(Member of the Fungus Conservation Trust - Registered Charity No. 1118651) |
Current news of interest to Fungal Friends. |
31st October 2012 - The Tatton Beech Another species in residence - Phlebia radiata. 6 species to date! |
31st October 2012 - 2 keen, enthusiastic and valuable members of the group (Charlotte and Clive I thank ye) have been out and about and been clocking up a few things here and there. Charlotte reports:- 'Firstly at Clocaenog forest Nr Ruthin, North Wales. On October 20th we revisited a favourite haunt in Clocaenog Forest called Bod Petryal. It is predominantly beech, birch and pine with a small stream running through it. Here is the list of species we can identify, there were many others we couldn't, mainly Mycenas and Cortinarius. A small group of Chlorophyllum Rhacodes at the base of pine plus the usual suspects of Yellow Brittlegill, Buttercaps and Sulphur Tuft, Marasmius androsaceus, Laccaria laccata, Leotia lubrica and Amanita vaginata (poss fulva what do you think?). Around the beech trees were Cortinarius bolaris (Dappled Webcap), Lactarius blennius and Russula nigrescens. Tricholoma ustale and Geoglossum viride in their usual spots and also plenty of Hydnum repandum of which we harvested a little for breakfast. Ramaria flaccida, Russula mairei, Trichaptum abietinum, Piptoporus betulinus, Trochila ilicina, Laccaria amethystina, Xylaria hypoxylon, Calocera viscosa and a wonderful array of Oudemansiella mucida. One man in his element Last weekend on a foray around Marford Quarry, a sand and gravel pit near Wrexham we found hundreds of Tricholoma terreum, a huge patch of Geoglossum cookieanum, the earth fan Thelephora penicillata (we think) and around seven Pipe clubs (Macrotyphula fistulosa). The Grey Knight no less In a pine plantation area we found Scutellinia scutellata, Helvella lacunosa, Lactarius deliciosus, Geastrum fimbriatum under pine (sessile) and an early group of Flammulina velutipes. This is the kind of stuff we need for the ABFG group to grow - brilliant indeed and most appreciated. Pictures to follow. |
30th October 2012 - The Tatton Beech (Update) - Nectria cinnabarina and Stereum hirsutum have now taken up residence on the bark of this observed tree. Total to date 5 species. |
9th October 2012 - The Tatton Beech A large Beech tree was felled by the autumnal winds last year and it seemed a good idea to see what fungi would grow upon this impressive giant over the forthcoming years. The tree was victim to the root attacking species Meripilus giganteus and having checked the trunk and branches on the 7th October 2012 two species were added to the fledgling list, these being Hypoxylon fragiforme and Schizophyllum commune. Watch this space. |
17th September 2012 - Overdue catch-up By heck it has been a while since I have updated this section - looks like I have been a right slack bugger (which I ain't tha' knows). So what's happening? Well, the group is plodding on with new members difficult to find and many original members disappearing into the distance. We have a steady few now who attend frequent forays and hopefully a few who are going to start digging in and offering their own findings for recording purposes (it all helps). Due to dodgy health I haven't been pushing things as hard as I could but things are still rolling so shouldn’t grumble – bah!. The first few walks have been done and it looks as though the season is on temporary pause at the moment with really not that much about as in the way of cap and stem mushrooms. The wet summer and now fairly dryish autumn have combined to make this a tough season with many fungal specimens just barely showing any activity. One species though that seems to have taken a real shine to wet summer months is the deadly Ergot (Claviceps purpurea), a growth found on the inflorescences of numerous grasses including Oats and Barley. I have recently added a photo and information to the site (Here) so I suggest you check this and keep an eye out for this sinister growth and let me know how often you are coming up with this thriving species. Be interesting to see what happens when we get a dry summer. The 3rd walk of the year was at Delamere Forest where once again a struggle was had with only 53 species on the list to date. The people who attended though were very patient and seemed to enjoy the wander which was taken in really beautiful conditions. One young chap in particular stuck at the 6 hour stroll with enthusiastic ardour and was heard to pose the question:- 'Aren't fungi fascinating'. Good man! We need new, young Fungalleers to join in the quest to help others enjoy and respect these magnificent growths and if one day this young chap does his bit and encourages a few others to appreciate the fungi then the job is a darn good un'. His parents were encouraging and his keen eye and attention to detail noted and I can't see why this dude can't go forward and become a future leading light in the mycological world. One thing is for sure, he has opened up a new world that will forever entertain him and no matter what age or wherever he his he can always chill out with a bit of 'shroom ID whilst walking in the woods. Good one and see you again soon mate.
Mushroom Man Morgan and me - a double act to tackle the most difficult ID |