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ADULT: Wingspan - 53 - 58mm. The sulphur yellow males are easily identified and are indeed a glorious sight. The leaf-like wings have central spots which are orange in both sexes. All underwings are greenish veined. Females are generally a whitish - pale yellow throughout. CHRYSALIS: 24mm. Greenish-yellow and leaf-like in appearance. LARVA: 33mm. Bluish green with a pale line low down on each flank. EGG: Lozenge-shaped and pale yellow in colour. Located beneath the leaves of Buckthorn or Alder Buckthorn. BEHAVIOUR: A busy creature that is usually the first butterfly to emerge on warm spring days. Adults hibernate over winter as their life cycle is approximately from July one year until July the next so they are constantly feeding to build up energy for the winter months. HABITAT: Can be located almost anywhere within its flight range. Coastland, scrubby areas, open woodland, hedgerows and numerous other places where the foodplant (Buckthorn) occurs. FLIGHT PERIOD: March - late October. |