; Goldeneye; Mallard; Canada Goose; Cormorant; Tufted Duck; Pochard; Teal; Mute Swan; Coot; Pintail; Kestrel; Gadwall; Common Gull; Oystercatcher; Moorhen; Redshank; Ruddy Duck; Great Black Backed Gull; Sparrowhawk; Greylag Goose; Shelduck; Starling; Grey Heron; Black Tailed Godwit; Golden Plover; Dunlin; Wigeon; Linnet; Wren; Curlew; Goldfinch; Greenfinch; Wood Pigeon; Grey Wagtail; Robin; Great Tit


24th February 2006 - Pennington Flash, Lancashire - 32 species of bird seen:- Collared Dove; Blackbird; Magpie; Mallard; Canada Goose; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Black Headed Gull; Mute Swan; Coot; Moorhen; Pied Wagtail; Greenfinch; Goldeneye; Tufted Duck; Oystercatcher; Lapwing; Cormorant; Goosander; Wood Pigeon; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Shoveler; Robin; Wren; Bullfinch; Dunnock; Carrion Crow; Chaffinch; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Reed Bunting; Shelduck; Teal


22nd February 2006 - Morecambe Bay, Cumbria - 15 birds on an easy as you go birding jaunt:- Oystercatcher; Feral Pigeon; Herring Gull; Curlew; Redshank; Greenfinch; Carrion Crow; Knot; Shelduck; Black Headed Gull; Cormorant; Goldeneye; Turnstone; Bar Tailed Godwit; Starling


22nd February 2006 - Heysham, Cumbria - Only 9 birds today:- Carrion Crow; Curlew; Oystercatcher; Turnstone; Black Headed Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Herring Gull; Redshank; Starling


22nd February 2006 - Leighton Moss, Cumbria - 44 birds noted whilst pottering along:- Coot; Shoveler; Blue Tit; Chaffinch; Robin; Dunnock; Blackbird; Wren; Starling; Wigeon; Oystercatcher; Shelduck; Gadwall; Teal; Black Headed Gull; Black Tailed Godwit; Lapwing; Carrion Crow; Canada Goose; Curlew; Greylag Goose; Pintail; Redshank; Mute Swan; Mallard; Rook; Pheasant; Greenfinch; Coal Tit; Great Tit; Moorhen; Mistle Thrush; Collared Dove; Pochard; Tufted Duck; Goldeneye; Grey Heron; Wood Pigeon; Common Gull; Jackdaw; Goosander; Cormorant; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Magpie


22nd February 2006 - Pine Lakes, Cumbria - The first of 4 locations today and 14 birds seen with a couple of gems thrown in:- Black Headed Gull; Coot; Cormorant; Red Crested Pochard; Tufted Duck; Pochard; Mallard; Jackdaw; Long Tailed Duck; Mute Swan; Goosander; Common Gull; Goldeneye; Canada Goose


20th February 2006 - Marbury CP, Cheshire - A good haul of 52 birds today at one of our favourite places:- Carrion Crow; Blackbird; Chaffinch; Treecreeper; Great Tit; Tufted Duck; Grey Heron; Lapwing; Cormorant; Shelduck; Greenfinch; Teal; Shoveler; Little Grebe; Pintail; Kestrel; Goldeneye; Mistle Thrush; Wood Pigeon; Blue Tit; Robin; Dunnock; Great Crested Grebe; Sparrowhawk; Curlew; Oystercatcher; Common Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Coal Tit; Wren; Reed Bunting; Starling; Goldfinch; Golden Plover; Stock Dove; Goldcrest; Coot; Canada Goose; Mallard; Black Headed Gull; Mute Swan; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Nuthatch; Magpie; Long Tailed Tit; Gadwall; Moorhen; Jackdaw; Bullfinch; Redpoll; Fieldfare; Jay


19th February 2006 - Etherow CP, Cheshire - 39 birds with the usual oddities:- Black Headed Gull; Mute Swan; Canada Goose; Feral Pigeon; Mallard; Chinese Domestic Goose; Jackdaw; Coot; Domestic Muscovy Duck; Chaffinch; Long Tailed Tit; Blackbird; Great Tit; Robin; Blue Tit; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Mistle Thrush; Goldcrest; Bullfinch; Greenfinch;  Brambling (F);  Dunnock;  Tufted Duck;  Cormorant;  Wren;  Goosander  (2*M);  Treecreeper;  Jay; Nuthatch; Mandarin (M/F); Grey Wagtail; Stock Dove; House Sparrow; Starling; Great Crested Grebe; Moorhen; Greylag Goose; Egyptian Goose


5th February 2006 - Chorlton WP, G. Manchester - 33 birds seen:- Pied Wagtail; Canada Goose; Tufted Duck; Mallard; Coot; Black Headed Gull; Barnacle * Canada Goose; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Blue Tit; Great Tit;  Lesser Black Backed Gull; Common Gull; Goldeneye; Chaffinch; Great Crested Grebe; Moorhen; Dunnock; Scaup (F); Pochard; Goosander (M/F); Blackbird; Greenfinch; Robin; Wood Pigeon; Teal; Long Tailed Tit; Grey Heron; Goldcrest; Feral Pigeon; House Sparrow; Starling; Bullfinch


4th February 2006 - Chorlton WP, G. Manchester - 38 Birds noted today:- Coal Tit; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Magpie; Collared Dove; House Sparrow; Blackbird; Feral Pigeon; Goldfinch; Jay; Nuthatch; Tufted Duck; Canada Goose; Barnacle * Canada Goose; Common Gull; Coot; Black Headed Gull; Robin; Moorhen; Mallard; Goldcrest; Mute Swan; Great Crested Grebe; Goldeneye; Pochard; Smew (Redhead); Long Tailed Tit; Kingfisher; Carrion Crow; Scaup (F); Greenfinch; Wren; Goosander (F); Grey Wagtail; Teal; Wood Pigeon; Siskin; Starling